
Transform each element into zero or more elements that are individually passed downstream.

Simple operators




Transform each element into zero or more elements that are individually passed downstream. The difference to mapConcat is that the transformation function is created from a factory for every materialization of the flow. This makes it possible to create and use mutable state for the operation, each new materialization of the stream will have its own state.

For cases where no state is needed but only a way to emit zero or more elements for every incoming element you can use mapConcat


In this first sample we keep a counter, and combine each element with an id that is unique for the stream materialization (replicating the zipWithIndex operator):

sourceval letterAndIndex = Source("a" :: "b" :: "c" :: "d" :: Nil).statefulMapConcat { () =>
  var index = 0L

  // we return the function that will be invoked for each element
  { element =>
    val zipped = (element, index)
    index += 1
    // we return an iterable with the single element
    zipped :: Nil

// prints
// (a,0)
// (b,1)
// (c,2)
// (d,3)
sourceSource<Pair<String, Long>, NotUsed> letterAndIndex =
    Source.from(Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d"))
            () -> {
              // variables we close over with lambdas must be final, so we use a container,
              // a 1 element array, for the actual value.
              final long[] index = {0L};

              // we return the function that will be invoked for each element
              return (element) -> {
                final Pair<String, Long> zipped = new Pair<>(element, index[0]);
                index[0] += 1;
                // we return an iterable with the single element
                return Collections.singletonList(zipped);

letterAndIndex.runForeach(System.out::println, system);
// prints
// Pair(a,0)
// Pair(b,1)
// Pair(c,2)
// Pair(d,3)

In this sample we let the value of the elements have an effect on the following elements, if an element starts with deny:word we add it to a deny list and filter out any subsequent entries of word:

sourceval fruitsAndDeniedCommands = Source(
  "banana" :: "pear" :: "orange" :: "deny:banana" :: "banana" :: "pear" :: "banana" :: Nil)

val denyFilterFlow = Flow[String].statefulMapConcat { () =>
  var denyList = Set.empty[String]

  { element =>
    if (element.startsWith("deny:")) {
      denyList += element.drop("deny:".size)
      Nil // no element downstream when adding a deny listed keyword
    } else if (denyList(element)) {
      Nil // no element downstream if element is deny listed
    } else {
      element :: Nil

// prints
// banana
// pear
// orange
// pear
sourceSource<String, NotUsed> fruitsAndDenyCommands =
        Arrays.asList("banana", "pear", "orange", "deny:banana", "banana", "pear", "banana"));

Flow<String, String, NotUsed> denyFilterFlow =
            () -> {
              Set<String> denyList = new HashSet<>();

              return (element) -> {
                if (element.startsWith("deny:")) {
                  return Collections
                      .emptyList(); // no element downstream when adding a deny listed keyword
                } else if (denyList.contains(element)) {
                  return Collections
                      .emptyList(); // no element downstream if element is deny listed
                } else {
                  return Collections.singletonList(element);

fruitsAndDenyCommands.via(denyFilterFlow).runForeach(System.out::println, system);
// prints
// banana
// pear
// orange
// pear

For cases where there is a need to emit elements based on the state when the stream ends, it is possible to add an extra element signalling the end of the stream before the statefulMapConcat operator.

In this sample we collect all elements starting with the letter b and emit those once we have reached the end of the stream using a special end element. The end element is a special string to keep the sample concise, in a real application it may make sense to use types instead.

sourceval words = Source("baboon" :: "crocodile" :: "bat" :: "flamingo" :: "hedgehog" :: "beaver" :: Nil)

val bWordsLast = Flow[String].concat(Source.single("-end-")).statefulMapConcat { () =>
  var stashedBWords: List[String] = Nil

  { element =>
    if (element.startsWith("b")) {
      // prepend to stash and emit no element
      stashedBWords = element :: stashedBWords
    } else if (element.equals("-end-")) {
      // return in the stashed words in the order they got stashed
    } else {
      // emit the element as is
      element :: Nil

// prints
// crocodile
// flamingo
// hedgehog
// baboon
// bat
// beaver
sourceSource<String, NotUsed> words =
    Source.from(Arrays.asList("baboon", "crocodile", "bat", "flamingo", "hedgehog", "beaver"));

Flow<String, String, NotUsed> bWordsLast =
            () -> {
              List<String> stashedBWords = new ArrayList<>();

              return (element) -> {
                if (element.startsWith("b")) {
                  // add to stash and emit no element
                  return Collections.emptyList();
                } else if (element.equals("-end-")) {
                  // return in the stashed words in the order they got stashed
                  return stashedBWords;
                } else {
                  // emit the element as is
                  return Collections.singletonList(element);

words.via(bWordsLast).runForeach(System.out::println, system);
// prints
// crocodile
// flamingo
// hedgehog
// baboon
// bat
// beaver

When defining aggregates like this you should consider if it is safe to let the state grow without bounds or if you should rather drop elements or throw an exception if the collected set of elements grows too big.

For even more fine grained capabilities than can be achieved with statefulMapConcat take a look at stream customization.

Reactive Streams semantics

emits when the mapping function returns an element or there are still remaining elements from the previously calculated collection

backpressures when downstream backpressures or there are still available elements from the previously calculated collection

completes when upstream completes and all remaining elements has been emitted

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