
Stream the result of a function as long as it returns a Some .

Source operators




Stream the result of a function as long as it returns a Some . The value inside the option consists of a tuple where the first value is a state passed back into the next call to the function allowing to pass a state. The first invocation of the provided fold function will receive the zero state.


The same zero state object will be used for every materialization of the Source so it is mandatory that the state is immutable. For example a java.util.Iterator, Array or Java standard library collection would not be safe as the fold operation could mutate the value. If you must use a mutable value, combining with Source.lazySource to make sure a new mutable zero value is created for each materialization is one solution.

Note that for unfolding a source of elements through a blocking API, such as a network or filesystem resource you should prefer using unfoldResource.


This first sample starts at a user provided integer and counts down to zero using unfold :

sourcedef countDown(from: Int): Source[Int, NotUsed] =
  Source.unfold(from) { current =>
    if (current == 0) None
    else Some((current - 1, current))
sourcepublic static Source<Integer, NotUsed> countDown(Integer from) {
  return Source.unfold(
      current -> {
        if (current == 0) return Optional.empty();
        else return Optional.of(Pair.create(current - 1, current));

It is also possible to express unfolds that don’t have an end, which will never return None and must be combined with for example .take(n) to not produce infinite streams. Here we have implemented the Fibonacci numbers (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc.) with unfold:

sourcedef fibonacci: Source[BigInt, NotUsed] =
  Source.unfold((BigInt(0), BigInt(1))) {
    case (a, b) =>
      Some(((b, a + b), a))
sourcepublic static Source<BigInteger, NotUsed> fibonacci() {
  return Source.unfold(
      Pair.create(BigInteger.ZERO, BigInteger.ONE),
      current -> {
        BigInteger a = current.first();
        BigInteger b = current.second();
        Pair<BigInteger, BigInteger> next = Pair.create(b, a.add(b));
        return Optional.of(Pair.create(next, a));

Reactive Streams semantics

emits when there is demand and the unfold function over the previous state returns non empty value

completes when the unfold function returns an empty value

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