FileIO.fromPath Emits the contents of a file from the given path. File IO Sinks and Sources Signature FileIO.fromPathFileIO.fromPath Description Emits the contents of a file from the given path, as ByteStrings, materializes into a Future CompletionStage which will be completed with a IOResult upon reaching the end of the file or if there is a failure. Example Scala copysourceimport val file = Paths.get("example.csv") val foreach: Future[IOResult] = FileIO.fromPath(file).to(Sink.ignore).run() Java copysourcefinal Path file = Paths.get("example.csv"); Sink<ByteString, CompletionStage<Done>> printlnSink = Sink.<ByteString>foreach(chunk -> System.out.println(chunk.utf8String())); CompletionStage<IOResult> ioResult = FileIO.fromPath(file).to(printlnSink).run(system);