
package io

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package dns

Type Members

  1. trait BufferPool extends AnyRef
  2. abstract class Dns extends AnyRef

    Not for user extension.

    Not for user extension.

    This used to be a supported extension point but will be removed in future versions of Akka.

  3. class DnsExt extends Extension
  4. class InetAddressDnsProvider extends DnsProvider



    @nowarn() @InternalApi()
  5. class InetAddressDnsResolver extends Actor with ActorLogging



    Respects the settings that can be set on the Java runtime via parameters.

    @nowarn() @InternalApi()
  6. abstract class SelectionHandlerSettings extends AnyRef
  7. class SimpleDnsCache extends Dns with PeriodicCacheCleanup with NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
  8. final class SimpleDnsManager extends Actor with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] with ActorLogging
  9. class TcpExt extends Extension
  10. class UdpConnectedExt extends Extension
  11. class UdpExt extends Extension

Deprecated Type Members

  1. trait DnsProvider extends AnyRef

    Where as it is possible to plug in alternative DNS implementations it is not recommended.

    Where as it is possible to plug in alternative DNS implementations it is not recommended.

    It is expected that this will be deprecated/removed in future Akka versions

    TODO make private and remove deprecated in 2.7.0


    (Since version 2.6.0) Overriding the DNS implementation will be removed in future versions of Akka

Value Members

  1. object Dns extends ExtensionId[DnsExt] with ExtensionIdProvider
  2. object IO

    Entry point to Akka’s IO layer.

    Entry point to Akka’s IO layer.

    See also

    the Akka online documentation

  3. object Inet
  4. object IpVersionSelector



  5. object SimpleDnsCache
  6. object SimpleDnsManager
  7. object Tcp extends ExtensionId[TcpExt] with ExtensionIdProvider

    TCP Extension for Akka’s IO layer.

    TCP Extension for Akka’s IO layer.

    For a full description of the design and philosophy behind this IO implementation please refer to the Akka online documentation.

    In order to open an outbound connection send a Tcp.Connect message to the TcpExt#manager.

    In order to start listening for inbound connections send a Tcp.Bind message to the TcpExt#manager.

    The Java API for generating TCP commands is available at TcpMessage.

  8. object TcpMessage
  9. object TcpSO extends SoJavaFactories

    Java API for accessing socket options.

  10. object Udp extends ExtensionId[UdpExt] with ExtensionIdProvider

    UDP Extension for Akka’s IO layer.

    UDP Extension for Akka’s IO layer.

    This extension implements the connectionless UDP protocol without calling connect on the underlying sockets, i.e. without restricting from whom data can be received. For “connected” UDP mode see UdpConnected.

    For a full description of the design and philosophy behind this IO implementation please refer to the Akka online documentation.

    The Java API for generating UDP commands is available at UdpMessage.

  11. object UdpConnected extends ExtensionId[UdpConnectedExt] with ExtensionIdProvider

    UDP Extension for Akka’s IO layer.

    UDP Extension for Akka’s IO layer.

    This extension implements the connectionless UDP protocol with calling connect on the underlying sockets, i.e. with restricting from whom data can be received. For “unconnected” UDP mode see Udp.

    For a full description of the design and philosophy behind this IO implementation please refer to the Akka online documentation.

    The Java API for generating UDP commands is available at UdpConnectedMessage.

  12. object UdpConnectedMessage

    Java API: factory methods for the message types used when communicating with the UdpConnected service.

  13. object UdpMessage

    Java API: factory methods for the message types used when communicating with the Udp service.

  14. object UdpSO extends SoJavaFactories
