



trait ChannelOrBuilder extends MessageOrBuilder

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ChannelOrBuilder
  2. MessageOrBuilder
  3. MessageLiteOrBuilder
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def findInitializationErrors(): List[String]
    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def getAllFields(): Map[FieldDescriptor, AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def getChannelRef(index: Int): ChannelRef

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of channel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of channel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.ChannelRef channel_ref = 3;

  4. abstract def getChannelRefCount(): Int

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of channel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of channel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.ChannelRef channel_ref = 3;

  5. abstract def getChannelRefList(): List[ChannelRef]

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of channel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of channel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.ChannelRef channel_ref = 3;

  6. abstract def getChannelRefOrBuilder(index: Int): ChannelRefOrBuilder

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of channel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of channel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.ChannelRef channel_ref = 3;

  7. abstract def getChannelRefOrBuilderList(): List[_ <: ChannelRefOrBuilder]

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of channel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of channel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.ChannelRef channel_ref = 3;

  8. abstract def getData(): ChannelData

    Data specific to this channel.

    Data specific to this channel.

    .grpc.channelz.v1.ChannelData data = 2;


    The data.

  9. abstract def getDataOrBuilder(): ChannelDataOrBuilder

    Data specific to this channel.

    Data specific to this channel.

    .grpc.channelz.v1.ChannelData data = 2;

  10. abstract def getDefaultInstanceForType(): Message
    Definition Classes
    MessageOrBuilder → MessageLiteOrBuilder
  11. abstract def getDescriptorForType(): Descriptor
    Definition Classes
  12. abstract def getField(arg0: FieldDescriptor): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  13. abstract def getInitializationErrorString(): String
    Definition Classes
  14. abstract def getOneofFieldDescriptor(arg0: OneofDescriptor): FieldDescriptor
    Definition Classes
  15. abstract def getRef(): ChannelRef

    The identifier for this channel. This should be set.

    The identifier for this channel. This should be set.

    .grpc.channelz.v1.ChannelRef ref = 1;


    The ref.

  16. abstract def getRefOrBuilder(): ChannelRefOrBuilder

    The identifier for this channel. This should be set.

    The identifier for this channel. This should be set.

    .grpc.channelz.v1.ChannelRef ref = 1;

  17. abstract def getRepeatedField(arg0: FieldDescriptor, arg1: Int): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  18. abstract def getRepeatedFieldCount(arg0: FieldDescriptor): Int
    Definition Classes
  19. abstract def getSocketRef(index: Int): SocketRef

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of sockets.

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of sockets.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.SocketRef socket_ref = 5;

  20. abstract def getSocketRefCount(): Int

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of sockets.

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of sockets.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.SocketRef socket_ref = 5;

  21. abstract def getSocketRefList(): List[SocketRef]

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of sockets.

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of sockets.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.SocketRef socket_ref = 5;

  22. abstract def getSocketRefOrBuilder(index: Int): SocketRefOrBuilder

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of sockets.

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of sockets.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.SocketRef socket_ref = 5;

  23. abstract def getSocketRefOrBuilderList(): List[_ <: SocketRefOrBuilder]

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of sockets.

    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of sockets.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.SocketRef socket_ref = 5;

  24. abstract def getSubchannelRef(index: Int): SubchannelRef

    At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set.
    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of subchannel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A sub channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set.
    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of subchannel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A sub channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.SubchannelRef subchannel_ref = 4;

  25. abstract def getSubchannelRefCount(): Int

    At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set.
    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of subchannel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A sub channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set.
    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of subchannel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A sub channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.SubchannelRef subchannel_ref = 4;

  26. abstract def getSubchannelRefList(): List[SubchannelRef]

    At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set.
    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of subchannel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A sub channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set.
    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of subchannel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A sub channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.SubchannelRef subchannel_ref = 4;

  27. abstract def getSubchannelRefOrBuilder(index: Int): SubchannelRefOrBuilder

    At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set.
    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of subchannel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A sub channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set.
    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of subchannel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A sub channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.SubchannelRef subchannel_ref = 4;

  28. abstract def getSubchannelRefOrBuilderList(): List[_ <: SubchannelRefOrBuilder]

    At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set.
    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of subchannel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A sub channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set.
    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of subchannel refs.
    There may not be cycles in the ref graph.
    A sub channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.

    repeated .grpc.channelz.v1.SubchannelRef subchannel_ref = 4;

  29. abstract def getUnknownFields(): UnknownFieldSet
    Definition Classes
  30. abstract def hasData(): Boolean

    Data specific to this channel.

    Data specific to this channel.

    .grpc.channelz.v1.ChannelData data = 2;


    Whether the data field is set.

  31. abstract def hasField(arg0: FieldDescriptor): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  32. abstract def hasOneof(arg0: OneofDescriptor): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  33. abstract def hasRef(): Boolean

    The identifier for this channel. This should be set.

    The identifier for this channel. This should be set.

    .grpc.channelz.v1.ChannelRef ref = 1;


    Whether the ref field is set.

  34. abstract def isInitialized(): Boolean
    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  6. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  7. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  9. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  10. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  11. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  12. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  13. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  14. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  15. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  16. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  17. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  18. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  19. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()

Inherited from MessageOrBuilder

Inherited from MessageLiteOrBuilder

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
