
package ws

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. sealed trait BinaryMessage extends with Message

    Represents a WebSocket binary message.

    Represents a WebSocket binary message. A binary message can either be BinaryMessage.Strict in which case the complete data is already available or it can be BinaryMessage.Streamed in which case dataStream will return a Source streaming the data as it comes in.

  2. final case class InvalidUpgradeResponse(response: HttpResponse, cause: String) extends WebSocketUpgradeResponse with Product with Serializable
  3. sealed trait Message extends

    The ADT for WebSocket messages.

    The ADT for WebSocket messages. A message can either be a binary or a text message.

  4. class PeerClosedConnectionException extends RuntimeException with

    A PeerClosedConnectionException will be reported to the WebSocket handler if the peer has closed the connection.

    A PeerClosedConnectionException will be reported to the WebSocket handler if the peer has closed the connection. closeCode and closeReason contain close messages as reported by the peer.

  5. sealed trait TextMessage extends with Message

    Represents a WebSocket text message.

    Represents a WebSocket text message. A text message can either be a TextMessage.Strict in which case the complete data is already available or it can be TextMessage.Streamed in which case textStream will return a Source streaming the data as it comes in.

  6. final case class ValidUpgrade(response: HttpResponse, chosenSubprotocol: Option[String]) extends WebSocketUpgradeResponse with Product with Serializable
  7. final case class WebSocketRequest(uri: Uri, extraHeaders: Seq[HttpHeader] = Nil, subprotocol: Option[String] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents a WebSocket request.

    Represents a WebSocket request.


    The target URI to connect to.


    Extra headers to add to the WebSocket request.


    WebSocket subprotocols (comma separated) if required.

  8. trait WebSocketUpgrade extends

    An attribute that will be added to an WebSocket upgrade HttpRequest that enables a request handler to upgrade this connection to a WebSocket connection and registers a WebSocket handler.

    An attribute that will be added to an WebSocket upgrade HttpRequest that enables a request handler to upgrade this connection to a WebSocket connection and registers a WebSocket handler.

    This is a low-level API. You might want to use handleWebSocketMessages instead as documented at

  9. sealed trait WebSocketUpgradeResponse extends AnyRef

    Represents the response to a websocket upgrade request.

    Represents the response to a websocket upgrade request. Can either be ValidUpgrade or InvalidUpgradeResponse.

Deprecated Type Members

  1. trait UpgradeToWebSocket extends HttpHeader with with WebSocketUpgrade

    A custom header that will be added to an WebSocket upgrade HttpRequest that enables a request handler to upgrade this connection to a WebSocket connection and registers a WebSocket handler.

    A custom header that will be added to an WebSocket upgrade HttpRequest that enables a request handler to upgrade this connection to a WebSocket connection and registers a WebSocket handler.


    (Since version 10.2.0) This low-level API has been replaced by an attribute.

Value Members

  1. object BinaryMessage
  2. object TextMessage
  3. object WebSocketRequest extends Serializable
