
Allow for a temporarily faster upstream events by buffering size elements.

Backpressure aware operators


Source.buffer Flow.buffer


Allow for a temporarily faster upstream events by buffering size elements. When the buffer is full, a new element is handled according to the specified OverflowStrategy:

  • backpressure backpressure is applied upstream
  • dropHead drops the oldest element in the buffer to make space for the new element
  • dropTail drops the youngest element in the buffer to make space for the new element
  • dropBuffer drops the entire buffer and buffers the new element
  • dropNew drops the new element
  • fail fails the flow with a BufferOverflowException

Reactive Streams semantics

emits when downstream stops backpressuring and there is a pending element in the buffer

backpressures when OverflowStrategy is backpressure and buffer is full

completes when upstream completes and buffered elements has been drained, or when OverflowStrategy is fail, the buffer is full and a new element arrives

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