package streaming
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- final case class Command[A](command: ControlPacket, completed: Option[Promise[Done]], carry: Option[A]) extends Product with Serializable
Send a command to an MQTT session with optional data to carry through into any related event.
Send a command to an MQTT session with optional data to carry through into any related event.
- A
The type of data to carry through
- command
The command to send
- completed
A promise that is completed by the session when the command has been processed - useful for synchronizing when activities should occur in relation to a command The only commands that support this presently are SubAck, UnsubAck, PubAck, PubRec and PubComp. These completions can be used to signal when processing should continue.
- carry
The data to carry though
- final case class ConnAck(connectAckFlags: ConnAckFlags, returnCode: ConnAckReturnCode) extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.2 CONNACK – Acknowledge connection request
- final case class ConnAckFlags extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable Connect Acknowledge Flags
- final case class ConnAckReturnCode extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable Connect Return code
- final case class Connect(protocolName: ProtocolName, protocolLevel: ProtocolLevel, clientId: String, connectFlags: ConnectFlags, keepAlive: FiniteDuration, willTopic: Option[String], willMessage: Option[String], username: Option[String], password: Option[String]) extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.1 CONNECT – Client requests a connection to a Server
- final case class ConnectFlags extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable Connect Flags
- sealed abstract class ControlPacket extends AnyRef
2 MQTT Control Packet format
- final case class ControlPacketFlags extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
- final case class ControlPacketType extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
- final case class DecodeErrorOrEvent[A](v: Either[DecodeError, Event[A]]) extends Product with Serializable
- final case class Event[A](event: ControlPacket, carry: Option[A]) extends Product with Serializable
Receive an event from a MQTT session with optional data to carry through infrom ay related event.
Receive an event from a MQTT session with optional data to carry through infrom ay related event.
- A
The type of data to carry through
- event
The event to receive
- carry
The data to carry though
- final class MqttSessionSettings extends AnyRef
Configuration settings for client and server usage.
- final case class PacketId extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
2.3.1 Packet Identifier
- final case class PubAck(packetId: PacketId) extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.4 PUBACK – Publish acknowledgement
- final case class PubComp(packetId: PacketId) extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.7 PUBCOMP – Publish complete (QoS 2 publish received, part 3)
- final case class PubRec(packetId: PacketId) extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.5 PUBREC – Publish received (QoS 2 publish received, part 1)
- final case class PubRel(packetId: PacketId) extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.6 PUBREL – Publish release (QoS 2 publish received, part 2)
- final case class Publish extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.3 PUBLISH – Publish message
- final case class SubAck(packetId: PacketId, returnCodes: Seq[ControlPacketFlags]) extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.9 SUBACK – Subscribe acknowledgement
- final case class Subscribe extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.8 SUBSCRIBE - Subscribe to topics
- final case class UnsubAck(packetId: PacketId) extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.11 UNSUBACK – Unsubscribe acknowledgement
- final case class Unsubscribe extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.10 UNSUBSCRIBE – Unsubscribe from topics
Value Members
- object Command extends Serializable
- object ConnAckFlags extends Serializable
- object ConnAckReturnCode extends Serializable
- object Connect extends Serializable
- object ConnectFlags extends Serializable
- object ControlPacketFlags extends Serializable
2.2.2 Flags 3.3.1 Publish message header flags
- object ControlPacketType extends Serializable
2.2.1 MQTT Control Packet type
- object DecodeErrorOrEvent extends Serializable
- case object Disconnect extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.14 DISCONNECT – Disconnect notification
- object Event extends Serializable
- object MqttCodec
Provides functions to decode bytes to various MQTT types and vice-versa.
Provides functions to decode bytes to various MQTT types and vice-versa. Performed in accordance with with section numbers referenced accordingly.
- object MqttSessionSettings
- case object PingReq extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.12 PINGREQ – PING request
- case object PingResp extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
3.13 PINGRESP – PING response
- object Publish extends Serializable
- object PublishQoSFlags
3.3.1 Publish QoS flags
- case object Reserved1 extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
- case object Reserved2 extends ControlPacket with Product with Serializable
- object Subscribe extends Serializable
- object SubscribeQoSFlags
3.8.3 Subscribe payload QoS
- object Unsubscribe extends Serializable