Hadoop Distributed File System - HDFS

The connector offers Flows and Sources that interact with HDFS file systems.

For more information about Hadoop, please visit the Hadoop documentation.

Project Info: Alpakka HDFS
JDK versions
Eclipse Temurin JDK 11
Eclipse Temurin JDK 17
Scala versions2.13.12, 3.3.3
JPMS module nameakka.stream.alpakka.hdfs
Readiness level
Since 0.20, 2018-07-04
Home pagehttps://doc.akka.io/docs/alpakka/current
API documentation
Release notesGitHub releases
IssuesGithub issues


The Akka dependencies are available from Akka’s library repository. To access them there, you need to configure the URL for this repository.

resolvers += "Akka library repository".at("https://repo.akka.io/maven")
      <name>Akka library repository</name>
repositories {
    maven {
        url "https://repo.akka.io/maven"

Additionally, add the dependencies as below.

val AkkaVersion = "2.9.3"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.lightbend.akka" %% "akka-stream-alpakka-hdfs" % "8.0.0",
  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-stream" % AkkaVersion
def versions = [
  AkkaVersion: "2.9.3",
  ScalaBinary: "2.13"
dependencies {
  implementation "com.lightbend.akka:akka-stream-alpakka-hdfs_${versions.ScalaBinary}:8.0.0"
  implementation "com.typesafe.akka:akka-stream_${versions.ScalaBinary}:${versions.AkkaVersion}"

The table below shows direct dependencies of this module and the second tab shows all libraries it depends on transitively.

Direct dependencies
Dependency tree
com.typesafe.akka    akka-stream_2.13    2.9.3    BUSL-1.1
    com.typesafe.akka    akka-actor_2.13    2.9.3    BUSL-1.1
        com.typesafe    config    1.4.3    Apache-2.0
        org.scala-lang.modules    scala-java8-compat_2.13    1.0.2    Apache-2.0
            org.scala-lang    scala-library    2.13.12    Apache-2.0
        org.scala-lang    scala-library    2.13.12    Apache-2.0
    com.typesafe.akka    akka-protobuf-v3_2.13    2.9.3    BUSL-1.1
    org.reactivestreams    reactive-streams    1.0.4    MIT-0
    org.scala-lang    scala-library    2.13.12    Apache-2.0
org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-client    3.3.6
    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-annotations    3.3.6
    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-common    3.3.6
        ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
        com.fasterxml.woodstox    woodstox-core    5.4.0    The Apache License, Version 2.0
            org.codehaus.woodstox    stax2-api    4.2.1    The BSD License
        com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
        com.google.code.gson    gson    2.9.0    Apache-2.0
        com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
            com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
            com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
            com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
            com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
            org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
        com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
        com.google.re2j    re2j    1.1    The Go license
        com.sun.jersey    jersey-servlet    1.19.4
            com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                    javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
        commons-beanutils    commons-beanutils    1.9.4
            commons-collections    commons-collections    3.2.2
            commons-logging    commons-logging    1.2
        commons-cli    commons-cli    1.2
        commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
        commons-collections    commons-collections    3.2.2
        commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
        commons-logging    commons-logging    1.2
        commons-net    commons-net    3.9.0
        dnsjava    dnsjava    2.1.7    BSD 2-Clause license
        io.dropwizard.metrics    metrics-core    3.2.4
            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
        jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
        javax.servlet.jsp    jsp-api    2.1
        org.apache.avro    avro    1.7.7
            com.thoughtworks.paranamer    paranamer    2.3
            org.apache.commons    commons-compress    1.21
            org.codehaus.jackson    jackson-core-asl    1.9.13    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            org.codehaus.jackson    jackson-mapper-asl    1.9.13    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                org.codehaus.jackson    jackson-core-asl    1.9.13    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
            org.xerial.snappy    snappy-java    Apache-2.0
        org.apache.commons    commons-compress    1.21
        org.apache.commons    commons-configuration2    2.8.0
            commons-logging    commons-logging    1.2
            org.apache.commons    commons-text    1.10.0
                org.apache.commons    commons-lang3    3.12.0
        org.apache.commons    commons-lang3    3.12.0
        org.apache.commons    commons-math3    3.1.1
        org.apache.commons    commons-text    1.10.0
            org.apache.commons    commons-lang3    3.12.0
        org.apache.curator    curator-client    5.2.0
        org.apache.curator    curator-recipes    5.2.0
            org.apache.curator    curator-framework    5.2.0
                org.apache.curator    curator-client    5.2.0
        org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
        org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7    1.1.1
        org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-annotations    3.3.6
        org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-auth    3.3.6
            ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
            commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
            io.dropwizard.metrics    metrics-core    3.2.4
                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
            org.apache.curator    curator-framework    5.2.0
                org.apache.curator    curator-client    5.2.0
            org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
            org.apache.httpcomponents    httpclient    4.5.13
                commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                commons-logging    commons-logging    1.2
                org.apache.httpcomponents    httpcore    4.4.13
            org.apache.kerby    kerb-simplekdc    1.0.1
                org.apache.kerby    kerb-admin    1.0.1
                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-server    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                            commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-identity    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-xdr    1.0.1
                org.apache.kerby    kerb-client    1.0.1
                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                        commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.apache.kerby    token-provider    1.0.1
                        com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
            org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper    3.6.3
                org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper-jute    3.6.3
                    org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
            org.slf4j    slf4j-reload4j    1.7.36
                ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
        org.apache.httpcomponents    httpclient    4.5.13
            commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
            commons-logging    commons-logging    1.2
            org.apache.httpcomponents    httpcore    4.4.13
        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
        org.codehaus.woodstox    stax2-api    4.2.1    The BSD License
        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-servlet    9.4.51.v20230217
            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-security    9.4.51.v20230217
            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util-ajax    9.4.51.v20230217
        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-webapp    9.4.51.v20230217
            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-servlet    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-security    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util-ajax    9.4.51.v20230217
            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-xml    9.4.51.v20230217
        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
        org.slf4j    slf4j-reload4j    1.7.36
            ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
        org.xerial.snappy    snappy-java    Apache-2.0
    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-hdfs-client    3.3.6
        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
        com.squareup.okhttp3    okhttp    4.9.3    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.squareup.okio    okio    2.8.0    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
        org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
        org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
            org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-mapreduce-client-core    3.3.6
        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
        com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
        org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-hdfs-client    3.3.6
            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.squareup.okhttp3    okhttp    4.9.3    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.squareup.okio    okio    2.8.0    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
            org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
        org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-client    3.3.6
            ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            commons-cli    commons-cli    1.2
            org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
            org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-api    3.3.6
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7    1.1.1
            org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-common    3.3.6
                ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-json-provider    2.12.7
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-base    2.12.7
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                        jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                            jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                    jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                        jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                com.github.pjfanning    jersey-json    1.20    CDDL 1.1
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                        javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                    com.sun.xml.bind    jaxb-impl    2.2.3-1    CDDL 1.1
                        javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                    org.codehaus.jettison    jettison    1.1
                com.google.inject    guice    4.0
                    aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
                    com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
                        com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                        com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                        com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                        com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                        org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                    javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                com.sun.jersey.contribs    jersey-guice    1.19.4
                    com.google.inject    guice    4.0
                        aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
                        com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
                            com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                            com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                            com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                            com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                            org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                        javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-servlet    1.19.4
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                            com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                                javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                    javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-client    1.19.4
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                        javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                    javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                        javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                commons-cli    commons-cli    1.2
                commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                javax.servlet    javax.servlet-api    3.1.0    CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
                javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                org.apache.commons    commons-compress    1.21
                org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-auth    3.3.6
                    ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                    commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                    io.dropwizard.metrics    metrics-core    3.2.4
                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.apache.curator    curator-framework    5.2.0
                        org.apache.curator    curator-client    5.2.0
                    org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                    org.apache.httpcomponents    httpclient    4.5.13
                        commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                        commons-logging    commons-logging    1.2
                        org.apache.httpcomponents    httpcore    4.4.13
                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-simplekdc    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-admin    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-server    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                                    commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-identity    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-xdr    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-client    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                                commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    token-provider    1.0.1
                                com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                    com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper    3.6.3
                        org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                        org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper-jute    3.6.3
                            org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.slf4j    slf4j-reload4j    1.7.36
                        ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-hdfs-client    3.3.6
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.squareup.okhttp3    okhttp    4.9.3    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.squareup.okio    okio    2.8.0    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                    org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                        org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-api    3.3.6
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                    javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                    org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                    org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7    1.1.1
                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
            org.eclipse.jetty.websocket    websocket-client    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.eclipse.jetty.websocket    websocket-common    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty.websocket    websocket-api    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-client    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-http    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
            org.jline    jline    3.9.0
        org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-common    3.3.6
            ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-json-provider    2.12.7
                com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-base    2.12.7
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                    jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                        jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
            com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                    jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
            com.github.pjfanning    jersey-json    1.20    CDDL 1.1
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                    javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                com.sun.xml.bind    jaxb-impl    2.2.3-1    CDDL 1.1
                    javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                org.codehaus.jettison    jettison    1.1
            com.google.inject    guice    4.0
                aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
                com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
                    com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                    com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                    com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                    com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                    org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
            com.sun.jersey.contribs    jersey-guice    1.19.4
                com.google.inject    guice    4.0
                    aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
                    com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
                        com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                        com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                        com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                        com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                        org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                    javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-servlet    1.19.4
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                            javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.sun.jersey    jersey-client    1.19.4
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                    javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
            com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
            com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                    javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
            commons-cli    commons-cli    1.2
            commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
            commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
            javax.servlet    javax.servlet-api    3.1.0    CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
            javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
            org.apache.commons    commons-compress    1.21
            org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
            org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-auth    3.3.6
                ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                io.dropwizard.metrics    metrics-core    3.2.4
                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                org.apache.curator    curator-framework    5.2.0
                    org.apache.curator    curator-client    5.2.0
                org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                org.apache.httpcomponents    httpclient    4.5.13
                    commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                    commons-logging    commons-logging    1.2
                    org.apache.httpcomponents    httpcore    4.4.13
                org.apache.kerby    kerb-simplekdc    1.0.1
                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-admin    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-server    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                                commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-identity    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-xdr    1.0.1
                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-client    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                            commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    token-provider    1.0.1
                            com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper    3.6.3
                    org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                    org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper-jute    3.6.3
                        org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                org.slf4j    slf4j-reload4j    1.7.36
                    ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
            org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-hdfs-client    3.3.6
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.squareup.okhttp3    okhttp    4.9.3    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.squareup.okio    okio    2.8.0    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                    org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
            org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-api    3.3.6
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7    1.1.1
            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
        org.slf4j    slf4j-reload4j    1.7.36
            ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient    3.3.6
        com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
        org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-mapreduce-client-common    3.3.6
            com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
            org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-mapreduce-client-core    3.3.6
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-hdfs-client    3.3.6
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.squareup.okhttp3    okhttp    4.9.3    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.squareup.okio    okio    2.8.0    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                    org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                        org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-client    3.3.6
                    ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    commons-cli    commons-cli    1.2
                    org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-api    3.3.6
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                        javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                        org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                        org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7    1.1.1
                    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-common    3.3.6
                        ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-json-provider    2.12.7
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-base    2.12.7
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                                jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                                    jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                            jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                                jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                        com.github.pjfanning    jersey-json    1.20    CDDL 1.1
                            com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                                javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                            com.sun.xml.bind    jaxb-impl    2.2.3-1    CDDL 1.1
                                javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                            org.codehaus.jettison    jettison    1.1
                        com.google.inject    guice    4.0
                            aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
                            com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
                                com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                                com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                                com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                                com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                                org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                            javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                        com.sun.jersey.contribs    jersey-guice    1.19.4
                            com.google.inject    guice    4.0
                                aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
                                com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
                                    com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                    com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                                    com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                                    com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                                    com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                    org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                                    org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                                javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.sun.jersey    jersey-servlet    1.19.4
                                com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                                        javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                            javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-client    1.19.4
                            com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                                javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                            javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                            com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                                javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                        commons-cli    commons-cli    1.2
                        commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                        commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                        javax.servlet    javax.servlet-api    3.1.0    CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
                        javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                        org.apache.commons    commons-compress    1.21
                        org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                        org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-auth    3.3.6
                            ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                            commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                            io.dropwizard.metrics    metrics-core    3.2.4
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.curator    curator-framework    5.2.0
                                org.apache.curator    curator-client    5.2.0
                            org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                            org.apache.httpcomponents    httpclient    4.5.13
                                commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                                commons-logging    commons-logging    1.2
                                org.apache.httpcomponents    httpcore    4.4.13
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-simplekdc    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-admin    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-server    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                                            commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-identity    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-xdr    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-client    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                                        commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    token-provider    1.0.1
                                        com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                            com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper    3.6.3
                                org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                                org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper-jute    3.6.3
                                    org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.slf4j    slf4j-reload4j    1.7.36
                                ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-hdfs-client    3.3.6
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.squareup.okhttp3    okhttp    4.9.3    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.squareup.okio    okio    2.8.0    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                            org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                                org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                        org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-api    3.3.6
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                            javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                            org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                            org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7    1.1.1
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.eclipse.jetty.websocket    websocket-client    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty.websocket    websocket-common    9.4.51.v20230217
                            org.eclipse.jetty.websocket    websocket-api    9.4.51.v20230217
                            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-client    9.4.51.v20230217
                            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-http    9.4.51.v20230217
                                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.jline    jline    3.9.0
                org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-common    3.3.6
                    ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-json-provider    2.12.7
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-base    2.12.7
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                            jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                                jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                        jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                            jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                    com.github.pjfanning    jersey-json    1.20    CDDL 1.1
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                            javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                        com.sun.xml.bind    jaxb-impl    2.2.3-1    CDDL 1.1
                            javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                        org.codehaus.jettison    jettison    1.1
                    com.google.inject    guice    4.0
                        aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
                        com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
                            com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                            com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                            com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                            com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                            org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                        javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                    com.sun.jersey.contribs    jersey-guice    1.19.4
                        com.google.inject    guice    4.0
                            aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
                            com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
                                com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                                com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                                com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                                com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                                org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                            javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-servlet    1.19.4
                            com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                                com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                                    javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                        javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-client    1.19.4
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                            javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                        javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                            javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                    commons-cli    commons-cli    1.2
                    commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                    commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                    javax.servlet    javax.servlet-api    3.1.0    CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
                    javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                    org.apache.commons    commons-compress    1.21
                    org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-auth    3.3.6
                        ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                        commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                        io.dropwizard.metrics    metrics-core    3.2.4
                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.curator    curator-framework    5.2.0
                            org.apache.curator    curator-client    5.2.0
                        org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                        org.apache.httpcomponents    httpclient    4.5.13
                            commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                            commons-logging    commons-logging    1.2
                            org.apache.httpcomponents    httpcore    4.4.13
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-simplekdc    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-admin    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-server    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                                        commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-identity    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-xdr    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-client    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                                    commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    token-provider    1.0.1
                                    com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                        com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper    3.6.3
                            org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                            org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper-jute    3.6.3
                                org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.slf4j    slf4j-reload4j    1.7.36
                            ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-hdfs-client    3.3.6
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.squareup.okhttp3    okhttp    4.9.3    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.squareup.okio    okio    2.8.0    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                        org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                            org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-api    3.3.6
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                        javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                        org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                        org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7    1.1.1
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                org.slf4j    slf4j-reload4j    1.7.36
                    ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
            org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-client    3.3.6
                ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                commons-cli    commons-cli    1.2
                org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-api    3.3.6
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                    javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                    org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                    org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7    1.1.1
                org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-common    3.3.6
                    ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-json-provider    2.12.7
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-base    2.12.7
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                            jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                                jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                        jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                            jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                    com.github.pjfanning    jersey-json    1.20    CDDL 1.1
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                            javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                        com.sun.xml.bind    jaxb-impl    2.2.3-1    CDDL 1.1
                            javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                        org.codehaus.jettison    jettison    1.1
                    com.google.inject    guice    4.0
                        aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
                        com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
                            com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                            com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                            com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                            com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                            org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                        javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                    com.sun.jersey.contribs    jersey-guice    1.19.4
                        com.google.inject    guice    4.0
                            aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
                            com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
                                com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                                com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                                com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                                com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                                org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                            javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-servlet    1.19.4
                            com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                                com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                                    javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                        javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-client    1.19.4
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                            javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                        javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                            javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                    commons-cli    commons-cli    1.2
                    commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                    commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                    javax.servlet    javax.servlet-api    3.1.0    CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
                    javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                    org.apache.commons    commons-compress    1.21
                    org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-auth    3.3.6
                        ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                        commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                        io.dropwizard.metrics    metrics-core    3.2.4
                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.curator    curator-framework    5.2.0
                            org.apache.curator    curator-client    5.2.0
                        org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                        org.apache.httpcomponents    httpclient    4.5.13
                            commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                            commons-logging    commons-logging    1.2
                            org.apache.httpcomponents    httpcore    4.4.13
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-simplekdc    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-admin    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-server    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                                        commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-identity    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-xdr    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-client    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                                    commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    token-provider    1.0.1
                                    com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                        com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper    3.6.3
                            org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                            org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper-jute    3.6.3
                                org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.slf4j    slf4j-reload4j    1.7.36
                            ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-hdfs-client    3.3.6
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.squareup.okhttp3    okhttp    4.9.3    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.squareup.okio    okio    2.8.0    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                        org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                            org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-api    3.3.6
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                        javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                        org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                        org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7    1.1.1
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                org.eclipse.jetty.websocket    websocket-client    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty.websocket    websocket-common    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty.websocket    websocket-api    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-client    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-http    9.4.51.v20230217
                            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.jline    jline    3.9.0
            org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-common    3.3.6
                ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-json-provider    2.12.7
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-base    2.12.7
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                        jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                            jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                    jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                        jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                com.github.pjfanning    jersey-json    1.20    CDDL 1.1
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                        javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                    com.sun.xml.bind    jaxb-impl    2.2.3-1    CDDL 1.1
                        javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                    org.codehaus.jettison    jettison    1.1
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                    aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
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                        com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                        com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                        com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                        com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                        org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                    javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                com.sun.jersey.contribs    jersey-guice    1.19.4
                    com.google.inject    guice    4.0
                        aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
                        com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
                            com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                            com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                            com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                            com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                            org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                            org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                        javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-servlet    1.19.4
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                            com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                                javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                    javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-client    1.19.4
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                        javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                    javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                        javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                commons-cli    commons-cli    1.2
                commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                javax.servlet    javax.servlet-api    3.1.0    CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
                javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                org.apache.commons    commons-compress    1.21
                org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-auth    3.3.6
                    ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                    commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                    io.dropwizard.metrics    metrics-core    3.2.4
                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
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                        org.apache.curator    curator-client    5.2.0
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                        org.apache.httpcomponents    httpcore    4.4.13
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                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-admin    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-server    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
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                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
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                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
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                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
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                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-xdr    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-client    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                                commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
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                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    token-provider    1.0.1
                                com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                    com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper    3.6.3
                        org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                        org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper-jute    3.6.3
                            org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                    org.slf4j    slf4j-reload4j    1.7.36
                        ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-hdfs-client    3.3.6
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.squareup.okhttp3    okhttp    4.9.3    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.squareup.okio    okio    2.8.0    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                    org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                        org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-api    3.3.6
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                    javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                    org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                    org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7    1.1.1
                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
            org.slf4j    slf4j-reload4j    1.7.36
                ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
        org.slf4j    slf4j-reload4j    1.7.36
            ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-api    3.3.6
        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
        com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
        javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
        org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
        org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7    1.1.1
    org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-client    3.3.6
        ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
        commons-cli    commons-cli    1.2
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        org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-api    3.3.6
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            org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7    1.1.1
        org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-common    3.3.6
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            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
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                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-json-provider    2.12.7
                com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs    jackson-jaxrs-base    2.12.7
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                    jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                        jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
            com.fasterxml.jackson.module    jackson-module-jaxb-annotations    2.12.7
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
                jakarta.xml.bind    jakarta.xml.bind-api    2.3.2
                    jakarta.activation    jakarta.activation-api    1.2.1
            com.github.pjfanning    jersey-json    1.20    CDDL 1.1
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                    javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                com.sun.xml.bind    jaxb-impl    2.2.3-1    CDDL 1.1
                    javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                org.codehaus.jettison    jettison    1.1
            com.google.inject    guice    4.0
                aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
                com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
                    com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                    com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                    com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                    com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                    org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
            com.sun.jersey.contribs    jersey-guice    1.19.4
                com.google.inject    guice    4.0
                    aopalliance    aopalliance    1.0    Public Domain
                    com.google.guava    guava    27.0-jre
                        com.google.code.findbugs    jsr305    3.0.2    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        com.google.errorprone    error_prone_annotations    2.2.0    Apache 2.0
                        com.google.guava    failureaccess    1.0
                        com.google.guava    listenablefuture    9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava
                        com.google.j2objc    j2objc-annotations    1.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                        org.checkerframework    checker-qual    2.5.2    The MIT License
                        org.codehaus.mojo    animal-sniffer-annotations    1.17
                    javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-servlet    1.19.4
                    com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                        com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                            javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
                javax.inject    javax.inject    1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
            com.sun.jersey    jersey-client    1.19.4
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                    javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
            com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
            com.sun.jersey    jersey-server    1.19.4
                com.sun.jersey    jersey-core    1.19.4
                    javax.ws.rs    jsr311-api    1.1.1    CDDL License
            commons-cli    commons-cli    1.2
            commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
            commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
            javax.servlet    javax.servlet-api    3.1.0    CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception
            javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
            org.apache.commons    commons-compress    1.21
            org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
            org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-auth    3.3.6
                ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                io.dropwizard.metrics    metrics-core    3.2.4
                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                org.apache.curator    curator-framework    5.2.0
                    org.apache.curator    curator-client    5.2.0
                org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                org.apache.httpcomponents    httpclient    4.5.13
                    commons-codec    commons-codec    1.15
                    commons-logging    commons-logging    1.2
                    org.apache.httpcomponents    httpcore    4.4.13
                org.apache.kerby    kerb-simplekdc    1.0.1
                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-admin    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-server    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                                commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-identity    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-xdr    1.0.1
                    org.apache.kerby    kerb-client    1.0.1
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-common    1.0.1
                            commons-io    commons-io    2.8.0
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    kerb-util    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-crypto    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                        org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                            org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    kerby-config    1.0.1
                            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                        org.apache.kerby    token-provider    1.0.1
                            com.nimbusds    nimbus-jose-jwt    9.8.1    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                                com.github.stephenc.jcip    jcip-annotations    1.0-1    Apache License, Version 2.0
                            org.apache.kerby    kerb-core    1.0.1
                                org.apache.kerby    kerby-pkix    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-asn1    1.0.1
                                    org.apache.kerby    kerby-util    1.0.1
                                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper    3.6.3
                    org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                    org.apache.zookeeper    zookeeper-jute    3.6.3
                        org.apache.yetus    audience-annotations    0.5.0
                org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
                org.slf4j    slf4j-reload4j    1.7.36
                    ch.qos.reload4j    reload4j    1.2.22    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
            org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-hdfs-client    3.3.6
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-databind    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-core    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.squareup.okhttp3    okhttp    4.9.3    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                    com.squareup.okio    okio    2.8.0    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
                    org.jetbrains.kotlin    kotlin-stdlib-common    1.4.10    The Apache License, Version 2.0
            org.apache.hadoop    hadoop-yarn-api    3.3.6
                com.fasterxml.jackson.core    jackson-annotations    2.12.7    The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
                com.google.protobuf    protobuf-java    2.5.0    New BSD license
                javax.xml.bind    jaxb-api    2.2.11    CDDL 1.1
                org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-guava    1.1.1
                org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty    hadoop-shaded-protobuf_3_7    1.1.1
            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
            org.slf4j    slf4j-api    1.7.36
        org.eclipse.jetty.websocket    websocket-client    9.4.51.v20230217
            org.eclipse.jetty.websocket    websocket-common    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.eclipse.jetty.websocket    websocket-api    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-client    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-http    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                        org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                    org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-io    9.4.51.v20230217
                org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
            org.eclipse.jetty    jetty-util    9.4.51.v20230217
        org.jline    jline    3.9.0
org.scala-lang    scala-library    2.13.12    Apache-2.0
org.typelevel    cats-core_2.13    2.10.0    MIT
    org.scala-lang    scala-library    2.13.12    Apache-2.0
    org.typelevel    cats-kernel_2.13    2.10.0    MIT
        org.scala-lang    scala-library    2.13.12    Apache-2.0

Specifying a Hadoop Version

By default, HDFS connector uses Hadoop 3.3.6. If you are using a different version of Hadoop, you should exclude the Hadoop libraries from the connector dependency and add the dependency for your preferred version.

Set up client

Flows provided by this connector need a prepared org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem to interact with HDFS.

sourceimport org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem

val conf = new Configuration()
conf.set("fs.default.name", "hdfs://localhost:54310")

val fs: FileSystem = FileSystem.get(conf)
sourceConfiguration conf = new Configuration();
conf.set("fs.default.name", "hdfs://localhost:54310");

fs = FileSystem.get(conf);


The connector provides three Flows. Each flow requires RotationStrategy and SyncStrategy to run. HdfsFlow. HdfsFlow.

The flows push OutgoingMessage to a downstream.

Data Writer

Use HdfsFlow.data to stream with FSDataOutputStream without any compression.

sourceval flow = HdfsFlow.data(
  RotationStrategy.size(1, FileUnit.GB),
sourceFlow<HdfsWriteMessage<ByteString, NotUsed>, RotationMessage, NotUsed> flow =
        fs, SyncStrategy.count(500), RotationStrategy.size(1, FileUnit.GB()), settings);

Compressed Data Writer

First, create CompressionCodec.

sourceval codec = new DefaultCodec()
sourceDefaultCodec codec = new DefaultCodec();

Then, use HdfsFlow.compress to stream with CompressionOutputStream and CompressionCodec.

sourceval flow = HdfsFlow.compressed(
  RotationStrategy.size(0.1, FileUnit.MB),
sourceFlow<HdfsWriteMessage<ByteString, NotUsed>, RotationMessage, NotUsed> flow =
        fs, SyncStrategy.count(50), RotationStrategy.size(0.1, FileUnit.MB()), codec, settings);

Sequence Writer

Use HdfsFlow.sequence to stream a flat file consisting of binary key/value pairs.

Without Compression

sourceval flow = HdfsFlow.sequence(
  RotationStrategy.size(1, FileUnit.MB),
sourceFlow<HdfsWriteMessage<Pair<Text, Text>, NotUsed>, RotationMessage, NotUsed> flow =
        RotationStrategy.size(1, FileUnit.MB()),

With Compression

First, define a codec.

sourceval codec = new DefaultCodec()
sourceDefaultCodec codec = new DefaultCodec();

Then, create a flow.

sourceval flow = HdfsFlow.sequence(
  RotationStrategy.size(1, FileUnit.MB),
sourceFlow<HdfsWriteMessage<Pair<Text, Text>, NotUsed>, RotationMessage, NotUsed> flow =
        RotationStrategy.size(1, FileUnit.MB()),

Passing data through HdfsFlow

Use HdfsFlow.dataWithPassThrough, HdfsFlow.compressedWithPassThrough or HdfsFlow.sequenceWithPassThrough.

When streaming documents from Kafka, you might want to commit to Kafka. The flow will emit two messages. For every input, it will produce WrittenMessage and when it rotates, RotationMessage.

Let’s say that we have these classes.

sourcecase class Book(title: String)
case class KafkaOffset(offset: Int)
case class KafkaMessage(book: Book, offset: KafkaOffset)
sourcepublic static class Book {
  final String title;

  Book(String title) {
    this.title = title;

static class KafkaCommitter {
  List<Integer> committedOffsets = new ArrayList<>();

  void commit(KafkaOffset offset) {

static class KafkaOffset {
  final int offset;

  KafkaOffset(int offset) {
    this.offset = offset;

static class KafkaMessage {
  final Book book;
  final KafkaOffset offset;

  KafkaMessage(Book book, KafkaOffset offset) {
    this.book = book;
    this.offset = offset;

Then, we can stream with passThrough.

source// We're going to pretend we got messages from kafka.
// After we've written them to HDFS, we want
// to commit the offset to Kafka
val messagesFromKafka = List(
  KafkaMessage(Book("Akka Concurrency"), KafkaOffset(0)),
  KafkaMessage(Book("Akka in Action"), KafkaOffset(1)),
  KafkaMessage(Book("Effective Akka"), KafkaOffset(2)),
  KafkaMessage(Book("Learning Scala"), KafkaOffset(3)),
  KafkaMessage(Book("Scala Puzzlers"), KafkaOffset(4)),
  KafkaMessage(Book("Scala for Spark in Production"), KafkaOffset(5))

var committedOffsets = List[KafkaOffset]()

def commitToKafka(offset: KafkaOffset): Unit =
  committedOffsets = committedOffsets :+ offset

val resF = Source(messagesFromKafka)
  .map { (kafkaMessage: KafkaMessage) =>
    val book = kafkaMessage.book
    // Transform message so that we can write to hdfs
    HdfsWriteMessage(ByteString(book.title), kafkaMessage.offset)
  .map { message =>
    message match {
      case WrittenMessage(passThrough, _) =>
      case _ => ()
  .collect {
    case rm: RotationMessage => rm
source// We're going to pretend we got messages from kafka.
// After we've written them to HDFS, we want
// to commit the offset to Kafka
List<KafkaMessage> messagesFromKafka =
        new KafkaMessage(new Book("Akka Concurrency"), new KafkaOffset(0)),
        new KafkaMessage(new Book("Akka in Action"), new KafkaOffset(1)),
        new KafkaMessage(new Book("Effective Akka"), new KafkaOffset(2)),
        new KafkaMessage(new Book("Learning Scala"), new KafkaOffset(3)),
        new KafkaMessage(new Book("Scala Puzzlers"), new KafkaOffset(4)),
        new KafkaMessage(new Book("Scala for Spark in Production"), new KafkaOffset(5)));

final KafkaCommitter kafkaCommitter = new KafkaCommitter();

Flow<HdfsWriteMessage<ByteString, KafkaOffset>, OutgoingMessage<KafkaOffset>, NotUsed> flow =

CompletionStage<List<RotationMessage>> resF =
            kafkaMessage -> {
              Book book = kafkaMessage.book;
              // Transform message so that we can write to hdfs\
              return HdfsWriteMessage.create(
                  ByteString.fromString(book.title), kafkaMessage.offset);
            message -> {
              if (message instanceof WrittenMessage) {
                kafkaCommitter.commit(((WrittenMessage<KafkaOffset>) message).passThrough());
                return message;
              } else {
                return message;
        .collectType(RotationMessage.class) // Collect only rotation messages
        .runWith(Sink.seq(), system);


We can configure the sink by HdfsWritingSettings.

sourceval settings =

File path generator

FilePathGenerator provides a functionality to generate rotation path in HDFS.

sourceval pathGenerator =
    (rotationCount: Long, timestamp: Long) => s"/tmp/alpakka/$rotationCount-$timestamp"
sourceBiFunction<Long, Long, String> func =
    (rotationCount, timestamp) -> "/tmp/alpakka/" + rotationCount + "-" + timestamp;
FilePathGenerator pathGenerator = FilePathGenerator.create(func);

Rotation Strategy

RotationStrategy provides a functionality to decide when to rotate files.

Sync Strategy

SyncStrategy provides a functionality to decide when to synchronize the output.


Use HdfsSource to read from HDFS. HdfsSource. HdfsSource.

Data Reader

sourceval source = HdfsSource.data(fs, path)
sourceSource<ByteString, CompletionStage<IOResult>> source = HdfsSource.data(fs, path);

Compressed Data Reader

sourceval source = HdfsSource.compressed(fs, path, codec)
sourceSource<ByteString, CompletionStage<IOResult>> source = HdfsSource.compressed(fs, path, codec);

Sequence Reader

sourceval source = HdfsSource.sequence(fs, path, classOf[Text], classOf[Text])
sourceSource<Pair<Text, Text>, NotUsed> source =
    HdfsSource.sequence(fs, path, Text.class, Text.class);

Running the example code

The code in this guide is part of runnable tests of this project. You are welcome to edit the code and run it in sbt.

> hdfs/testOnly *.HdfsWriterSpec
> hdfs/testOnly *.HdfsReaderSpec
> hdfs/testOnly *.HdfsWriterTest
> hdfs/testOnly *.HdfsReaderTest
Found an error in this documentation? The source code for this page can be found here. Please feel free to edit and contribute a pull request.