package model

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package headers
  2. package sse
  3. package ws

Type Members

  1. abstract class AttributeKey[T] extends AnyRef
  2. final class AttributeKeys extends AnyRef
  3. abstract class Authority extends AnyRef

    Represents a hostname, port and user info.

  4. trait BodyPartEntity extends HttpEntity

    Marker-interface for entity types that can be used in a body part

  5. abstract class ContentRange extends AnyRef
  6. trait ContentType extends AnyRef

    Represents an Http content-type.

    Represents an Http content-type. A content-type consists of a media-type and an optional charset.

    See ContentTypes for convenience access to often used values.

  7. abstract class ContentTypeRange extends AnyRef

    A data structure that combines an acceptable media range and an acceptable charset range into one structure to be used with unmarshalling.

  8. final class ContentTypes extends AnyRef

    Contains the set of predefined content-types for convenience.

    Contains the set of predefined content-types for convenience.

    If the ContentType you're looking for is not pre-defined here, you can obtain it from a MediaType by using: MediaTypes.TEXT_HTML.toContentType()

  9. abstract class DateTime extends AnyRef

    Immutable, fast and efficient Date + Time implementation without any dependencies.

    Immutable, fast and efficient Date + Time implementation without any dependencies. Does not support TimeZones, all DateTime values are always GMT based. Note that this implementation discards milliseconds (i.e. rounds down to full seconds).

  10. final class FormData extends AnyRef

    Simple model for application/x-www-form-urlencoded form data.

  11. abstract class Host extends AnyRef

    Represents a host in a URI or a Host header.

    Represents a host in a URI or a Host header. The host can either be empty or be represented by an IPv4 or IPv6 address or by a host name.

  12. abstract class HttpCharset extends AnyRef

    Represents a charset in Http.

    Represents a charset in Http. See HttpCharsets for a set of predefined charsets and static constructors to create custom charsets.

    See also

    HttpCharsets for convenience access to often used values.

  13. abstract class HttpCharsetRange extends AnyRef

    Represents an Http charset range.

    Represents an Http charset range. This can either be * which matches all charsets or a specific charset. HttpCharsetRanges contains static constructors for HttpCharsetRanges.

    See also

    HttpCharsetRanges for convenience access to often used values.

  14. final class HttpCharsetRanges extends AnyRef

    Contains constructors to create a HttpCharsetRange.

  15. final class HttpCharsets extends AnyRef

    Contains a set of predefined charsets.

  16. final class HttpEntities extends AnyRef

    Constructors for HttpEntity instances

  17. trait HttpEntity extends AnyRef

    Represents the entity of an Http message.

    Represents the entity of an Http message. An entity consists of the content-type of the data and the actual data itself. Some subtypes of HttpEntity also define the content-length of the data.

    An HttpEntity can be of several kinds:

    • HttpEntity.Empty: the statically known empty entity
    • HttpEntity.Strict: an entity containing already evaluated ByteString data
    • HttpEntity.Default: the default entity which has a known length and which contains a stream of ByteStrings.
    • HttpEntity.Chunked: represents an entity that is delivered using Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    • HttpEntity.CloseDelimited: an entity which doesn't have a fixed length but which is delimited by closing the connection.
    • HttpEntity.IndefiniteLength: an entity which doesn't have a fixed length which can be used to construct BodyParts with indefinite length

    Marker-interfaces denote which subclasses can be used in which context:

    • RequestEntity: an entity type that can be used in an HttpRequest
    • ResponseEntity: an entity type that can be used in an HttpResponse
    • BodyPartEntity: an entity type that can be used in a BodyPart
    • UniversalEntity: an entity type that can be used in every context

    Use the static constructors in HttpEntities to construct instances.

    Not meant for user extension.

    See also

    HttpEntities for javadsl convenience methods.

  18. abstract class HttpHeader extends AnyRef

    The base type representing Http headers.

    The base type representing Http headers. All actual header values will be instances of one of the subtypes defined in the headers packages. Unknown headers will be subtypes of akka.http.javadsl.model.headers.RawHeader. Not for user extension.

  19. trait HttpMessage extends AnyRef

    The base type for an Http message (request or response).

    The base type for an Http message (request or response).

    INTERNAL API: this trait will be changed in binary-incompatible ways for classes that are derived from it! Do not implement this interface outside the Akka code base!

    Binary compatibility is only maintained for callers of this trait’s interface.

  20. abstract class HttpMethod extends AnyRef

    Represents an HTTP request method.

    Represents an HTTP request method. See HttpMethods for a set of predefined methods and static constructors to create custom ones.

    See also

    HttpMethods for convenience access to often used values.

  21. final class HttpMethods extends AnyRef

    Contains static constants for predefined method types.

  22. abstract class HttpProtocol extends AnyRef

    Represents an Http protocol (currently only HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1).

    Represents an Http protocol (currently only HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1). See HttpProtocols for the predefined constants for the supported protocols.

    See also

    HttpProtocols for convenience access to often used values.

  23. final class HttpProtocols extends AnyRef

    Contains constants of the supported Http protocols.

  24. abstract class HttpRequest extends HttpMessage with MessageTransformations[HttpRequest]

    Represents an Http request.

  25. abstract class HttpResponse extends HttpMessage with MessageTransformations[HttpResponse]

    Represents an Http response.

  26. abstract class MediaRange extends AnyRef

    Represents an Http media-range.

    Represents an Http media-range. A media-range either matches a single media-type or it matches all media-types of a given main-type. Each range can specify a qValue or other parameters.

  27. final class MediaRanges extends AnyRef

    Contains a set of predefined media-ranges and static methods to create custom ones.

  28. trait MediaType extends AnyRef
  29. final class MediaTypes extends AnyRef

    Contains the set of predefined media-types.

  30. trait Multipart extends AnyRef

    The model of multipart content for media-types multipart/\* (general multipart content), multipart/form-data and multipart/byteranges.

    The model of multipart content for media-types multipart/\* (general multipart content), multipart/form-data and multipart/byteranges.

    The basic modelling classes for these media-types (akka.http.scaladsl.Multipart.General, Multipart.FormData and akka.http.scaladsl.Multipart.ByteRanges, respectively) are stream-based but each have a strict counterpart (namely akka.http.scaladsl.Multipart.General.Strict, akka.http.scaladsl.Multipart.FormData.Strict and akka.http.scaladsl.Multipart.ByteRanges.Strict).

  31. final class Multiparts extends AnyRef

    Constructors for Multipart instances

  32. abstract class Query extends AnyRef
  33. abstract class RemoteAddress extends AnyRef
  34. final class RemoteAddresses extends AnyRef
  35. trait RequestEntity extends ResponseEntity

    Marker-interface for entity types that can be used in a request

  36. abstract class RequestEntityAcceptance extends AnyRef

    See also

    RequestEntityAcceptances for convenience access to often used values. Do not extend this to a concrete Java class, as implementation of RequestEntityAcceptation should only exist in Scala

  37. final class RequestEntityAcceptances extends AnyRef
  38. trait RequestResponseAssociation extends AnyRef

    A marker trait for attribute values that should be (automatically) carried over from request to response.

    A marker trait for attribute values that should be (automatically) carried over from request to response.

  39. trait ResponseEntity extends HttpEntity

    Marker-interface for entity types that can be used in a response

  40. final class ResponseFuture extends scaladsl.model.RequestResponseAssociation

    An association for completing a future when the response arrives.

  41. trait SslSessionInfo extends AnyRef
  42. abstract class StatusCode extends AnyRef

    Represents an Http status-code and message.

    Represents an Http status-code and message. See StatusCodes for the set of predefined status-codes.

    See also

    StatusCodes for convenience access to often used values.

  43. final class StatusCodes extends AnyRef

    Contains the set of predefined status-codes along with static methods to access and create custom status-codes.

  44. trait Trailer extends AnyRef

    Trailing headers for HTTP/2 responses

  45. abstract class TransferEncoding extends AnyRef

    See also

    TransferEncodings for convenience access to often used values.

  46. final class TransferEncodings extends AnyRef
  47. trait UniversalEntity extends RequestEntity with ResponseEntity with BodyPartEntity

    Marker-interface for entity types that can be used in any context

  48. abstract class Uri extends AnyRef

    Represents an Uri.

    Represents an Uri. Use methods on the class to create modified copies of a given instance.

Value Members

  1. object ContentType
  2. object MediaType

    Represents an Http media-type.

    Represents an Http media-type. A media-type consists of a main-type and a sub-type.

    See MediaTypes for convenience access to often used values.

  3. object ResponseFuture
  4. object SslSessionInfo
  5. object Trailer