The Alpakka Elasticsearch connector provides Akka Streams integration for Elasticsearch.
For more information about Elasticsearch, please visit the Elasticsearch documentation.
Project Info: Alpakka Elasticsearch | |
Artifact | com.lightbend.akka
JDK versions | Eclipse Temurin JDK 11 Eclipse Temurin JDK 17 |
Scala versions | 2.13.12 |
JPMS module name | akka.stream.alpakka.elasticsearch |
License | |
Readiness level |
Since 0.12, 2017-09-19
Home page | https://doc.akka.io/libraries/alpakka/current |
API documentation | |
Forums | |
Release notes | GitHub releases |
Issues | Github issues |
Sources | https://github.com/akka/alpakka |
The Akka dependencies are available from Akka’s library repository. To access them there, you need to configure the URL for this repository.
- sbt
resolvers += "Akka library repository".at("https://repo.akka.io/maven")
- Maven
<project> ... <repositories> <repository> <id>akka-repository</id> <name>Akka library repository</name> <url>https://repo.akka.io/maven</url> </repository> </repositories> </project>
- Gradle
repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url "https://repo.akka.io/maven" } }
Additionally, add the dependencies as below.
- sbt
val AkkaVersion = "2.10.0" libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.lightbend.akka" %% "akka-stream-alpakka-elasticsearch" % "9.0.1", "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-stream" % AkkaVersion )
- Maven
<properties> <akka.version>2.10.0</akka.version> <scala.binary.version>2.13</scala.binary.version> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>com.lightbend.akka</groupId> <artifactId>akka-stream-alpakka-elasticsearch_${scala.binary.version}</artifactId> <version>9.0.1</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.typesafe.akka</groupId> <artifactId>akka-stream_${scala.binary.version}</artifactId> <version>${akka.version}</version> </dependency> </dependencies>
- Gradle
def versions = [ AkkaVersion: "2.10.0", ScalaBinary: "2.13" ] dependencies { implementation "com.lightbend.akka:akka-stream-alpakka-elasticsearch_${versions.ScalaBinary}:9.0.1" implementation "com.typesafe.akka:akka-stream_${versions.ScalaBinary}:${versions.AkkaVersion}" }
The table below shows direct dependencies of this module and the second tab shows all libraries it depends on transitively.
- Direct dependencies
Organization Artifact Version com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-core 2.17.3 com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-databind 2.17.3 com.typesafe.akka akka-http-spray-json_2.13 10.7.0 com.typesafe.akka akka-http_2.13 10.7.0 com.typesafe.akka akka-pki_2.13 2.10.0 com.typesafe.akka akka-stream_2.13 2.10.0 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 - Dependency tree
com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-core 2.17.3 The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-databind 2.17.3 The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-annotations 2.17.3 The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.fasterxml.jackson.core jackson-core 2.17.3 The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.typesafe.akka akka-http-spray-json_2.13 10.7.0 BUSL-1.1 com.typesafe.akka akka-http_2.13 10.7.0 BUSL-1.1 com.typesafe.akka akka-http-core_2.13 10.7.0 BUSL-1.1 com.typesafe.akka akka-parsing_2.13 10.7.0 BUSL-1.1 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 com.typesafe.akka akka-pki_2.13 2.10.0 BUSL-1.1 com.hierynomus asn-one 0.6.0 The Apache License, Version 2.0 com.typesafe.akka akka-actor_2.13 2.10.0 BUSL-1.1 com.typesafe config 1.4.3 Apache-2.0 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 org.slf4j slf4j-api 2.0.16 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 io.spray spray-json_2.13 1.3.6 Apache 2 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 com.typesafe.akka akka-http_2.13 10.7.0 BUSL-1.1 com.typesafe.akka akka-http-core_2.13 10.7.0 BUSL-1.1 com.typesafe.akka akka-parsing_2.13 10.7.0 BUSL-1.1 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 com.typesafe.akka akka-pki_2.13 2.10.0 BUSL-1.1 com.hierynomus asn-one 0.6.0 The Apache License, Version 2.0 com.typesafe.akka akka-actor_2.13 2.10.0 BUSL-1.1 com.typesafe config 1.4.3 Apache-2.0 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 org.slf4j slf4j-api 2.0.16 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 com.typesafe.akka akka-pki_2.13 2.10.0 BUSL-1.1 com.hierynomus asn-one 0.6.0 The Apache License, Version 2.0 com.typesafe.akka akka-actor_2.13 2.10.0 BUSL-1.1 com.typesafe config 1.4.3 Apache-2.0 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 org.slf4j slf4j-api 2.0.16 com.typesafe.akka akka-stream_2.13 2.10.0 BUSL-1.1 com.typesafe.akka akka-actor_2.13 2.10.0 BUSL-1.1 com.typesafe config 1.4.3 Apache-2.0 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 com.typesafe.akka akka-protobuf-v3_2.13 2.10.0 BUSL-1.1 org.reactivestreams reactive-streams 1.0.4 MIT-0 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0 org.scala-lang scala-library 2.13.12 Apache-2.0
Elasticsearch connection
The connection and credentials to authenticate with are configured with ElasticsearchConnectionSettings
- Scala
val connectionSettings = ElasticsearchConnectionSettings("http://localhost:9200") .withCredentials("user", "password")
- Java
ElasticsearchConnectionSettings connectionSettings = ElasticsearchConnectionSettings.create("http://localhost:9200") .withCredentials("user", "password");
Parameter | Default | Description |
baseUrl | Empty | The base URL of Elasticsearch. Should not include a trailing slash. |
username | None | The username to authenticate with |
password | None | The password to authenticate with |
headers | None | List of headers that should be sent with the http request. |
connectionContext | None | The connectionContext that will be used with the http request. This can be used for TLS Auth instead of basic auth (username/password) by setting the SSLContext within the connectionContext. |
Elasticsearch parameters
Any API method that allows reading from and writing to Elasticsearch takes an instance of ElasticsearchParams
has be constructed based on the ElasticSearch API version that you’re targeting:
- Scala
val elasticsearchParamsV5 = ElasticsearchParams.V5("index", "_doc") val elasticsearchParamsV7 = ElasticsearchParams.V7("index")
- Java
ElasticsearchParams elasticsearchParamsV5 = ElasticsearchParams.V5("source", "_doc"); ElasticsearchParams elasticsearchParamsV7 = ElasticsearchParams.V7("source");
Elasticsearch as Source and Sink
You can stream messages from or to Elasticsearch using the ElasticsearchSource
, ElasticsearchFlow
or the ElasticsearchSink
- Scala
import spray.json._ import DefaultJsonProtocol._ case class Book(title: String, shouldSkip: Option[Boolean] = None, price: Int = 10) implicit val format: JsonFormat[Book] = jsonFormat3(Book.apply)
- Java
public static class Book { public String title; public Book() {} public Book(String title) { this.title = title; } }
With typed source
Use ElasticsearchSource.typed
and ElasticsearchSink.create
to create source and sink. The data is converted to and from JSON by Spray JSON. The data is converted to and from JSON by Jackson’s ObjectMapper.
- Scala
val copy = ElasticsearchSource .typed[Book]( constructElasticsearchParams("source", "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), query = """{"match_all": {}}""", settings = baseSourceSettings ) .map { (message: ReadResult[Book]) => WriteMessage.createIndexMessage(message.id, message.source) } .runWith( ElasticsearchSink.create[Book]( constructElasticsearchParams(indexName, "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), settings = baseWriteSettings ) )
- Java
ElasticsearchSourceSettings sourceSettings = ElasticsearchSourceSettings.create(connectionSettings).withApiVersion(ApiVersion.V5); ElasticsearchWriteSettings sinkSettings = ElasticsearchWriteSettings.create(connectionSettings).withApiVersion(ApiVersion.V5); Source<ReadResult<ElasticsearchTestBase.Book>, NotUsed> source = ElasticsearchSource.typed( constructElasticsearchParams("source", "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), "{\"match_all\": {}}", sourceSettings, ElasticsearchTestBase.Book.class); CompletionStage<Done> f1 = source .map(m -> WriteMessage.createIndexMessage(m.id(), m.source())) .runWith( ElasticsearchSink.create( constructElasticsearchParams("sink2", "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), sinkSettings, new ObjectMapper()), system);
With JSON source
Use ElasticsearchSource.create
and ElasticsearchSink.create
to create source and sink.
- Scala
val copy = ElasticsearchSource .create( constructElasticsearchParams("source", "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), query = """{"match_all": {}}""", settings = baseSourceSettings ) .map { (message: ReadResult[spray.json.JsObject]) => val book: Book = jsonReader[Book].read(message.source) WriteMessage.createIndexMessage(message.id, book) } .runWith( ElasticsearchSink.create[Book]( constructElasticsearchParams(indexName, "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), settings = baseWriteSettings ) )
- Java
ElasticsearchSourceSettings sourceSettings = ElasticsearchSourceSettings.create(connectionSettings).withApiVersion(ApiVersion.V5); ElasticsearchWriteSettings sinkSettings = ElasticsearchWriteSettings.create(connectionSettings).withApiVersion(ApiVersion.V5); Source<ReadResult<Map<String, Object>>, NotUsed> source = ElasticsearchSource.create( constructElasticsearchParams("source", "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), "{\"match_all\": {}}", sourceSettings); CompletionStage<Done> f1 = source .map(m -> WriteMessage.createIndexMessage(m.id(), m.source())) .runWith( ElasticsearchSink.create( constructElasticsearchParams("sink1", "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), sinkSettings, new ObjectMapper()), system);
Writing to Elasticsearch
In the above examples, WriteMessage
is used as the input to ElasticsearchSink
and ElasticsearchFlow
. This means requesting index
operation to Elasticsearch. It’s possible to request other operations using following message types:
Message factory | Description |
WriteMessage.createIndexMessage | Create a new document. If id is specified and it already exists, replace the document and increment its version. |
WriteMessage.createCreateMessage | Create a new document. If id already exists, the WriteResult will contain an error. |
WriteMessage.createUpdateMessage | Update an existing document. If there is no document with the specified id , do nothing. |
WriteMessage.createUpsertMessage | Update an existing document. If there is no document with the specified id , create a new document. |
WriteMessage.createDeleteMessage | Delete an existing document. If there is no document with the specified id , do nothing. |
- Scala
val requests = List[WriteMessage[Book, NotUsed]]( WriteMessage.createIndexMessage(id = "00001", source = Book("Book 1")), WriteMessage.createUpsertMessage(id = "00002", source = Book("Book 2")), WriteMessage.createUpsertMessage(id = "00003", source = Book("Book 3")), WriteMessage.createUpdateMessage(id = "00004", source = Book("Book 4")), WriteMessage.createCreateMessage(id = "00005", source = Book("Book 5")), WriteMessage.createDeleteMessage(id = "00002") ) val writeResults = Source(requests) .via( ElasticsearchFlow.create[Book]( constructElasticsearchParams(indexName, "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), baseWriteSettings ) ) .runWith(Sink.seq)
- Java
// Create, update, upsert and delete documents in sink8/book List<WriteMessage<Book, NotUsed>> requests = Arrays.asList( WriteMessage.createIndexMessage("00001", new Book("Book 1")), WriteMessage.createUpsertMessage("00002", new Book("Book 2")), WriteMessage.createUpsertMessage("00003", new Book("Book 3")), WriteMessage.createUpdateMessage("00004", new Book("Book 4")), WriteMessage.createDeleteMessage("00002")); Source.from(requests) .via( ElasticsearchFlow.create( constructElasticsearchParams("sink8", "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), ElasticsearchWriteSettings.create(connectionSettings).withApiVersion(ApiVersion.V5), new ObjectMapper())) .runWith(Sink.seq(), system) .toCompletableFuture() .get();
Source configuration
We can configure the source by ElasticsearchSourceSettings
- Scala
val sourceSettings = ElasticsearchSourceSettings(connectionSettings) .withBufferSize(10) .withScrollDuration(5.minutes)
- Java
ElasticsearchSourceSettings sourceSettings = ElasticsearchSourceSettings.create(connectionSettings).withBufferSize(10);
Parameter | Default | Description |
connection | The connection details and credentials to authenticate against ElasticSearch. See ElasticsearchConnectionSettings |
bufferSize | 10 | ElasticsearchSource retrieves messages from Elasticsearch by scroll scan. This buffer size is used as the scroll size. |
includeDocumentVersion | false | Tell Elasticsearch to return the documents _version property with the search results. See Version and Optimistic Concurrenct Control to know about this property. |
scrollDuration | 5 min | ElasticsearchSource retrieves messages from Elasticsearch by scroll scan. This parameter is used as a scroll value. See Time units for supported units. |
apiVersion | V7 | Currently supports V5 and V7 (see below) |
Sink and flow configuration
Sinks and flows are configured with ElasticsearchWriteSettings
- Scala
val sinkSettings = ElasticsearchWriteSettings(connectionSettings) .withBufferSize(10) .withVersionType("internal") .withRetryLogic(RetryAtFixedRate(maxRetries = 5, retryInterval = 1.second)) .withApiVersion(ApiVersion.V5)
- Java
ElasticsearchWriteSettings settings = ElasticsearchWriteSettings.create(connectionSettings) .withBufferSize(10) .withVersionType("internal") .withRetryLogic(RetryAtFixedRate.create(5, Duration.ofSeconds(1))) .withApiVersion(ApiVersion.V5);
Parameter | Default | Description |
connection | The connection details and credentials to authenticate against ElasticSearch. See ElasticsearchConnectionSettings |
bufferSize | 10 | Flow and Sink batch messages to bulk requests when back-pressure applies. |
versionType | None | If set, ElasticsearchSink uses the chosen versionType to index documents. See Version types for accepted settings. |
retryLogic | No retries | See below |
apiVersion | V7 | Currently supports V5 and V7 (see below) |
allowExplicitIndex | True | When set to False, the index name will be included in the URL instead of on each document (see below) |
Retry logic
A bulk request might fail partially for some reason. To retry failed writes to Elasticsearch, a RetryLogic
can be specified.
The provided implementations are:
Parameter | Description |
maxRetries | The stage fails, if it gets this number of consecutive failures. |
retryInterval | Failing writes are retried after this duration. |
Parameter | Description |
maxRetries | The stage fails, if it gets this number of consecutive failures. |
minBackoff | Initial backoff for failing writes. |
maxBackoff | Maximum backoff for failing writes. |
In case of write failures the order of messages downstream is guaranteed to be preserved.
Supported API versions
To support reading and writing to multiple versions of Elasticsearch, an ApiVersion
can be specified.
This will be used to: 1. transform the bulk request into a format understood by the corresponding Elasticsearch server. 2. determine whether to include the index type mapping in the API calls. See removal of types
Currently V5
and V7
are supported specifically but this parameter does not need to match the server version exactly (for example, either V5
or V7
should work with Elasticsearch 6.x).
Allow explicit index
When using the _bulk
API, Elasticsearch will reject requests that have an explicit index in the request body if explicit index names are not allowed. See URL-based access control
Elasticsearch as Flow
You can also build flow stages with ElasticsearchFlow
. The API is similar to creating Sinks.
- Scala
val copy = ElasticsearchSource .typed[Book]( constructElasticsearchParams("source", "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), query = """{"match_all": {}}""", settings = baseSourceSettings ) .map { (message: ReadResult[Book]) => WriteMessage.createIndexMessage(message.id, message.source) } .via( ElasticsearchFlow.create[Book]( constructElasticsearchParams(indexName, "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), settings = baseWriteSettings ) ) .runWith(Sink.seq)
- Java
CompletionStage<List<WriteResult<Book, NotUsed>>> f1 = ElasticsearchSource.typed( constructElasticsearchParams("source", "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), "{\"match_all\": {}}", ElasticsearchSourceSettings.create(connectionSettings) .withApiVersion(ApiVersion.V5) .withBufferSize(5), Book.class) .map(m -> WriteMessage.createIndexMessage(m.id(), m.source())) .via( ElasticsearchFlow.create( constructElasticsearchParams("sink3", "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), ElasticsearchWriteSettings.create(connectionSettings) .withApiVersion(ApiVersion.V5) .withBufferSize(5), new ObjectMapper())) .runWith(Sink.seq(), system);
Storing documents from Strings
Elasticsearch requires the documents to be properly formatted JSON. If your data is available as JSON in Strings, you may use the pre-defined StringMessageWriter
to avoid any conversions. For any other JSON technologies, implement a MessageWriter[T]
- Scala
val write: Future[immutable.Seq[WriteResult[String, NotUsed]]] = Source( immutable.Seq( WriteMessage.createIndexMessage("1", Book("Das Parfum").toJson.toString()), WriteMessage.createIndexMessage("2", Book("Faust").toJson.toString()), WriteMessage.createIndexMessage("3", Book("Die unendliche Geschichte").toJson.toString()) ) ).via( ElasticsearchFlow.create( constructElasticsearchParams(indexName, "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), settings = baseWriteSettings, StringMessageWriter ) ) .runWith(Sink.seq)
- Java
String indexName = "sink3-0"; CompletionStage<List<WriteResult<String, NotUsed>>> write = Source.from( Arrays.asList( WriteMessage.createIndexMessage("1", "{\"title\": \"Das Parfum\"}"), WriteMessage.createIndexMessage("2", "{\"title\": \"Faust\"}"), WriteMessage.createIndexMessage( "3", "{\"title\": \"Die unendliche Geschichte\"}"))) .via( ElasticsearchFlow.create( constructElasticsearchParams(indexName, "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), ElasticsearchWriteSettings.create(connectionSettings) .withApiVersion(ApiVersion.V5) .withBufferSize(5), StringMessageWriter.getInstance())) .runWith(Sink.seq(), system);
Passing data through ElasticsearchFlow
When streaming documents from Kafka, you might want to commit to Kafka AFTER the document has been written to Elastic.
- Scala
// We're going to pretend we got messages from kafka. // After we've written them to Elastic, we want // to commit the offset to Kafka case class KafkaOffset(offset: Int) case class KafkaMessage(book: Book, offset: KafkaOffset) val messagesFromKafka = List( KafkaMessage(Book("Book 1"), KafkaOffset(0)), KafkaMessage(Book("Book 2"), KafkaOffset(1)), KafkaMessage(Book("Book 3"), KafkaOffset(2)) ) var committedOffsets = Vector[KafkaOffset]() def commitToKafka(offset: KafkaOffset): Unit = committedOffsets = committedOffsets :+ offset val indexName = "sink6" val kafkaToEs = Source(messagesFromKafka) // Assume we get this from Kafka .map { (kafkaMessage: KafkaMessage) => val book = kafkaMessage.book val id = book.title // Transform message so that we can write to elastic WriteMessage.createIndexMessage(id, book).withPassThrough(kafkaMessage.offset) } .via( // write to elastic ElasticsearchFlow.createWithPassThrough[Book, KafkaOffset]( constructElasticsearchParams(indexName, "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), settings = baseWriteSettings ) ) .map { result => if (!result.success) throw new Exception("Failed to write message to elastic") // Commit to kafka commitToKafka(result.message.passThrough) } .runWith(Sink.ignore) kafkaToEs.futureValue shouldBe Done
- Java
// We're going to pretend we got messages from kafka. // After we've written them to Elastic, we want // to commit the offset to Kafka List<KafkaMessage> messagesFromKafka = Arrays.asList( new KafkaMessage(new Book("Book 1"), new KafkaOffset(0)), new KafkaMessage(new Book("Book 2"), new KafkaOffset(1)), new KafkaMessage(new Book("Book 3"), new KafkaOffset(2))); final KafkaCommitter kafkaCommitter = new KafkaCommitter(); CompletionStage<Done> kafkaToEs = Source.from(messagesFromKafka) // Assume we get this from Kafka .map( kafkaMessage -> { Book book = kafkaMessage.book; String id = book.title; // Transform message so that we can write to elastic return WriteMessage.createIndexMessage(id, book) .withPassThrough(kafkaMessage.offset); }) .via( // write to elastic ElasticsearchFlow.createWithPassThrough( constructElasticsearchParams("sink6", "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), ElasticsearchWriteSettings.create(connectionSettings) .withApiVersion(ApiVersion.V5) .withBufferSize(5), new ObjectMapper())) .map( result -> { if (!result.success()) throw new RuntimeException("Failed to write message to elastic"); // Commit to kafka kafkaCommitter.commit(result.message().passThrough()); return NotUsed.getInstance(); }) .runWith(Sink.ignore(), system);
Specifying custom index-name for every document
When working with index-patterns using wildcards, you might need to specify a custom index-name for each document:
- Scala
val customIndexName = "custom-index" val writeCustomIndex = ElasticsearchSource .typed[Book]( constructElasticsearchParams("source", "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), query = """{"match_all": {}}""", settings = baseSourceSettings ) .map { (message: ReadResult[Book]) => WriteMessage .createIndexMessage(message.id, message.source) .withIndexName(customIndexName) // Setting the index-name to use for this document } .runWith( ElasticsearchSink.create[Book]( constructElasticsearchParams("this-is-not-the-index-we-are-using", "_doc", ApiVersion.V5), settings = baseWriteSettings ) )
- Java
WriteMessage<String, NotUsed> msg = WriteMessage.createIndexMessage(doc).withIndexName("my-index");
Specifying custom metadata for every document
In some cases you might want to specify custom metadata per document you are inserting, for example a pipeline
, this can be done like so:
- Scala
val msg = WriteMessage .createIndexMessage(doc) .withCustomMetadata(Map("pipeline" -> "myPipeline"))
- Java
Map<String, String> metadata = new HashMap<>(); metadata.put("pipeline", "myPipeline"); WriteMessage<String, NotUsed> msgWithMetadata = WriteMessage.createIndexMessage(doc).withCustomMetadata(metadata);
More custom searching
The easiest way of using Elasticsearch-source, is to just specify the query-param. Sometimes you need more control, like specifying which fields to return and so on. In such cases you can instead use ‘searchParams’ instead:
- Scala
case class TestDoc(id: String, a: String, b: Option[String], c: String) // Search for docs and ask elastic to only return some fields val readWithSearchParameters = ElasticsearchSource .typed[TestDoc]( constructElasticsearchParams(indexName, typeName, ApiVersion.V5), searchParams = Map( "query" -> """ {"match_all": {}} """, "_source" -> """ ["id", "a", "c"] """ ), baseSourceSettings ) .map { message => message.source } .runWith(Sink.seq)
- Java
// Search for docs and ask elastic to only return some fields Map<String, String> searchParams = new HashMap<>(); searchParams.put("query", "{\"match_all\": {}}"); searchParams.put("_source", "[\"id\", \"a\", \"c\"]"); List<TestDoc> result = ElasticsearchSource.<TestDoc>typed( constructElasticsearchParams(indexName, typeName, ApiVersion.V5), searchParams, // <-- Using searchParams ElasticsearchSourceSettings.create(connectionSettings) .withApiVersion(ApiVersion.V5), TestDoc.class, new ObjectMapper()) .map( o -> { return o.source(); // These documents will only have property id, a and c (not }) .runWith(Sink.seq(), system) .toCompletableFuture() .get();
Support for custom routing is available through the routing
key. Add this key and the respective value in ‘searchParams’ map, to route your search directly to the shard that holds the document you are looking for and enjoy improved response times.
Support for sort is available through the sort
key in searchParams
map. If no sort is given, the source will use sort=_doc
to maximize performance, as indicated by elasticsearch documentation.