object KillSwitches
Creates shared or single kill switches which can be used to control completion of graphs from the outside.
- The factory
returns a SharedKillSwitch which provides a Graph of FlowShape that can be used in arbitrary number of graphs and materializations. The switch simultaneously controls completion in all of those graphs.shared()
- The factory
returns a Graph of FlowShape that materializes to a UniqueKillSwitch which is always unique to that materialized Flow itself.single()
Creates a SharedKillSwitch that can be used to externally control the completion of various streams.
- Source
- KillSwitch.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- KillSwitches
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- abstract class KillableGraphStageLogic extends GraphStageLogic
Value Members
- def shared(name: String): SharedKillSwitch
Creates a new SharedKillSwitch with the given name that can be used to control the completion of multiple streams from the outside simultaneously.
Creates a new SharedKillSwitch with the given name that can be used to control the completion of multiple streams from the outside simultaneously.
- See also
- def single[T]: Graph[FlowShape[T, T], UniqueKillSwitch]
Creates a new Graph of FlowShape that materializes to an external switch that allows external completion of that unique materialization.
- def singleBidi[T1, T2]: Graph[BidiShape[T1, T1, T2, T2], UniqueKillSwitch]
Creates a new Graph of FlowShape that materializes to an external switch that allows external completion of that unique materialization.