Use Cassandra instead of PostgreSQL
This guide describes how to use Cassandra instead of a Relational Database. It assumes that you created the project using the Implementing Microservices with Akka tutorial, and it describes the changes relative to the R2DBC setup that is used in the tutorial.
Source downloads
If you prefer to view the full example with Cassandra you can download a zip file containing the completed code:
- Java
- Scala
Use Cassandra for the write side
To use Cassandra for the Event Sourced Cart entity the following changes are needed.
Replace akka-persistence-r2dbc
with akka-persistence-cassandra
- Java
<properties> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>com.typesafe.akka</groupId> <artifactId>akka-persistence-cassandra_${scala.binary.version}</artifactId> </dependency> </dependencies>
- Scala
val AkkaPersistenceCassandraVersion = "1.3.0" libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-cassandra" % AkkaPersistenceCassandraVersion, )
Change the configuration in src/main/resources/persistence.conf
to the following to enable akka-persistence-cassandra
akka {
# use Cassandra to store both snapshots and the events of the persistent actors
persistence {
journal.plugin = "akka.persistence.cassandra.journal" = ["akka.persistence.cassandra.journal"]
snapshot-store.plugin = "akka.persistence.cassandra.snapshot"
cassandra {
events-by-tag {
bucket-size = "Day"
eventual-consistency-delay = 2s
flush-interval = 50ms
pubsub-notification = on
first-time-bucket = "20200815T00:00"
query {
refresh-interval = 2s
journal.keyspace = "shoppingcartservice"
snapshot.keyspace = "shoppingcartservice"
datastax-java-driver {
advanced.reconnect-on-init = on
To make the Projections faster in development environment and tests you can add the following to
# for reduced Projection latency = 200 ms
Use Cassandra for the read side
To use Cassandra for the Projections the following changes are needed.
Replace akka-projection-r2dbc
with akka-projection-cassandra
- Java
<dependency> <groupId>com.lightbend.akka</groupId> <artifactId>akka-projection-cassandra_${scala.binary.version}</artifactId> </dependency>
- Scala
"com.lightbend.akka" %% "akka-projection-cassandra" % AkkaProjectionVersion,
Change the configuration in src/main/resources/persistence.conf
and add following for akka-projection-cassandra
akka.projection {
cassandra.offset-store.keyspace = "shoppingcartservice"
# use same Cassandra session config as for the journal
cassandra.session-config-path = "akka.persistence.cassandra"
Projection for queries
Now we will change the Projection corresponding to the Projection for queries in the tutorial.
Several things are rather different from R2DBC variant, so we start with removing those files, and we will add the corresponding for Cassandra. Remove:
- Java
remove the
- Scala
remove the
Create tags
To connect the events from the entities with the Projection we need to tag the events. We should use several tags, each with a slice number, to distribute the events over several Projection instances. The tag is selected based on the modulo of the entity id’s hash code (stable identifier) and the total number of tags. Each entity instance will tag its events using one of those tags, and the entity instance will always use the same tag.
Create tags as follows:
to include the following:- Java
static final List<String> TAGS = List.of("carts-0", "carts-1", "carts-2", "carts-3", "carts-4"); public static void init(ActorSystem<?> system) { ClusterSharding.get(system) .init( Entity.of( ENTITY_KEY, entityContext -> { int i = Math.abs(entityContext.getEntityId().hashCode() % TAGS.size()); String selectedTag = TAGS.get(i); return ShoppingCart.create(entityContext.getEntityId(), selectedTag); })); }
- Scala
import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.scaladsl.EntityContext val tags = Vector.tabulate(5)(i => s"carts-$i") def init(system: ActorSystem[_]): Unit = { val behaviorFactory: EntityContext[Command] => Behavior[Command] = { entityContext => val i = math.abs(entityContext.entityId.hashCode % tags.size) val selectedTag = tags(i) ShoppingCart(entityContext.entityId, selectedTag) } ClusterSharding(system).init(Entity(EntityKey)(behaviorFactory)) }
One of the tags is selected based on the
, which is theentityContext.entityId
. The tag is assigned to theEventSourcedBehavior
. -
In the
method, add theprojectionTag
parameter and pass it to.withTagger
: In theShoppingCart
constructor, add theprojectionTag
parameter and use it to override thetagsFor
method:- Java
public static Behavior<Command> create(String cartId, String projectionTag) { return Behaviors.setup( ctx -> EventSourcedBehavior.start(new ShoppingCart(cartId, projectionTag), ctx)); } private final String projectionTag; private final String cartId; private ShoppingCart(String cartId, String projectionTag) { super( PersistenceId.of(, cartId), SupervisorStrategy.restartWithBackoff(Duration.ofMillis(200), Duration.ofSeconds(5), 0.1)); this.cartId = cartId; this.projectionTag = projectionTag; } @Override public Set<String> tagsFor(Event event) { (1) return Collections.singleton(projectionTag); }
1 Use tagsFor
to assign theprojectionTag
. - Scala
def apply(cartId: String, projectionTag: String): Behavior[Command] = { EventSourcedBehavior .withEnforcedReplies[Command, Event, State]( persistenceId = PersistenceId(, cartId), emptyState = State.empty, commandHandler = (state, command) => handleCommand(cartId, state, command), eventHandler = (state, event) => handleEvent(state, event)) .withTagger(_ => Set(projectionTag)) (1) .withRetention(RetentionCriteria.snapshotEvery(numberOfEvents = 100)) .onPersistFailure( SupervisorStrategy.restartWithBackoff(200.millis, 5.seconds, 0.1)) }
1 Use withTagger
to assign theprojectionTag
In this example, we use five different tags. Tagging is not easy to change later without system downtime. Before going live in production you should consider how many tags to use, see Akka Projections reference documentation |
Create the Projection
Follow these steps to process events in a Projection that stores the offset in Cassandra and updates an item_popularity
table in Cassandra.
Add a class
:- Java
package shopping.cart; import akka.Done; import akka.projection.eventsourced.EventEnvelope; import akka.projection.javadsl.Handler; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public final class ItemPopularityProjectionHandler extends Handler<EventEnvelope<ShoppingCart.Event>> { (1) private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private final String tag; private final ItemPopularityRepository repo; public ItemPopularityProjectionHandler(String tag, ItemPopularityRepository repo) { this.tag = tag; this.repo = repo; } @Override public CompletionStage<Done> process(EventEnvelope<ShoppingCart.Event> envelope) { (2) ShoppingCart.Event event = envelope.event(); switch (event) { case ShoppingCart.ItemAdded(var __, String itemId, int qtd) -> { (3) CompletionStage<Done> result = this.repo.update(itemId, qtd); result.thenAccept(done -> logItemCount(itemId)); return result; case ShoppingCart.CheckedOut ignored -> { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Done.getInstance()); } case null -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown event type: " + event.getClass()); } } private void logItemCount(String itemId) { repo.getItem(itemId) .thenAccept( optCount -> "ItemPopularityProjectionHandler({}) item popularity for '{}': [{}]", this.tag, itemId, optCount.orElse(0L))); } }
1 extends akka.projection.javadsl.Handler
2 the process
method to implement3 match events and increment or decrement the count via the ItemPopularityRepository
, which encapsulates the database access - Scala
package shopping.cart import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future import akka.Done import import akka.projection.eventsourced.EventEnvelope import akka.projection.scaladsl.Handler import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory class ItemPopularityProjectionHandler( tag: String, system: ActorSystem[_], repo: ItemPopularityRepository) extends Handler[EventEnvelope[ShoppingCart.Event]]() { (1) private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) private implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.executionContext override def process( envelope: EventEnvelope[ShoppingCart.Event]): Future[Done] = { (2) envelope.event match { (3) case ShoppingCart.ItemAdded(_, itemId, quantity) => val result = repo.update(itemId, quantity) result.foreach(_ => logItemCount(itemId)) result case _: ShoppingCart.CheckedOut => Future.successful(Done) } } private def logItemCount(itemId: String): Unit = { repo.getItem(itemId).foreach { optCount => "ItemPopularityProjectionHandler({}) item popularity for '{}': [{}]", tag, itemId, optCount.getOrElse(0)) } } }
1 extends akka.projection.scaladsl.Handler
2 the process
method to implement3 match events and increment or decrement the count via the ItemPopularityRepository
Add the
:- Java
package shopping.cart; import akka.Done; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage; public interface ItemPopularityRepository { CompletionStage<Done> update(String itemId, int delta); CompletionStage<Optional<Long>> getItem(String itemId); }
- Scala
package shopping.cart import scala.concurrent.Future import akka.Done trait ItemPopularityRepository { def update(itemId: String, delta: Int): Future[Done] def getItem(itemId: String): Future[Option[Long]] }
Add the implementation for Cassandra:
- Java
package shopping.cart; import akka.Done; import; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage; public final class ItemPopularityRepositoryImpl implements ItemPopularityRepository { static final String POPULARITY_TABLE = "item_popularity"; private final CassandraSession session; private final String table; public ItemPopularityRepositoryImpl(CassandraSession session, String keyspace) { this.session = session; this.table = keyspace + "." + POPULARITY_TABLE; } @Override public CompletionStage<Done> update(String itemId, int delta) { return session.executeWrite( "UPDATE " + table + " SET count = count + ? WHERE item_id = ?", Long.valueOf(delta), itemId); } @Override public CompletionStage<Optional<Long>> getItem(String itemId) { return session .selectOne("SELECT item_id, count FROM " + table + " WHERE item_id = ?", itemId) .thenApply(opt -> -> row.getLong("count"))); } }
comes from the Cassandra connector in Alpakka and provides an asynchronous API for executing CQL statements to Cassandra. In the initialization code, introduced later, we will see how to get access to aCassandraSession
. You can learn more about theCassandraSession
in the Alpakka reference documentation.
- Scala
package shopping.cart import scala.concurrent.Future import akka.Done import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import object ItemPopularityRepositoryImpl { val popularityTable = "item_popularity" } class ItemPopularityRepositoryImpl(session: CassandraSession, keyspace: String)( implicit val ec: ExecutionContext) extends ItemPopularityRepository { import ItemPopularityRepositoryImpl.popularityTable override def update(itemId: String, delta: Int): Future[Done] = { session.executeWrite( s"UPDATE $keyspace.$popularityTable SET count = count + ? WHERE item_id = ?", java.lang.Long.valueOf(delta), itemId) } override def getItem(itemId: String): Future[Option[Long]] = { session .selectOne( s"SELECT item_id, count FROM $keyspace.$popularityTable WHERE item_id = ?", itemId) .map(opt => => row.getLong("count").longValue())) } }
comes from the Cassandra connector in Alpakka and provides an asynchronous API for executing CQL statements to Cassandra. In the initialization code, introduced later, we will see how to get access to aCassandraSession
. You can learn more about theCassandraSession
in the Alpakka reference documentation.
The example will persist the item popularity count with a Cassandra counter data type. It’s not possible to guarantee that item count updates occur idempotently because we are using at-least-once semantics. However, since the count is only a rough metric to judge how popular an item is it’s not critical to have a totally accurate figure.
Initialize the Projection
Place the initialization code of the Projection in an
object class:- Java
package shopping.cart; import; import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.ShardedDaemonProcessSettings; import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.javadsl.ShardedDaemonProcess; import akka.persistence.cassandra.query.javadsl.CassandraReadJournal; import akka.persistence.query.Offset; import akka.projection.ProjectionBehavior; import akka.projection.ProjectionId; import akka.projection.cassandra.javadsl.CassandraProjection; import akka.projection.eventsourced.EventEnvelope; import akka.projection.eventsourced.javadsl.EventSourcedProvider; import akka.projection.javadsl.AtLeastOnceProjection; import akka.projection.javadsl.SourceProvider; import java.util.Optional; public final class ItemPopularityProjection { private ItemPopularityProjection() {} public static void init(ActorSystem<?> system, ItemPopularityRepository repository) { ShardedDaemonProcess.get(system) .init( (1) ProjectionBehavior.Command.class, "ItemPopularityProjection", ShoppingCart.TAGS.size(), index -> ProjectionBehavior.create(createProjectionFor(system, repository, index)), ShardedDaemonProcessSettings.create(system), Optional.of(ProjectionBehavior.stopMessage())); } private static AtLeastOnceProjection<Offset, EventEnvelope<ShoppingCart.Event>> createProjectionFor(ActorSystem<?> system, ItemPopularityRepository repository, int index) { String tag = ShoppingCart.TAGS.get(index); (2) SourceProvider<Offset, EventEnvelope<ShoppingCart.Event>> sourceProvider = (3) EventSourcedProvider.eventsByTag( system, CassandraReadJournal.Identifier(), (4) tag); return CassandraProjection.atLeastOnce( (5) ProjectionId.of("ItemPopularityProjection", tag), sourceProvider, () -> new ItemPopularityProjectionHandler(tag, repository)); (6) } }
1 ShardedDaemonProcess
will manage the Projection instances. It ensures the Projection instances are always running and distributes them over the nodes in the Akka Cluster.2 The tag
is selected based on the Projection instance’s index, corresponding to carts-0 to carts-3 as explained in the tagging in theShoppingCart
.3 The source of the Projection is EventSourcedProvider.eventsByTag
with the selected tag.4 Using the Cassandra event journal. 5 Using Cassandra for offset storage of the Projection. 6 Creating the Projection Handler
that we wrote in the beginning of this part. - Scala
package shopping.cart import import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.ShardedDaemonProcessSettings import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.scaladsl.ShardedDaemonProcess import akka.persistence.cassandra.query.scaladsl.CassandraReadJournal import akka.persistence.query.Offset import akka.projection.ProjectionBehavior import akka.projection.ProjectionId import akka.projection.cassandra.scaladsl.CassandraProjection import akka.projection.eventsourced.EventEnvelope import akka.projection.eventsourced.scaladsl.EventSourcedProvider import akka.projection.scaladsl.AtLeastOnceProjection import akka.projection.scaladsl.SourceProvider object ItemPopularityProjection { def init( system: ActorSystem[_], repository: ItemPopularityRepository): Unit = { ShardedDaemonProcess(system).init( (1) name = "ItemPopularityProjection", ShoppingCart.tags.size, index => ProjectionBehavior(createProjectionFor(system, repository, index)), ShardedDaemonProcessSettings(system), Some(ProjectionBehavior.Stop)) } private def createProjectionFor( system: ActorSystem[_], repository: ItemPopularityRepository, index: Int) : AtLeastOnceProjection[Offset, EventEnvelope[ShoppingCart.Event]] = { val tag = ShoppingCart.tags(index) (2) val sourceProvider : SourceProvider[Offset, EventEnvelope[ShoppingCart.Event]] = (3) EventSourcedProvider.eventsByTag[ShoppingCart.Event]( system = system, readJournalPluginId = CassandraReadJournal.Identifier, (4) tag = tag) CassandraProjection.atLeastOnce( (5) projectionId = ProjectionId("ItemPopularityProjection", tag), sourceProvider, handler = () => new ItemPopularityProjectionHandler(tag, system, repository) (6) ) } }
1 ShardedDaemonProcess
will manage the Projection instances. It ensures the Projection instances are always running and distributes them over the nodes in the Akka Cluster.2 The tag
is selected based on the Projection instance’s index, corresponding to carts-0 to carts-3 as explained in the tagging in theShoppingCart
.3 The source of the Projection is EventSourcedProvider.eventsByTag
with the selected tag.4 Using the Cassandra event journal. 5 Using Cassandra for offset storage of the Projection. 6 Creating the Projection Handler
that we wrote in the beginning of this part.
Call the
:- Java
CassandraSession session = CassandraSessionRegistry.get(system).sessionFor("akka.persistence.cassandra"); (1) // use same keyspace for the item_popularity table as the offset store Config config = system.settings().config(); String itemPopularityKeyspace = config.getString("akka.projection.cassandra.offset-store.keyspace"); ItemPopularityRepository itemPopularityRepository = new ItemPopularityRepositoryImpl(session, itemPopularityKeyspace); (2) ItemPopularityProjection.init(system, itemPopularityRepository); (3)
1 The CassandraSession
is looked up from theCassandraSessionRegistry
2 Instantiate the repository for Cassandra 3 Call the initialization of the Projection - Scala
import val session = CassandraSessionRegistry(system).sessionFor( "akka.persistence.cassandra" ) (1) // use same keyspace for the item_popularity table as the offset store val itemPopularityKeyspace = system.settings.config .getString("akka.projection.cassandra.offset-store.keyspace") val itemPopularityRepository = new ItemPopularityRepositoryImpl(session, itemPopularityKeyspace)( system.executionContext ) (2) ItemPopularityProjection.init(system, itemPopularityRepository) (3)
1 The CassandraSession
is looked up from theCassandraSessionRegistry
2 Instantiate the repository for Cassandra 3 Call the initialization of the Projection
The CassandraProjection
uses at-least-once processing semantics. The offset is stored after the event has been processed and if the projection is restarted from a previously stored offset some events may be processed more than once. For a R2DBC Projectionit’s possible to have exactly-once semantics because the offset can be stored in the same atomic transaction as the database operation in the event handler.
To expose the item popularity to the outside of the service we have the
operation in the gRPCShoppingCartService
.Replace the
implementation in theShoppingCartServiceImpl
:- Java
@Override public CompletionStage<GetItemPopularityResponse> getItemPopularity(GetItemPopularityRequest in) { return itemPopularityRepository .getItem(in.getItemId()) .thenApply( maybePopularity -> { long popularity = maybePopularity.orElse(0L); return GetItemPopularityResponse.newBuilder().setPopularityCount(popularity).build(); }); }
- Scala
override def getItemPopularity(in: proto.GetItemPopularityRequest) : Future[proto.GetItemPopularityResponse] = { itemPopularityRepository.getItem(in.itemId).map { case Some(count) => proto.GetItemPopularityResponse(in.itemId, count) case None => proto.GetItemPopularityResponse(in.itemId, 0L) } }
Projection publishing to Kafka
On the tutorial, we use Service-to-Service Eventing to publish events between 2 different services. Currently, this feature is not supported for Cassandra, so one option is to use Kafka instead.
Such a solution would be very similar to what is explained on the Use Kafka for the Projection, but using a Cassandra projection similar to the one used in the previous section instead of a R2DBC projection. Thus, we will not repeat the explanation here.
Also, remember to remove the existing PublishEventsGrpc
and its corresponding initialization in Main
Projection calling gRPC service
For the Projection that calls the shopping-order-service
, the changes are minimal.
On the Projection handler
use an
instead of theR2dbcHandler
use an
instead of theakka.persistence.query.typed.EventEnvelope
remove the
on theprocess
method override -
remove the
The result should be similar to:
- Java
package shopping.cart; import static akka.Done.done; import akka.Done; import; import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.javadsl.ClusterSharding; import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.javadsl.EntityRef; import akka.projection.eventsourced.EventEnvelope; import akka.projection.javadsl.Handler; import java.time.Duration; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import shopping.order.proto.Item; import shopping.order.proto.OrderRequest; import shopping.order.proto.ShoppingOrderService; public final class SendOrderProjectionHandler extends Handler<EventEnvelope<ShoppingCart.Event>> { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private final ClusterSharding sharding; private final Duration timeout; private final ShoppingOrderService orderService; public SendOrderProjectionHandler( ActorSystem<?> system, ShoppingOrderService orderService) { (1) sharding = ClusterSharding.get(system); timeout = system.settings().config().getDuration("shopping-cart-service.ask-timeout"); this.orderService = orderService; } @Override public CompletionStage<Done> process(EventEnvelope<ShoppingCart.Event> envelope) { return envelope.event() instanceof ShoppingCart.CheckedOut checkedOut ? sendOrder(checkedOut) : CompletableFuture.completedFuture(done()); } private CompletionStage<Done> sendOrder(ShoppingCart.CheckedOut checkout) { EntityRef<ShoppingCart.Command> entityRef = sharding.entityRefFor(ShoppingCart.ENTITY_KEY, checkout.cartId()); CompletionStage<ShoppingCart.Summary> reply = entityRef.ask(ShoppingCart.Get::new, timeout); return reply.thenCompose( cart -> { (2) List<Item> protoItems = cart.items().entrySet().stream() .map( entry -> Item.newBuilder() .setItemId(entry.getKey()) .setQuantity(entry.getValue()) .build()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); "Sending order of {} items for cart {}.", cart.items().size(), checkout.cartId()); OrderRequest orderRequest = OrderRequest.newBuilder() .setCartId(checkout.cartId()) .addAllItems(protoItems) .build(); return orderService.order(orderRequest).thenApply(response -> done()); (3) }); } }
- Scala
package shopping.cart import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext import scala.concurrent.Future import akka.Done import import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.scaladsl.ClusterSharding import akka.projection.eventsourced.EventEnvelope import akka.projection.scaladsl.Handler import akka.util.Timeout import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import shopping.order.proto.Item import shopping.order.proto.OrderRequest import shopping.order.proto.ShoppingOrderService class SendOrderProjectionHandler( system: ActorSystem[_], orderService: ShoppingOrderService) (1) extends Handler[EventEnvelope[ShoppingCart.Event]] { private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) private implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.executionContext private val sharding = ClusterSharding(system) implicit private val timeout: Timeout = Timeout.create( system.settings.config.getDuration("shopping-cart-service.ask-timeout")) override def process( envelope: EventEnvelope[ShoppingCart.Event]): Future[Done] = { envelope.event match { case checkout: ShoppingCart.CheckedOut => sendOrder(checkout) case _ => // this projection is only interested in CheckedOut events Future.successful(Done) } } private def sendOrder(checkout: ShoppingCart.CheckedOut): Future[Done] = { val entityRef = sharding.entityRefFor(ShoppingCart.EntityKey, checkout.cartId) entityRef.ask(ShoppingCart.Get).flatMap { cart => (2) val items = { case (itemId, quantity) => Item(itemId, quantity) }.toList "Sending order of {} items for cart {}.", items.size, checkout.cartId) val orderReq = OrderRequest(checkout.cartId, items) orderService.order(orderReq).map(_ => Done) (3) } } }
object class to be:
- Java
package shopping.cart; import; import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.ShardedDaemonProcessSettings; import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.javadsl.ShardedDaemonProcess; import akka.persistence.cassandra.query.javadsl.CassandraReadJournal; import akka.persistence.query.Offset; import akka.projection.ProjectionBehavior; import akka.projection.ProjectionId; import akka.projection.cassandra.javadsl.CassandraProjection; import akka.projection.eventsourced.EventEnvelope; import akka.projection.eventsourced.javadsl.EventSourcedProvider; import akka.projection.javadsl.AtLeastOnceProjection; import akka.projection.javadsl.SourceProvider; import java.util.Optional; import shopping.order.proto.ShoppingOrderService; public class SendOrderProjection { private SendOrderProjection() {} public static void init(ActorSystem<?> system, ShoppingOrderService orderService) { ShardedDaemonProcess.get(system) .init( ProjectionBehavior.Command.class, "SendOrderProjection", ShoppingCart.TAGS.size(), index -> ProjectionBehavior.create(createProjectionsFor(system, orderService, index)), ShardedDaemonProcessSettings.create(system), Optional.of(ProjectionBehavior.stopMessage())); } private static AtLeastOnceProjection<Offset, EventEnvelope<ShoppingCart.Event>> (1) createProjectionsFor(ActorSystem<?> system, ShoppingOrderService orderService, int index) { String tag = ShoppingCart.TAGS.get(index); SourceProvider<Offset, EventEnvelope<ShoppingCart.Event>> sourceProvider = EventSourcedProvider.eventsByTag(system, CassandraReadJournal.Identifier(), tag); (2) return CassandraProjection.atLeastOnce( (3) ProjectionId.of("SendOrderProjection", tag), sourceProvider, () -> new SendOrderProjectionHandler(system, orderService)); } }
1 AtLeastOnceProjection
instead ofExactlyOnceProjection
2 CassandraReadJournal.Identifier
instead ofR2dbcReadJournal.Identifier
3 CassandraProjection.atLeastOnce
instead ofR2dbcProjection.exactlyOnce
- Scala
package shopping.cart import import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.ShardedDaemonProcessSettings import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.scaladsl.ShardedDaemonProcess import akka.persistence.cassandra.query.scaladsl.CassandraReadJournal import akka.persistence.query.Offset import akka.projection.ProjectionBehavior import akka.projection.ProjectionId import akka.projection.cassandra.scaladsl.CassandraProjection import akka.projection.eventsourced.EventEnvelope import akka.projection.eventsourced.scaladsl.EventSourcedProvider import akka.projection.scaladsl.AtLeastOnceProjection import akka.projection.scaladsl.SourceProvider import shopping.order.proto.ShoppingOrderService object SendOrderProjection { def init(system: ActorSystem[_], orderService: ShoppingOrderService): Unit = { ShardedDaemonProcess(system).init( name = "SendOrderProjection", ShoppingCart.tags.size, index => ProjectionBehavior(createProjectionFor(system, orderService, index)), ShardedDaemonProcessSettings(system), Some(ProjectionBehavior.Stop)) } private def createProjectionFor( system: ActorSystem[_], orderService: ShoppingOrderService, index: Int): AtLeastOnceProjection[ Offset, EventEnvelope[ShoppingCart.Event]] = { (1) val tag = ShoppingCart.tags(index) val sourceProvider : SourceProvider[Offset, EventEnvelope[ShoppingCart.Event]] = EventSourcedProvider.eventsByTag[ShoppingCart.Event]( system = system, readJournalPluginId = CassandraReadJournal.Identifier, (2) tag = tag) CassandraProjection.atLeastOnce( (3) projectionId = ProjectionId("SendOrderProjection", tag), sourceProvider, handler = () => new SendOrderProjectionHandler(system, orderService)) } }
1 AtLeastOnceProjection
instead ofExactlyOnceProjection
2 CassandraReadJournal.Identifier
instead ofR2dbcReadJournal.Identifier
3 CassandraProjection.atLeastOnce
instead ofR2dbcProjection.exactlyOnce
When moving from exactly-once to at-least-once semantics, you should consider the implications of processing the same event multiple times. Depending on your specific context, you might need to ensure that your event processing is idempotent on the consuming side.
The SendOrderProjection.init
call from the Main
class can remain the same as for R2DBC.
DDL scripts
Replace the sql
scripts in the ddl_scripts
folder with corresponding cql
scripts for Cassandra.
will create the keyspace and all tables needed for Akka Persistence as well as the offset store table for Akka Projection.
-- This CQL script will create the keyspace and all tables needed for the this sample.
-- It includes the messages and snapshot tables (write-side) and the projection tables (read-side).
-- NOTE: the keyspace as created here is probably not what you need in a production environment.
-- This is good enough for local development though.
WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':1 };
USE shoppingcartservice;
persistence_id text,
partition_nr bigint,
sequence_nr bigint,
timestamp timeuuid,
timebucket text,
writer_uuid text,
ser_id int,
ser_manifest text,
event_manifest text,
event blob,
meta_ser_id int,
meta_ser_manifest text,
meta blob,
tags set<text>,
PRIMARY KEY ((persistence_id, partition_nr), sequence_nr, timestamp));
tag_name text,
persistence_id text,
sequence_nr bigint,
timebucket bigint,
timestamp timeuuid,
tag_pid_sequence_nr bigint,
writer_uuid text,
ser_id int,
ser_manifest text,
event_manifest text,
event blob,
meta_ser_id int,
meta_ser_manifest text,
meta blob,
PRIMARY KEY ((tag_name, timebucket), timestamp, persistence_id, tag_pid_sequence_nr));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tag_write_progress(
persistence_id text,
tag text,
sequence_nr bigint,
tag_pid_sequence_nr bigint,
offset timeuuid,
PRIMARY KEY (persistence_id, tag));
persistence_id text,
sequence_nr bigint,
PRIMARY KEY (persistence_id));
persistence_id text PRIMARY KEY,
deleted_to bigint,
properties map<text,text>);
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS all_persistence_ids(
persistence_id text PRIMARY KEY);
persistence_id text,
sequence_nr bigint,
timestamp bigint,
ser_id int,
ser_manifest text,
snapshot_data blob,
snapshot blob,
meta_ser_id int,
meta_ser_manifest text,
meta blob,
PRIMARY KEY (persistence_id, sequence_nr))
projection_name text,
partition int,
projection_key text,
offset text,
manifest text,
last_updated timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY ((projection_name, partition), projection_key));
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS projection_management (
projection_name text,
partition int,
projection_key text,
paused boolean,
last_updated timestamp,
PRIMARY KEY ((projection_name, partition), projection_key));
The keyspace as created by the script works fine for local development but is probably not what you need in a production environment. |
will create the table needed for the item popularity Projection.
USE shoppingcartservice;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS item_popularity (
item_id text,
count counter,
PRIMARY KEY (item_id));
Run locally
Docker compose
Change the
to start Cassandra instead of PostgreSQL in Docker:docker-compose.yml:version: '2.2' services: cassandra-service: image: cassandra:latest container_name: cassandra-db ports: - "9042:9042" healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "cqlsh", "-e", "describe keyspaces"] interval: 5s timeout: 5s retries: 60 # This exists to force the condition of having the Cassandra service is up before starting the tests. # The healthcheck above is not enough because it does not provide a condition to wait for the service # to be up. And this is simpler than installing cqlsh and using it to check the service status on the # CI server. cassandra: image: alpine:latest depends_on: cassandra-service: condition: service_healthy # See dockerhub for different versions of kafka and zookeeper # # zookeeper: image: zookeeper:3.9 ports: - "2181:2181" kafka: image: confluentinc/cp-kafka:7.4.4 depends_on: - zookeeper ports: - 9092:9092 environment: KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT: zookeeper:2181 KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS: PLAINTEXT://kafka:29092,PLAINTEXT_HOST://localhost:9092 KAFKA_LISTENER_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_MAP: PLAINTEXT:PLAINTEXT,PLAINTEXT_HOST:PLAINTEXT KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR: 1
Start Cassandra and Kafka from the
:docker compose up -d
Create the Cassandra keyspace and tables from the CQL script located inside the
at the root of the project:docker exec -i cassandra-db cqlsh -t < ddl-scripts/create_tables.cql
docker exec -i cassandra-db cqlsh -t < ddl-scripts/create_user_tables.cql
If you get a connection error with the message Unable to connect to any servers, it means the Cassandra container is still starting. Wait a few seconds and re-try the command.
It will create the keyspace and all tables needed for Akka Persistence as well as the offset store table for Akka Projection.
The keyspace as created by the script works fine for local development but is probably not what you need in a production environment.
Run the service
Run the service with:
sbt -Dconfig.resource=local1.conf run
# make sure to compile before running exec:exec
mvn compile exec:exec -DAPP_CONFIG=local1.conf
Exercise the service
Try the following to exercise the service:
to add 3 socks to a cart:grpcurl -d '{"cartId":"cart1", "itemId":"socks", "quantity":3}' -plaintext shoppingcart.ShoppingCartService.AddItem
Add 2 t-shirts to the same cart:
grpcurl -d '{"cartId":"cart1", "itemId":"t-shirt", "quantity":2}' -plaintext shoppingcart.ShoppingCartService.AddItem
The returned updated cart should still contain the 3 socks.
Check the quantity of the cart:
grpcurl -d '{"cartId":"cart1"}' -plaintext shoppingcart.ShoppingCartService.GetCart
Check the popularity of the item:
grpcurl -d '{"itemId":"t-shirt"}' -plaintext shoppingcart.ShoppingCartService.GetItemPopularity
Check out cart:
grpcurl -d '{"cartId":"cart1"}' -plaintext shoppingcart.ShoppingCartService.Checkout