Skips request entity size verification.
The whole mechanism of entity size checking is intended to prevent certain Denial-of-Service attacks. So suggested setup is to have akka.http.parsing.max-content-length
relatively low and use withoutSizeLimit
directive just for endpoints for which size verification should not be performed.
Usage of withoutSizeLimit
is not recommended as it turns off the too large payload protection. Therefore, we highly encourage using withSizeLimit
instead, providing it with a value high enough to successfully handle the route in need of big entities.
See also withSizeLimit for setting request entity size limit.
- Scala
val route = withoutSizeLimit { entity(as[String]) { _ => complete(HttpResponse()) } } // tests: def entityOfSize(size: Int) = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`text/plain(UTF-8)`, List.fill(size)('0').mkString) // will work even if you have configured akka.http.parsing.max-content-length = 500 Post("/abc", entityOfSize(501)) ~> route ~> check { status shouldEqual StatusCodes.OK }
- Java