Alpakka 4.0.x

Major version change

The major version tick for Alpakka is due to major upgrades and changes in the dependencies used by the various connectors. Some Alpakka APIs changed as well, but we try to keep those changes minimal.

To understand the forces on version numbers, read about Alpakka’s versioning scheme.


In case you are browsing a specific version’s documentation: check out the latest release notes

All Alpakka modules are available for Scala 2.13 and all Alpakka modules are compatible with Akka 2.6.13+.

Release notes on GitHub

See later release notes on the GitHub releases page


Released 2022-…

All Alpakka modules are available for Scala 2.13 and all Alpakka modules are compatible with Akka 2.6.19+.

Notable changes compared to 3.0.4

See detailed updates on GitHub releases.

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