Allow for a slower downstream by passing incoming elements and a summary into an aggregate function as long as there is backpressure and a maximum number of batched elements is not yet reached.
Allow for a slower downstream by passing incoming elements and a summary into an aggregate function as long as there is backpressure and a maximum number of batched elements is not yet reached. When the maximum number is reached and downstream still backpressures batch will also backpressure.
When backpressure starts or there is no backpressure element is passed into a seed
function to transform it to the summary type.
Will eagerly pull elements, this behavior may result in a single pending (i.e. buffered) element which cannot be aggregated to the batched value.
Reactive Streams semantics
emits when downstream stops backpressuring and there is a batched element available
backpressures when batched elements reached the max limit of allowed batched elements & downstream backpressures
completes when upstream completes and a “possibly pending” element was drained