RecoverWithRetries allows to switch to alternative Source on flow failure.
RecoverWithRetries allows to switch to alternative Source on flow failure. It will stay in effect after a failure has been recovered up to attempts number of times so that each time there is a failure it is fed into the pf and a new Source may be materialized. Note that if you pass in 0, this won’t attempt to recover at all. A negative attempts
number is interpreted as “infinite”, which results in the exact same behavior as recoverWith
Since the underlying failure signal onError arrives out-of-band, it might jump over existing elements. This operators can recover the failure signal, but not the skipped elements, which will be dropped.
Reactive Streams semantics
emits when element is available from the upstream or upstream is failed and element is available from alternative Source
backpressures when downstream backpressures
completes when upstream completes or upstream failed with exception pf can handle