Pass incoming elements to a function that extracts a partitioning key from the element, then to a function that returns a Future
result, bounding the number of incomplete Futures per partitioning key.
Pass incoming elements to a function that assigns a partitioning key, then to function that returns a Future
result. When the Future completes successfully, the result is passed downstream.
Up to parallelism
futures can be processed concurrently; additionally no more than perPartition
Futures with the same partitioning key will be incomplete at any time. When perPartition
is limiting elements, the operator will still pull in and buffer up to a total parallelism
of elements before it applies backpressure upstream.
Regardless of completion order, results will be emitted in order of the incoming elements which gave rise to the future .
If a Future
completes with null
, that result is dropped and not emitted. If a Future
completes with failure, the stream’s is failed.
If parallelism
is 1 this stage is equivalent to mapAsyncUnordered
which should be preferred for such uses. It is not possible to specify a perPartition
greater or equal to parallelism
, for such scenarios with no limit per partition, instead use mapAsync
Imagine you are consuming messages from a broker (for instance, Apache Kafka via Alpakka Kafka). This broker’s semantics are such that acknowledging one message implies an acknowledgement of all messages delivered before that message; this in turn means that in order to ensure at-least-once processing of messages from the broker, they must be acknowledged in the order they were received. These messages represent business events produced by some other service(s) and each concerns a particular entity. You may process messages for different entities simultaneously, but can only process one message for a given entity at a time:
- Scala
val eventsForEntities: Source[EntityEvent, NotUsed] = Consumer.committableSource(settings, subscription).take(1000) val partitioner: EntityEvent => Int = { event => val partition = event.entityId println(s"Assigned event $event to partition $partition") partition } eventsForEntities.zipWithIndex .map { case (event, count) => println(s"Received event $event at offset $count from message broker") event } .mapAsyncPartitioned(parallelism = 10, perPartition = 1)(partitioner) { (event, partition) => println(s"Processing event $event from partition $partition") // processing result is "partition-sequenceNr" // val processEvent: (EntityEvent, Int) => Future[String] processEvent(event, partition).map { x => println(s"Completed processing $x") x } } // for the purpose of this example, will print every element, prepended with "`mapAsyncPartitioned` emitted " .runWith(Committer.sink(commitSettings))
- Java
We can see from the (annotated) logs the order of consumption, processing, and emission:
Received event EntityEvent(0,1) at offset 0 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(0,1) to partition 0
Processing event EntityEvent(0,1) from partition 0
Received event EntityEvent(0,2) at offset 1 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(0,2) to partition 0 # see note 1
Received event EntityEvent(0,3) at offset 2 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(0,3) to partition 0
Received event EntityEvent(3,1) at offset 3 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(3,1) to partition 3
Processing event EntityEvent(3,1) from partition 3 # see note 2
Received event EntityEvent(3,2) at offset 4 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(3,2) to partition 3
Received event EntityEvent(2,1) at offset 5 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(2,1) to partition 2
Processing event EntityEvent(2,1) from partition 2
Received event EntityEvent(6,1) at offset 6 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(6,1) to partition 6
Completed processing 3-1 # see note 3
Processing event EntityEvent(6,1) from partition 6
Received event EntityEvent(1,1) at offset 7 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(1,1) to partition 1
Processing event EntityEvent(1,1) from partition 1
Received event EntityEvent(1,2) at offset 8 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(1,2) to partition 1
Received event EntityEvent(5,1) at offset 9 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(5,1) to partition 5
Processing event EntityEvent(5,1) from partition 5
Completed processing 5-1
Processing event EntityEvent(3,2) from partition 3
Completed processing 2-1
Completed processing 0-1
Processing event EntityEvent(0,2) from partition 0 # see note 4
`mapAsyncPartitioned` emitted 0-1 # see note 5
Received event EntityEvent(3,3) at offset 10 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(3,3) to partition 3
Completed processing 0-2
Processing event EntityEvent(0,3) from partition 0
`mapAsyncPartitioned` emitted 0-2 # see note 6
Received event EntityEvent(0,4) at offset 11 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(0,4) to partition 0
Completed processing 3-2
Processing event EntityEvent(3,3) from partition 3
Completed processing 3-3
Completed processing 1-1
Processing event EntityEvent(1,2) from partition 1
Completed processing 1-2
Completed processing 6-1
Completed processing 0-3
Processing event EntityEvent(0,4) from partition 0
Completed processing 0-4
`mapAsyncPartitioned` emitted 0-3
`mapAsyncPartitioned` emitted 3-1 # see note 7
Received event EntityEvent(4,1) at offset 12 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(4,1) to partition 4
Processing event EntityEvent(4,1) from partition 4
`mapAsyncPartitioned` emitted 3-2
Received event EntityEvent(8,1) at offset 13 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(8,1) to partition 8
Processing event EntityEvent(8,1) from partition 8
`mapAsyncPartitioned` emitted 2-1
Completed processing 8-1
Received event EntityEvent(9,1) at offset 14 from message broker
Assigned event EntityEvent(9,1) to partition 9
Processing event EntityEvent(9,1) from partition 9
`mapAsyncPartitioned` emitted 6-1
Received event EntityEvent(1,3) at offset 15 from message broker
- The second (offset 1) message received is for the same entity as the earlier (offset 0) message. Because that earlier message’s processing has not yet completed, processing of this message (beyond assigning it to a partition corresponding to the entity, which always happens immediately in
) has not started. - The fourth (offset 3) message received is for a different entity from the previous messages. It therefore starts processing immediately, even though the messages at offsets 1 and 2 are waiting to start processing.
- That fourth message completes processing before any other message, but its result will not be emitted until all earlier results are emitted.
- Once the first message is completed, processing of the next message in its partition (in this case, from offset 1) can begin.
- The first result emitted arose from the first message received, which allows the 11th message (offset 10) to be consumed from the message broker, ensuring that no more than 10 messages are being processed asynchronously at any given time.
- The second result emitted arose from the second message received.
- Immediately after the result of processing the third message received is emitted, the result of processing the fourth message is emitted.
Reactive Streams semantics
emits when the next in order Future
returned by the provided function completes successfully
backpressures when downstream backgpressures and completed and incomplete Future
has reached the configured parallelism
completes when upstream completes and all Futures have completed and all results have been emitted