
package headers

Content Hierarchy

Type Members

  1. abstract class Accept extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Accept header.

    Model for the Accept header. Specification:

  2. abstract class AcceptCharset extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Accept-Charset header.

    Model for the Accept-Charset header. Specification:

  3. abstract class AcceptEncoding extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Accept-Encoding header.

    Model for the Accept-Encoding header. Specification:

  4. abstract class AcceptLanguage extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Accept-Language header.

    Model for the Accept-Language header. Specification:

  5. abstract class AcceptRanges extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Accept-Ranges header.

    Model for the Accept-Ranges header. Specification:

  6. abstract class AccessControlAllowCredentials extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.

    Model for the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header. Specification:

  7. abstract class AccessControlAllowHeaders extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header.

    Model for the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header. Specification:

  8. abstract class AccessControlAllowMethods extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header.

    Model for the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header. Specification:

  9. abstract class AccessControlAllowOrigin extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

    Model for the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. Specification:

  10. abstract class AccessControlExposeHeaders extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.

    Model for the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header. Specification:

  11. abstract class AccessControlMaxAge extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Access-Control-Max-Age header.

    Model for the Access-Control-Max-Age header. Specification:

  12. abstract class AccessControlRequestHeaders extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Access-Control-Request-Headers header.

    Model for the Access-Control-Request-Headers header. Specification:

  13. abstract class AccessControlRequestMethod extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Access-Control-Request-Method header.

    Model for the Access-Control-Request-Method header. Specification:

  14. abstract class Age extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Age header.

    Model for the Age header. Specification:

  15. abstract class Allow extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Allow header.

    Model for the Allow header. Specification:

  16. abstract class Authorization extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Authorization header.

    Model for the Authorization header. Specification:

  17. abstract class BasicHttpCredentials extends scaladsl.model.headers.HttpCredentials
  18. abstract class ByteRange extends AnyRef
  19. abstract class CacheControl extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Cache-Control header.

    Model for the Cache-Control header. Specification:

  20. trait CacheDirective extends AnyRef

    See also

    CacheDirectives for convenience access to often used values.

  21. final class CacheDirectives extends AnyRef
  22. abstract class Connection extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Connection header.

    Model for the Connection header. Specification:

  23. abstract class ContentDisposition extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Content-Disposition header.

    Model for the Content-Disposition header. Specification:

  24. trait ContentDispositionType extends AnyRef

    See also

    ContentDispositionTypes for convenience access to often used values.

  25. final class ContentDispositionTypes extends AnyRef
  26. abstract class ContentEncoding extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Content-Encoding header.

    Model for the Content-Encoding header. Specification:

  27. abstract class ContentLength extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Content-Length header.

    Model for the Content-Length header. Specification:

  28. abstract class ContentLocation extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the ContentLocation header.

    Model for the ContentLocation header. Specification:

  29. abstract class ContentRange extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Content-Range header.

    Model for the Content-Range header. Specification:

  30. abstract class ContentType extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Content-Type header.

    Model for the Content-Type header. Specification:

  31. abstract class Cookie extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Cookie header.

    Model for the Cookie header. Specification:

  32. abstract class CustomHeader extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    The model of an HTTP header.

    The model of an HTTP header. In its most basic form headers are simple name-value pairs. Header names are compared in a case-insensitive way.

    Implement ModeledCustomHeader and ModeledCustomHeaderFactory instead of CustomHeader to be able to use the convenience methods that allow parsing the custom user-defined header from akka.http.javadsl.model.HttpHeader.

  33. abstract class Date extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Date header.

    Model for the Date header. Specification:

  34. abstract class ETag extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the ETag header.

    Model for the ETag header. Specification:

  35. abstract class EntityTag extends AnyRef
  36. abstract class EntityTagRange extends AnyRef

    See also

    EntityTagRanges for convenience access to often used values.

  37. final class EntityTagRanges extends AnyRef
  38. abstract class Expires extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Expires header.

    Model for the Expires header. Specification:

  39. abstract class Host extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader
  40. abstract class HttpChallenge extends AnyRef
  41. abstract class HttpCookie extends AnyRef
  42. abstract class HttpCookiePair extends AnyRef

    Represents a cookie pair as used in the Cookie header as specified in

  43. abstract class HttpCredentials extends AnyRef
  44. abstract class HttpEncoding extends AnyRef
  45. abstract class HttpEncodingRange extends AnyRef

    See also

    HttpEncodingRanges for convenience access to often used values.

  46. final class HttpEncodingRanges extends AnyRef
  47. final class HttpEncodings extends AnyRef
  48. abstract class HttpOrigin extends AnyRef
  49. abstract class HttpOriginRange extends AnyRef

    See also

    HttpOriginRanges for convenience access to often used values.

  50. final class HttpOriginRanges extends AnyRef
  51. abstract class IfMatch extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the If-Match header.

    Model for the If-Match header. Specification:

  52. abstract class IfModifiedSince extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the If-Modified-Since header.

    Model for the If-Modified-Since header. Specification:

  53. abstract class IfNoneMatch extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the If-None-Match header.

    Model for the If-None-Match header. Specification:

  54. abstract class IfUnmodifiedSince extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the If-Unmodified-Since header.

    Model for the If-Unmodified-Since header. Specification:

  55. abstract class Language extends AnyRef
  56. trait LanguageRange extends AnyRef
  57. class LanguageRanges extends AnyRef
  58. abstract class LastEventId extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    The Last-Event-ID header is sent by a client to the server to signal the ID of the last sever-sent event received.

  59. abstract class LastModified extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Last-Modified header.

    Model for the Last-Modified header. Specification:

  60. abstract class Link extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Link header.

    Model for the Link header. Specification:

  61. abstract class LinkParam extends AnyRef
  62. final class LinkParams extends AnyRef
  63. abstract class LinkValue extends AnyRef
  64. abstract class Location extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Location header.

    Model for the Location header. Specification:

  65. abstract class ModeledCustomHeader extends CustomHeader

    Support class for building user-defined custom headers defined by implementing name and value.

    Support class for building user-defined custom headers defined by implementing name and value. Implement ModeledCustomHeader and ModeledCustomHeaderFactory instead of CustomHeader to be able to use the convenience methods that allow parsing the custom user-defined header from akka.http.javadsl.model.HttpHeader.

  66. abstract class ModeledCustomHeaderFactory[H <: ModeledCustomHeader] extends AnyRef

    Companion class for the ModeledCustomHeader class.

    Companion class for the ModeledCustomHeader class. It offers methods to create ModeledCustomHeader from String or HttpHeader.

  67. abstract class OAuth2BearerToken extends scaladsl.model.headers.HttpCredentials
  68. abstract class Origin extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Origin header.

    Model for the Origin header. Specification:

  69. abstract class ProductVersion extends AnyRef
  70. abstract class ProxyAuthenticate extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Proxy-Authenticate header.

    Model for the Proxy-Authenticate header. Specification:

  71. abstract class ProxyAuthorization extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Proxy-Authorization header.

    Model for the Proxy-Authorization header. Specification:

  72. abstract class Range extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Range header.

    Model for the Range header. Specification:

  73. abstract class RangeUnit extends AnyRef
  74. final class RangeUnits extends AnyRef
  75. abstract class RawHeader extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    A header in its 'raw' name/value form, not parsed into a modelled header class.

    A header in its 'raw' name/value form, not parsed into a modelled header class. To add a custom header type, implement ModeledCustomHeader and ModeledCustomHeaderFactory rather than extending RawHeader

  76. abstract class RawRequestURI extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Raw-Request-URI header.

    Model for the Raw-Request-URI header. Custom header we use for transporting the raw request URI either to the application (server-side) or to the request rendering stage (client-side).

  77. abstract class Referer extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Referer header.

    Model for the Referer header. Specification:

  78. abstract class RetryAfter extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Retry-After header.

    Model for the Retry-After header. Specification: //

  79. sealed abstract final class SameSite extends Enum[SameSite]

    The Cookie SameSite attribute as defined by RFC6265bis and Incrementally Better Cookies.

  80. abstract class SecWebSocketProtocol extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header.

  81. abstract class Server extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Server header.

    Model for the Server header. Specification:

  82. abstract class SetCookie extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Set-Cookie header.

    Model for the Set-Cookie header. Specification:

  83. abstract class StrictTransportSecurity extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Strict-Transport-Security header.

    Model for the Strict-Transport-Security header. Specification:

  84. abstract class TE extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Transfer-Encoding header.

    Model for the Transfer-Encoding header. Specification:

  85. abstract class TimeoutAccess extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the synthetic Timeout-Access header.

  86. abstract class TlsSessionInfo extends CustomHeader

    Model for the synthetic Tls-Session-Info header which carries the SSLSession of the connection the message carrying this header was received with.

    Model for the synthetic Tls-Session-Info header which carries the SSLSession of the connection the message carrying this header was received with.

    This header will only be added if it enabled in the configuration by setting akka.http.[client|server].parsing.tls-session-info-header = on.

  87. abstract class TransferEncoding extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Transfer-Encoding header.

    Model for the Transfer-Encoding header. Specification:

  88. abstract class UserAgent extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the User-Agent header.

    Model for the User-Agent header. Specification:

  89. abstract class WWWAuthenticate extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the WWW-Authenticate header.

    Model for the WWW-Authenticate header. Specification:

  90. abstract class XForwardedFor extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the X-Forwarded-For header.

    Model for the X-Forwarded-For header. Specification:

  91. abstract class XForwardedHost extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the X-Forwarded-Host header.

    Model for the X-Forwarded-Host header. Specification:

  92. abstract class XForwardedProto extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the X-Forwarded-Proto header.

    Model for the X-Forwarded-Proto header. Specification:

  93. abstract class XRealIp extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the X-Real-Ip header.

Deprecated Type Members

  1. abstract class RemoteAddress extends scaladsl.model.HttpHeader

    Model for the Remote-Address header.

    Model for the Remote-Address header. Custom header we use for optionally transporting the peer's IP in an HTTP header.

    Deprecated since 10.2.0: use the remote-header-attribute instead.
