def provide [ T ]( value : T ): Directive1 [ T ]
Provides a constant value to the inner route.
The provide directive is used as a building block for Custom Directives to provide a single value to the inner route. To provide several values use the tprovide directive.
See Providing Values to Inner Routes for an overview of similar directives.
copy source def providePrefixedString ( value : String ): Directive1 [ String ] = provide ( "prefix:" + value )
val route =
providePrefixedString ( "test" ) { value =>
complete ( value )
// tests:
Get ( "/" ) ~> route ~> check {
responseAs [ String ] shouldEqual "prefix:test"
copy source import static akka . http . javadsl . server . Directives . provide ;
final Route route = providePrefixedStringRoute ( "test" );
// tests:
testRoute ( route ). run ( HttpRequest . GET ( "/" ))
. assertEntity ( "prefix:test" );
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