
trait Replication[Command] extends AnyRef

Created using Replication.grpcReplication, which starts sharding with the entity and replication stream consumers but not the replication endpoint needed to publish events to other replication places.


The type of commands the Replicated Event Sourced Entity accepts Not for user extension

@ApiMayChange() @DoNotInherit()
Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Replication
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def createSingleServiceHandler(): Function[HttpRequest, CompletionStage[HttpResponse]]

    If only replicating one Replicated Event Sourced Entity and not using Akka Projection gRPC this endpoint factory can be used to get a partial function that can be served/bound with an Akka HTTP/2 server

  2. abstract def entityRefFactory: Function[String, EntityRef[Command]]

    Shortcut for creating EntityRefs for the sharded Replicated Event Sourced entities for sending commands.

  3. abstract def entityTypeKey: EntityTypeKey[Command]

    Entity type key for looking up the entities

  4. abstract def eventProducerPushDestination: Optional[EventProducerPushDestination]

    Scala API: Push destinations for accepting/combining multiple Replicated Event Sourced entity types and possibly also regular projections into one producer push destination handler in a set passed to EventProducerPushDestination.grpcServiceHandler to create a single gRPC endpoint.

  5. abstract def eventProducerSource: EventProducerSource

    If combining multiple entity types replicated, or combining with direct usage of Akka Projection gRPC you will have to use the EventProducerService of each of them in a set passed to EventProducer.grpcServiceHandler to create a single gRPC endpoint

  6. abstract def eventProducerService: EventProducerSource

    (Since version 1.5.1) Use eventProducerSource instead