public class ActorClassificationUnsubscriber extends java.lang.Object implements Actor, Stash
Watches all actors which subscribe on the given event stream, and unsubscribes them from it when they are Terminated.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
ActorClassificationUnsubscriber.Register |
static class |
ActorClassificationUnsubscriber.Register$ |
static class |
ActorClassificationUnsubscriber.Unregister |
static class |
ActorClassificationUnsubscriber.Unregister$ |
Actor.emptyBehavior$, Actor.ignoringBehavior$
Constructor and Description |
ActorClassificationUnsubscriber(ManagedActorClassification bus,
boolean debug) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract static void |
akka$actor$Actor$_setter_$context_$eq(ActorContext x$1) |
protected abstract static void |
akka$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq(ActorRef x$1) |
protected abstract static void |
akka$actor$StashSupport$_setter_$akka$actor$StashSupport$$capacity_$eq(int x$1) |
protected abstract static void |
akka$actor$StashSupport$_setter_$mailbox_$eq(DequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics x$1) |
static int |
akka$actor$StashSupport$$capacity() |
static void |
akka$actor$StashSupport$$theStash_$eq(scala.collection.immutable.Vector<Envelope> x$1) |
static scala.collection.immutable.Vector<Envelope> |
akka$actor$StashSupport$$theStash() |
protected static void |
aroundPostRestart(java.lang.Throwable reason) |
protected static void |
aroundPostStop() |
protected static void |
aroundPreRestart(java.lang.Throwable reason,
scala.Option<java.lang.Object> message) |
protected static void |
aroundPreStart() |
protected static void |
aroundReceive(scala.PartialFunction<java.lang.Object,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> receive,
java.lang.Object msg) |
static scala.collection.immutable.Vector<Envelope> |
clearStash() |
ActorContext |
Stores the context for this actor, including self, and sender.
DequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics |
mailbox() |
static void |
postRestart(java.lang.Throwable reason) |
static void |
postStop() |
static void |
prepend(scala.collection.immutable.Seq<Envelope> others) |
static void |
preRestart(java.lang.Throwable reason,
scala.Option<java.lang.Object> message) |
void |
User overridable callback.
scala.PartialFunction<java.lang.Object,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> |
This defines the initial actor behavior, it must return a partial function
with the actor logic.
ActorRef |
The 'self' field holds the ActorRef for this actor.
static ActorRef |
sender() |
static ActorRef |
start(ActorSystem system,
ManagedActorClassification bus,
boolean debug) |
static void |
stash() |
static SupervisorStrategy |
supervisorStrategy() |
static void |
unhandled(java.lang.Object message) |
static void |
unstash() |
static void |
unstashAll() |
static void |
unstashAll(scala.Function1<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> filterPredicate) |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
aroundPostRestart, aroundPostStop, aroundPreRestart, aroundPreStart, aroundReceive, postRestart, sender, supervisorStrategy, unhandled
actorCell, clearStash, enqueueFirst, prepend, stash, unstash, unstashAll, unstashAll
public ActorClassificationUnsubscriber(ManagedActorClassification bus, boolean debug)
public static ActorRef start(ActorSystem system, ManagedActorClassification bus, boolean debug)
public static final ActorRef sender()
protected static void aroundReceive(scala.PartialFunction<java.lang.Object,scala.runtime.BoxedUnit> receive, java.lang.Object msg)
protected static void aroundPreStart()
protected static void aroundPostStop()
protected static void aroundPreRestart(java.lang.Throwable reason, scala.Option<java.lang.Object> message)
protected static void aroundPostRestart(java.lang.Throwable reason)
public static SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy()
public static void postRestart(java.lang.Throwable reason) throws java.lang.Exception
public static void unhandled(java.lang.Object message)
protected abstract static void akka$actor$Actor$_setter_$context_$eq(ActorContext x$1)
protected abstract static void akka$actor$Actor$_setter_$self_$eq(ActorRef x$1)
public static scala.collection.immutable.Vector<Envelope> akka$actor$StashSupport$$theStash()
public static void akka$actor$StashSupport$$theStash_$eq(scala.collection.immutable.Vector<Envelope> x$1)
public static int akka$actor$StashSupport$$capacity()
public static void stash()
public static void prepend(scala.collection.immutable.Seq<Envelope> others)
public static void unstash()
public static void unstashAll()
public static void unstashAll(scala.Function1<java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object> filterPredicate)
public static scala.collection.immutable.Vector<Envelope> clearStash()
protected abstract static void akka$actor$StashSupport$_setter_$akka$actor$StashSupport$$capacity_$eq(int x$1)
protected abstract static void akka$actor$StashSupport$_setter_$mailbox_$eq(DequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics x$1)
public static void preRestart(java.lang.Throwable reason, scala.Option<java.lang.Object> message)
public static void postStop()
public DequeBasedMessageQueueSemantics mailbox()
in interface StashSupport
public ActorContext context()
WARNING: Only valid within the Actor itself, so do not close over it and publish it to other threads!
is the Scala API. getContext
returns a
, which is the Java API of the actor
in interface Actor
in interface StashSupport
public final ActorRef self()
self ! message
in interface Actor
in interface StashSupport
public void preStart()