Provides the value of the X-Forwarded-For
or X-Real-IP
header. If neither of those is found it will fall back to the value of the synthetic RemoteAddress
header (akka.http.server.remote-address-header
setting is on
) or the value of the AttributeKeys.remoteAddress
attribute (if the akka.http.server.remote-address-attribute
setting is on
If no valid IP address is encountered, this extractor will return RemoteAddress.Unknown`.
Clients can send any values in these headers. If the client is not a trusted upstream, the IP address can be malicious. For sensitive operations use the AttributeKeys.remoteAddress
attribute, or use the specific headers which are known to be set correctly by the infrastructure you do trust.
- Scala
val route = extractClientIP { ip => complete("Client's ip is " + ip.toOption.map(_.getHostAddress).getOrElse("unknown")) } // tests: Get("/").withHeaders(`X-Forwarded-For`(RemoteAddress(InetAddress.getByName("")))) ~> route ~> check { responseAs[String] shouldEqual "Client's ip is" }
- Java