
Apply a partial function to each incoming element, if the partial function is defined for a value the returned value is passed downstream.

Simple operators


Source.collect Flow.collect


Apply a partial function to each incoming element, if the partial function is defined for a value the returned value is passed downstream. This can often replace filter followed by map to achieve the same in one single operator.


Given stream element classes Message, Ping, and Pong, where Ping extends Message and Pong is an unrelated class.

sourcetrait Message
final case class Ping(id: Int) extends Message
final case class Pong(id: Int)
sourcestatic interface Message {}

static class Ping implements Message {
  final int id;

  Ping(int id) { = id;

static class Pong {
  final int id;

  Pong(int id) { = id;

From a stream of Message elements we would like to collect all elements of type Ping that have an id != 0, and then covert to Pong with same id.

sourceval flow: Flow[Message, Pong, NotUsed] =
  Flow[Message].collect {
    case Ping(id) if id != 0 => Pong(id)
sourceFlow<Message, Pong, NotUsed> flow =
            new PFBuilder<Message, Pong>()
                .match(Ping.class, p -> != 0, p -> new Pong(

Reactive Streams semantics

emits when the provided partial function is defined for the element

backpressures the partial function is defined for the element and downstream backpressures

completes when upstream completes

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