object Attributes extends Serializable
Note that more attributes for the Materializer are defined in ActorAttributes.
- Source
- Attributes.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- Attributes
- Serializable
- AnyRef
- Any
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- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- trait Attribute extends AnyRef
- final case class CancellationStrategy(strategy: Strategy) extends MandatoryAttribute with Product with Serializable
Cancellation strategies provide a way to configure the behavior of a stage when
is called.Cancellation strategies provide a way to configure the behavior of a stage when
is called.It is only relevant for stream components that have more than one output and do not define a custom cancellation behavior by overriding
. In those cases, if the first output is cancelled, the default behavior is to callcancelStage
which shuts down the stage completely. The given strategy will allow customization of how the shutdown procedure should be done precisely. - final case class InputBuffer(initial: Int, max: Int) extends MandatoryAttribute with Product with Serializable
Each asynchronous piece of a materialized stream topology is executed by one Actor that manages an input buffer for all inlets of its shape.
Each asynchronous piece of a materialized stream topology is executed by one Actor that manages an input buffer for all inlets of its shape. This attribute configures the initial and maximal input buffer in number of elements for each inlet.
Use factory method Attributes#inputBuffer to create instances.
- final case class LogLevels(onElement: LogLevel, onFinish: LogLevel, onFailure: LogLevel) extends Attribute with Product with Serializable
- sealed trait MandatoryAttribute extends Attribute
Attributes that are always present (is defined with default values by the materializer)
Attributes that are always present (is defined with default values by the materializer)
Not for user extension
- Annotations
- @DoNotInherit()
- final case class Name(n: String) extends Attribute with Product with Serializable
- final class NestedMaterializationCancellationPolicy extends MandatoryAttribute
Nested materialization cancellation strategy provides a way to configure the cancellation behavior of stages that materialize a nested flow.
Nested materialization cancellation strategy provides a way to configure the cancellation behavior of stages that materialize a nested flow.
When cancelled before materializing their nested flows, these stages can either immediately cancel (default behaviour) without materializing the nested flow or wait for the nested flow to materialize and then propagate the cancellation signal through it.
This applies to akka.stream.scaladsl.FlowOps.flatMapPrefix, akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow.futureFlow (and derivations such as akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow.lazyFutureFlow). These operators either delay the nested flow's materialization or wait for a future to complete before doing so, in this period of time they may receive a downstream cancellation signal. When this happens these operators will behave according to this Attribute: when set to true they will 'stash' the signal and later deliver it to the materialized nested flow , otherwise these stages will immediately cancel without materializing the nested flow.
- final class SourceLocation extends Attribute
Attribute that contains the source location of for example a lambda passed to an operator, useful for example for debugging.
Attribute that contains the source location of for example a lambda passed to an operator, useful for example for debugging. Included in the default toString of GraphStageLogic if present
Value Members
- def apply(attribute: Attribute): Attributes
- def apply(attributeList: List[Attribute] = Nil): Attributes
- Annotations
- @nowarn()
- def apply(): Attributes
- val asyncBoundary: Attributes
- def cancellationStrategyAfterDelay(delay: FiniteDuration, strategy: Strategy): Strategy
Java API
Java API
Strategy that allows to delay any action when
is invoked.The idea of this strategy is to delay any action on cancellation because it is expected that the stage is completed through another path in the meantime. The downside is that a stage and a stream may live longer than expected if no such signal is received and cancellation is invoked later on. In streams with many stages that all apply this strategy, this strategy might significantly delay the propagation of a cancellation signal because each upstream stage might impose such a delay. During this time, the stream will be mostly "silent", i.e. it cannot make progress because of backpressure, but you might still be able observe a long delay at the ultimate source.
- def cancellationStrategyCompleteState: Strategy
Java API
Java API
Strategy that treats
the same ascompleteStage
, i.e. all inlets are cancelled (propagating the cancellation cause) and all outlets are regularly completed.This used to be the default behavior before Akka 2.6.
This behavior can be problematic in stacks of BidiFlows where different layers of the stack are both connected through inputs and outputs. In this case, an error in a doubly connected component triggers both a cancellation going upstream and an error going downstream. Since the stack might be connected to those components with inlets and outlets, a race starts whether the cancellation or the error arrives first. If the error arrives first, that's usually good because then the error can be propagated both on inlets and outlets. However, if the cancellation arrives first, the previous default behavior to complete the stage will lead other outputs to be completed regularly. The error which arrive late at the other hand will just be ignored (that connection will have been cancelled already and also the paths through which the error could propagates are already shut down).
- def cancellationStrategyFailStage: Strategy
Java API
Java API
Strategy that treats
the same asfailStage
, i.e. all inlets are cancelled (propagating the cancellation cause) and all outlets are failed propagating the cause from cancellation. - def cancellationStrategyPropagateFailure: Strategy
Java API
Java API
Strategy that treats
in different ways depending on the cause that was given to the cancellation.If the cause was a regular, active cancellation (
), the stage receiving this cancellation is completed regularly.If another cause was given, this is treated as an error and the behavior is the same as with
.This is a good default strategy.
- def createLogLevels(onElement: LogLevel): Attributes
Java API
Java API
operator log-levels to be used when logging onElement. Logging a certain operation can be completely disabled by using Attributes#logLevelOff. - def createLogLevels(onElement: LogLevel, onFinish: LogLevel, onFailure: LogLevel): Attributes
Java API
Java API
operator log-levels to be used when logging. Logging a certain operation can be completely disabled by using Attributes#logLevelOff. - def extractName(builder: TraversalBuilder, default: String): String
Compute a name by concatenating all Name attributes that the given module has, returning the given default value if none are found.
- def inputBuffer(initial: Int, max: Int): Attributes
Each asynchronous piece of a materialized stream topology is executed by one Actor that manages an input buffer for all inlets of its shape.
Each asynchronous piece of a materialized stream topology is executed by one Actor that manages an input buffer for all inlets of its shape. This attribute configures the initial and maximal input buffer in number of elements for each inlet.
- def logLevelDebug: LogLevel
Java API: Use to enable logging at DEBUG level for certain operations when configuring Attributes#createLogLevels
- def logLevelError: LogLevel
Java API: Use to enable logging at ERROR level for certain operations when configuring Attributes#createLogLevels
- def logLevelInfo: LogLevel
Java API: Use to enable logging at INFO level for certain operations when configuring Attributes#createLogLevels
- def logLevelOff: LogLevel
Java API: Use to disable logging on certain operations when configuring Attributes#createLogLevels
- def logLevelWarning: LogLevel
Java API: Use to enable logging at WARNING level for certain operations when configuring Attributes#createLogLevels
- def logLevels(onElement: LogLevel = Logging.DebugLevel, onFinish: LogLevel = Logging.DebugLevel, onFailure: LogLevel = Logging.ErrorLevel): Attributes
operator log-levels to be used when logging.Configures
operator log-levels to be used when logging. Logging a certain operation can be completely disabled by using LogLevels.Off.See Attributes.createLogLevels for Java API
- def name(name: String): Attributes
Specifies the name of the operation.
Specifies the name of the operation. If the name is null or empty the name is ignored, i.e. #none is returned.
- def nestedMaterializationCancellationPolicyDefault(): NestedMaterializationCancellationPolicy
Default NestedMaterializationCancellationPolicy, please see akka.stream.Attributes#nestedMaterializationCancellationPolicyEagerCancellation() for details.
- def nestedMaterializationCancellationPolicyEagerCancellation(): NestedMaterializationCancellationPolicy
Java API A NestedMaterializationCancellationPolicy that configures graph stages delaying nested flow materialization to cancel immediately when downstream cancels before nested flow materialization.
Java API A NestedMaterializationCancellationPolicy that configures graph stages delaying nested flow materialization to cancel immediately when downstream cancels before nested flow materialization. This applies to akka.stream.scaladsl.FlowOps.flatMapPrefix, akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow.futureFlow and derived operators.
- def nestedMaterializationCancellationPolicyPropagateToNested(): NestedMaterializationCancellationPolicy
Java API A NestedMaterializationCancellationPolicy that configures graph stages delaying nested flow materialization to delay cancellation when downstream cancels before nested flow materialization.
Java API A NestedMaterializationCancellationPolicy that configures graph stages delaying nested flow materialization to delay cancellation when downstream cancels before nested flow materialization. Once the nested flow is materialized it will be cancelled immediately. This applies to akka.stream.scaladsl.FlowOps.flatMapPrefix, akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow.futureFlow and derived operators.
- val none: Attributes
- case object AsyncBoundary extends Attribute with Product with Serializable
- object CancellationStrategy extends Serializable
- object LogLevels extends Serializable
- object NestedMaterializationCancellationPolicy
- object SourceLocation
Deprecated Value Members
- def unapply(attrs: Attributes): Option[List[Attribute]]
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 2.8.0) Use explicit methods on Attributes to interact, not the synthetic case class ones