Invoke a given procedure for each element received.
Invoke a given procedure for each element received. Note that it is not safe to mutate shared state from the procedure.
The sink materializes into a Future[Done]
which completes when the stream completes, or fails if the stream fails.
Note that it is not safe to mutate state from the procedure.
See also:
Invoke a given procedure asynchronously for each element received.actorRef
Send the elements from the stream to anActorRef
This prints out every element to standard out.
- Scala
val printlnSink: Sink[Any, Future[Done]] = Sink.foreach(println) val f = Source(1 to 4).runWith(printlnSink) val done = Await.result(f, 100.millis) // will print // 1 // 2 // 3 // 4
- Java
Reactive Streams semantics
cancels never
backpressures when the previous procedure invocation has not yet completed