This documentation regards version 10.2, however the current version is 10.7.0 .
def mapResponseEntity ( f : ResponseEntity => ResponseEntity ): Directive0
The mapResponseEntity
directive is used as a building block for Custom Directives to transform a response entity that was generated by the inner route.
See Response Transforming Directives for similar directives.
copy source def prefixEntity ( entity : ResponseEntity ): ResponseEntity = entity match {
case HttpEntity . Strict ( contentType , data ) =>
HttpEntity . Strict ( contentType , ByteString ( "test" ) ++ data )
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException ( "Unexpected entity type" )
val prefixWithTest : Directive0 = mapResponseEntity ( prefixEntity )
val route = prefixWithTest ( complete ( "abc" ))
// tests:
Get ( "/" ) ~> route ~> check {
responseAs [ String ] shouldEqual "testabc"
copy source import static akka . http . javadsl . server . Directives . mapResponseEntity ;
final Function < ResponseEntity , ResponseEntity > prefixEntity = entity -> {
if ( entity instanceof HttpEntity . Strict ) {
final HttpEntity . Strict strict = ( HttpEntity . Strict ) entity ;
return HttpEntities . create (
strict . getContentType (),
ByteString . fromString ( "test" ). concat ( strict . getData ()));
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException ( "Unexpected entity type" );
final Route route = mapResponseEntity ( prefixEntity , () -> complete ( "abc" ));
testRoute ( route ). run ( HttpRequest . GET ( "/" ))
. assertEntity ( "testabc" );
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