package channelz

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. final case class Address(address: Address.Address = io.grpc.channelz.v1.channelz.Address.Address.Empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Address] with Product with Serializable

    Address represents the address used to create the socket.

    Address represents the address used to create the socket.

  2. final case class Channel(ref: Option[ChannelRef] = _root_.scala.None, data: Option[ChannelData] = _root_.scala.None, channelRef: Seq[ChannelRef] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, subchannelRef: Seq[SubchannelRef] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, socketRef: Seq[SocketRef] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Channel] with Product with Serializable

    Channel is a logical grouping of channels, subchannels, and sockets.

    Channel is a logical grouping of channels, subchannels, and sockets.


    The identifier for this channel. This should be set.


    Data specific to this channel. At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set.


    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of channel refs. There may not be cycles in the ref graph. A channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.


    At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set. There are no ordering guarantees on the order of subchannel refs. There may not be cycles in the ref graph. A sub channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.


    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of sockets.

  3. final case class ChannelConnectivityState(state: State = io.grpc.channelz.v1.channelz.ChannelConnectivityState.State.UNKNOWN, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ChannelConnectivityState] with Product with Serializable

    These come from the specified states in this document:

    These come from the specified states in this document:

  4. final case class ChannelData(state: Option[ChannelConnectivityState] = _root_.scala.None, target: String = "", trace: Option[ChannelTrace] = _root_.scala.None, callsStarted: Long = 0L, callsSucceeded: Long = 0L, callsFailed: Long = 0L, lastCallStartedTimestamp: Option[Timestamp] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ChannelData] with Product with Serializable

    Channel data is data related to a specific Channel or Subchannel.

    Channel data is data related to a specific Channel or Subchannel.


    The connectivity state of the channel or subchannel. Implementations should always set this.


    The target this channel originally tried to connect to. May be absent


    A trace of recent events on the channel. May be absent.


    The number of calls started on the channel


    The number of calls that have completed with an OK status


    The number of calls that have completed with a non-OK status


    The last time a call was started on the channel.

  5. final case class ChannelRef(channelId: Long = 0L, name: String = "", unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ChannelRef] with Product with Serializable

    ChannelRef is a reference to a Channel.

    ChannelRef is a reference to a Channel.


    The globally unique id for this channel. Must be a positive number.


    An optional name associated with the channel.

  6. final case class ChannelTrace(numEventsLogged: Long = 0L, creationTimestamp: Option[Timestamp] = _root_.scala.None, events: Seq[ChannelTraceEvent] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ChannelTrace] with Product with Serializable

    ChannelTrace represents the recent events that have occurred on the channel.

    ChannelTrace represents the recent events that have occurred on the channel.


    Number of events ever logged in this tracing object. This can differ from events.size() because events can be overwritten or garbage collected by implementations.


    Time that this channel was created.


    List of events that have occurred on this channel.

  7. final case class ChannelTraceEvent(description: String = "", severity: Severity = io.grpc.channelz.v1.channelz.ChannelTraceEvent.Severity.CT_UNKNOWN, timestamp: Option[Timestamp] = _root_.scala.None, childRef: ChildRef = io.grpc.channelz.v1.channelz.ChannelTraceEvent.ChildRef.Empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ChannelTraceEvent] with Product with Serializable

    A trace event is an interesting thing that happened to a channel or subchannel, such as creation, address resolution, subchannel creation, etc.

    A trace event is an interesting thing that happened to a channel or subchannel, such as creation, address resolution, subchannel creation, etc.


    High level description of the event.


    the severity of the trace event


    When this event occurred.

  8. trait Channelz extends AnyRef

    Channelz is a service exposed by gRPC servers that provides detailed debug information.

    Channelz is a service exposed by gRPC servers that provides detailed debug information.

  9. trait ChannelzClient extends Channelz with ChannelzClientPowerApi with AkkaGrpcClient
  10. trait ChannelzClientPowerApi extends AnyRef
  11. final case class GetChannelRequest(channelId: Long = 0L, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetChannelRequest] with Product with Serializable


    channel_id is the identifier of the specific channel to get.

  12. final case class GetChannelResponse(channel: Option[Channel] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetChannelResponse] with Product with Serializable


    The Channel that corresponds to the requested channel_id. This field should be set.

  13. final case class GetServerRequest(serverId: Long = 0L, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetServerRequest] with Product with Serializable


    server_id is the identifier of the specific server to get.

  14. final case class GetServerResponse(server: Option[Server] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetServerResponse] with Product with Serializable


    The Server that corresponds to the requested server_id. This field should be set.

  15. final case class GetServerSocketsRequest(serverId: Long = 0L, startSocketId: Long = 0L, maxResults: Long = 0L, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetServerSocketsRequest] with Product with Serializable


    start_socket_id indicates that only sockets at or above this id should be included in the results. To request the first page, this must be set to 0. To request subsequent pages, the client generates this value by adding 1 to the highest seen result ID.


    If non-zero, the server will return a page of results containing at most this many items. If zero, the server will choose a reasonable page size. Must never be negative.

  16. final case class GetServerSocketsResponse(socketRef: Seq[SocketRef] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, end: Boolean = false, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetServerSocketsResponse] with Product with Serializable


    list of socket refs that the connection detail service knows about. Sorted in ascending socket_id order. Must contain at least 1 result, otherwise 'end' must be true.


    If set, indicates that the list of sockets is the final list. Requesting more sockets will only return more if they are created after this RPC completes.

  17. final case class GetServersRequest(startServerId: Long = 0L, maxResults: Long = 0L, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetServersRequest] with Product with Serializable


    start_server_id indicates that only servers at or above this id should be included in the results. To request the first page, this must be set to 0. To request subsequent pages, the client generates this value by adding 1 to the highest seen result ID.


    If non-zero, the server will return a page of results containing at most this many items. If zero, the server will choose a reasonable page size. Must never be negative.

  18. final case class GetServersResponse(server: Seq[Server] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, end: Boolean = false, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetServersResponse] with Product with Serializable


    list of servers that the connection detail service knows about. Sorted in ascending server_id order. Must contain at least 1 result, otherwise 'end' must be true.


    If set, indicates that the list of servers is the final list. Requesting more servers will only return more if they are created after this RPC completes.

  19. final case class GetSocketRequest(socketId: Long = 0L, summary: Boolean = false, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetSocketRequest] with Product with Serializable


    socket_id is the identifier of the specific socket to get.


    If true, the response will contain only high level information that is inexpensive to obtain. Fields thay may be omitted are documented.

  20. final case class GetSocketResponse(socket: Option[Socket] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetSocketResponse] with Product with Serializable


    The Socket that corresponds to the requested socket_id. This field should be set.

  21. final case class GetSubchannelRequest(subchannelId: Long = 0L, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetSubchannelRequest] with Product with Serializable


    subchannel_id is the identifier of the specific subchannel to get.

  22. final case class GetSubchannelResponse(subchannel: Option[Subchannel] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetSubchannelResponse] with Product with Serializable


    The Subchannel that corresponds to the requested subchannel_id. This field should be set.

  23. final case class GetTopChannelsRequest(startChannelId: Long = 0L, maxResults: Long = 0L, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetTopChannelsRequest] with Product with Serializable


    start_channel_id indicates that only channels at or above this id should be included in the results. To request the first page, this should be set to 0. To request subsequent pages, the client generates this value by adding 1 to the highest seen result ID.


    If non-zero, the server will return a page of results containing at most this many items. If zero, the server will choose a reasonable page size. Must never be negative.

  24. final case class GetTopChannelsResponse(channel: Seq[Channel] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, end: Boolean = false, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[GetTopChannelsResponse] with Product with Serializable


    list of channels that the connection detail service knows about. Sorted in ascending channel_id order. Must contain at least 1 result, otherwise 'end' must be true.


    If set, indicates that the list of channels is the final list. Requesting more channels can only return more if they are created after this RPC completes.

  25. final case class Security(model: Model = io.grpc.channelz.v1.channelz.Security.Model.Empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Security] with Product with Serializable

    Security represents details about how secure the socket is.

    Security represents details about how secure the socket is.

  26. final case class Server(ref: Option[ServerRef] = _root_.scala.None, data: Option[ServerData] = _root_.scala.None, listenSocket: Seq[SocketRef] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Server] with Product with Serializable

    Server represents a single server.

    Server represents a single server. There may be multiple servers in a single program.


    The identifier for a Server. This should be set.


    The associated data of the Server.


    The sockets that the server is listening on. There are no ordering guarantees. This may be absent.

  27. final case class ServerData(trace: Option[ChannelTrace] = _root_.scala.None, callsStarted: Long = 0L, callsSucceeded: Long = 0L, callsFailed: Long = 0L, lastCallStartedTimestamp: Option[Timestamp] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ServerData] with Product with Serializable

    ServerData is data for a specific Server.

    ServerData is data for a specific Server.


    A trace of recent events on the server. May be absent.


    The number of incoming calls started on the server


    The number of incoming calls that have completed with an OK status


    The number of incoming calls that have a completed with a non-OK status


    The last time a call was started on the server.

  28. final case class ServerRef(serverId: Long = 0L, name: String = "", unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[ServerRef] with Product with Serializable

    ServerRef is a reference to a Server.

    ServerRef is a reference to a Server.


    A globally unique identifier for this server. Must be a positive number.


    An optional name associated with the server.

  29. final case class Socket(ref: Option[SocketRef] = _root_.scala.None, data: Option[SocketData] = _root_.scala.None, local: Option[Address] = _root_.scala.None, remote: Option[Address] = _root_.scala.None, security: Option[Security] = _root_.scala.None, remoteName: String = "", unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Socket] with Product with Serializable

    Information about an actual connection.

    Information about an actual connection. Pronounced "sock-ay".


    The identifier for the Socket.


    Data specific to this Socket.


    The locally bound address.


    The remote bound address. May be absent.


    Security details for this socket. May be absent if not available, or there is no security on the socket.


    Optional, represents the name of the remote endpoint, if different than the original target name.

  30. final case class SocketData(streamsStarted: Long = 0L, streamsSucceeded: Long = 0L, streamsFailed: Long = 0L, messagesSent: Long = 0L, messagesReceived: Long = 0L, keepAlivesSent: Long = 0L, lastLocalStreamCreatedTimestamp: Option[Timestamp] = _root_.scala.None, lastRemoteStreamCreatedTimestamp: Option[Timestamp] = _root_.scala.None, lastMessageSentTimestamp: Option[Timestamp] = _root_.scala.None, lastMessageReceivedTimestamp: Option[Timestamp] = _root_.scala.None, localFlowControlWindow: Option[Long] = _root_.scala.None, remoteFlowControlWindow: Option[Long] = _root_.scala.None, option: Seq[SocketOption] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SocketData] with Product with Serializable

    SocketData is data associated for a specific Socket.

    SocketData is data associated for a specific Socket. The fields present are specific to the implementation, so there may be minor differences in the semantics. (e.g. flow control windows)


    The number of streams that have been started.


    The number of streams that have ended successfully: On client side, received frame with eos bit set; On server side, sent frame with eos bit set.


    The number of streams that have ended unsuccessfully: On client side, ended without receiving frame with eos bit set; On server side, ended without sending frame with eos bit set.


    The number of grpc messages successfully sent on this socket.


    The number of grpc messages received on this socket.


    The number of keep alives sent. This is typically implemented with HTTP/2 ping messages.


    The last time a stream was created by this endpoint. Usually unset for servers.


    The last time a stream was created by the remote endpoint. Usually unset for clients.


    The last time a message was sent by this endpoint.


    The last time a message was received by this endpoint.


    The amount of window, granted to the local endpoint by the remote endpoint. This may be slightly out of date due to network latency. This does NOT include stream level or TCP level flow control info.


    The amount of window, granted to the remote endpoint by the local endpoint. This may be slightly out of date due to network latency. This does NOT include stream level or TCP level flow control info.


    Socket options set on this socket. May be absent if 'summary' is set on GetSocketRequest.

  31. final case class SocketOption(name: String = "", value: String = "", additional: Option[Any] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SocketOption] with Product with Serializable

    SocketOption represents socket options for a socket.

    SocketOption represents socket options for a socket. Specifically, these are the options returned by getsockopt().


    The full name of the socket option. Typically this will be the upper case name, such as "SO_REUSEPORT".


    The human readable value of this socket option. At least one of value or additional will be set.


    Additional data associated with the socket option. At least one of value or additional will be set.

  32. final case class SocketOptionLinger(active: Boolean = false, duration: Option[Duration] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SocketOptionLinger] with Product with Serializable

    For use with SocketOption's additional field.

    For use with SocketOption's additional field. This is primarily used for SO_LINGER.


    active maps to struct linger.l_onoff


    duration maps to struct linger.l_linger

  33. final case class SocketOptionTcpInfo(tcpiState: Int = 0, tcpiCaState: Int = 0, tcpiRetransmits: Int = 0, tcpiProbes: Int = 0, tcpiBackoff: Int = 0, tcpiOptions: Int = 0, tcpiSndWscale: Int = 0, tcpiRcvWscale: Int = 0, tcpiRto: Int = 0, tcpiAto: Int = 0, tcpiSndMss: Int = 0, tcpiRcvMss: Int = 0, tcpiUnacked: Int = 0, tcpiSacked: Int = 0, tcpiLost: Int = 0, tcpiRetrans: Int = 0, tcpiFackets: Int = 0, tcpiLastDataSent: Int = 0, tcpiLastAckSent: Int = 0, tcpiLastDataRecv: Int = 0, tcpiLastAckRecv: Int = 0, tcpiPmtu: Int = 0, tcpiRcvSsthresh: Int = 0, tcpiRtt: Int = 0, tcpiRttvar: Int = 0, tcpiSndSsthresh: Int = 0, tcpiSndCwnd: Int = 0, tcpiAdvmss: Int = 0, tcpiReordering: Int = 0, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SocketOptionTcpInfo] with Product with Serializable

    For use with SocketOption's additional field.

    For use with SocketOption's additional field. Tcp info for SOL_TCP and TCP_INFO.

  34. final case class SocketOptionTimeout(duration: Option[Duration] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SocketOptionTimeout] with Product with Serializable

    For use with SocketOption's additional field.

    For use with SocketOption's additional field. This is primarily used for SO_RCVTIMEO and SO_SNDTIMEO

  35. final case class SocketRef(socketId: Long = 0L, name: String = "", unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SocketRef] with Product with Serializable

    SocketRef is a reference to a Socket.

    SocketRef is a reference to a Socket.


    The globally unique id for this socket. Must be a positive number.


    An optional name associated with the socket.

  36. final case class Subchannel(ref: Option[SubchannelRef] = _root_.scala.None, data: Option[ChannelData] = _root_.scala.None, channelRef: Seq[ChannelRef] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, subchannelRef: Seq[SubchannelRef] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, socketRef: Seq[SocketRef] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Subchannel] with Product with Serializable

    Subchannel is a logical grouping of channels, subchannels, and sockets.

    Subchannel is a logical grouping of channels, subchannels, and sockets. A subchannel is load balanced over by it's ancestor


    The identifier for this channel.


    Data specific to this channel. At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set.


    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of channel refs. There may not be cycles in the ref graph. A channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.


    At most one of 'channel_ref+subchannel_ref' and 'socket' is set. There are no ordering guarantees on the order of subchannel refs. There may not be cycles in the ref graph. A sub channel ref may be present in more than one channel or subchannel.


    There are no ordering guarantees on the order of sockets.

  37. final case class SubchannelRef(subchannelId: Long = 0L, name: String = "", unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[SubchannelRef] with Product with Serializable

    SubchannelRef is a reference to a Subchannel.

    SubchannelRef is a reference to a Subchannel.


    The globally unique id for this subchannel. Must be a positive number.


    An optional name associated with the subchannel.


Value Members

  1. object Address extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Address]
  2. object Channel extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Channel]
  3. object ChannelConnectivityState extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ChannelConnectivityState]
  4. object ChannelData extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ChannelData]
  5. object ChannelRef extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ChannelRef]
  6. object ChannelTrace extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ChannelTrace]
  7. object ChannelTraceEvent extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ChannelTraceEvent]
  8. object Channelz extends ServiceDescription
  9. object ChannelzClient
  10. object ChannelzProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  11. object GetChannelRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetChannelRequest]
  12. object GetChannelResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetChannelResponse]
  13. object GetServerRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetServerRequest]
  14. object GetServerResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetServerResponse]
  15. object GetServerSocketsRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetServerSocketsRequest]
  16. object GetServerSocketsResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetServerSocketsResponse]
  17. object GetServersRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetServersRequest]
  18. object GetServersResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetServersResponse]
  19. object GetSocketRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetSocketRequest]
  20. object GetSocketResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetSocketResponse]
  21. object GetSubchannelRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetSubchannelRequest]
  22. object GetSubchannelResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetSubchannelResponse]
  23. object GetTopChannelsRequest extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetTopChannelsRequest]
  24. object GetTopChannelsResponse extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[GetTopChannelsResponse]
  25. object Security extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Security]
  26. object Server extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Server]
  27. object ServerData extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ServerData]
  28. object ServerRef extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[ServerRef]
  29. object Socket extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Socket]
  30. object SocketData extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SocketData]
  31. object SocketOption extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SocketOption]
  32. object SocketOptionLinger extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SocketOptionLinger]
  33. object SocketOptionTcpInfo extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SocketOptionTcpInfo]
  34. object SocketOptionTimeout extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SocketOptionTimeout]
  35. object SocketRef extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SocketRef]
  36. object Subchannel extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Subchannel]
  37. object SubchannelRef extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[SubchannelRef]
