


object StatusCodes extends ObjectRegistry[Int, StatusCode]

Linear Supertypes
ObjectRegistry[Int, StatusCode], AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. StatusCodes
  2. ObjectRegistry
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class ClientError extends HttpFailure with Product with Serializable
  2. final case class CustomStatusCode extends StatusCode with Product with Serializable
  3. final case class Informational extends HttpSuccess with Product with Serializable
  4. final case class Redirection extends HttpSuccess with Product with Serializable
  5. final case class ServerError extends HttpFailure with Product with Serializable
  6. final case class Success extends HttpSuccess with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. val Accepted: Success
  2. val AlreadyReported: Success
  3. val BadGateway: ServerError
  4. val BadRequest: ClientError
  5. val BandwidthLimitExceeded: ServerError
  6. val BlockedByParentalControls: ClientError
  7. val Conflict: ClientError
  8. val Continue: Informational
  9. val Created: Success
  10. val EarlyHints: Informational
  11. val EnhanceYourCalm: ClientError
  12. val ExpectationFailed: ClientError
  13. val FailedDependency: ClientError
  14. val Forbidden: ClientError
  15. val Found: Redirection
  16. val GatewayTimeout: ServerError
  17. val Gone: ClientError
  18. val HttpVersionNotSupported: ServerError
  19. val IMUsed: Success
  20. val ImATeapot: ClientError
  21. val InsufficientStorage: ServerError
  22. val InternalServerError: ServerError
  23. val LengthRequired: ClientError
  24. val Locked: ClientError
  25. val LoopDetected: ServerError
  26. val MethodNotAllowed: ClientError
  27. val MisdirectedRequest: ClientError
  28. val MovedPermanently: Redirection
  29. val MultiStatus: Success
  30. val MultipleChoices: Redirection
  31. val NetworkAuthenticationRequired: ServerError
  32. val NetworkConnectTimeout: ServerError
  33. val NetworkReadTimeout: ServerError
  34. val NoContent: Success
  35. val NonAuthoritativeInformation: Success
  36. val NotAcceptable: ClientError
  37. val NotExtended: ServerError
  38. val NotFound: ClientError
  39. val NotImplemented: ServerError
  40. val NotModified: Redirection
  41. val OK: Success
  42. val PartialContent: Success
  43. val PayloadTooLarge: ClientError
  44. val PaymentRequired: ClientError
  45. val PermanentRedirect: Redirection
  46. val PreconditionFailed: ClientError
  47. val PreconditionRequired: ClientError
  48. val Processing: Informational
  49. val ProxyAuthenticationRequired: ClientError
  50. val RangeNotSatisfiable: ClientError
  51. val RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge: ClientError
  52. val RequestTimeout: ClientError
  53. val ResetContent: Success
  54. val RetryWith: ClientError
  55. val SeeOther: Redirection
  56. val ServiceUnavailable: ServerError
  57. val SwitchingProtocols: Informational
  58. val TemporaryRedirect: Redirection
  59. val TooEarly: ClientError
  60. val TooManyRequests: ClientError
  61. val Unauthorized: ClientError
  62. val UnavailableForLegalReasons: ClientError
  63. val UnprocessableEntity: ClientError
  64. val UnsupportedMediaType: ClientError
  65. val UpgradeRequired: ClientError
  66. val UriTooLong: ClientError
  67. val UseProxy: Redirection
  68. val VariantAlsoNegotiates: ServerError
  69. def custom(intValue: Int, reason: String, defaultMessage: String = ""): StatusCode

    Create a custom status code with default behavior for its value region.

  70. def custom(intValue: Int, reason: String, defaultMessage: String, isSuccess: Boolean, allowsEntity: Boolean): StatusCode

    Create a custom status code and allow full customization of behavior.

    Create a custom status code and allow full customization of behavior. The value of allowsEntity changes the parser behavior: If it is set to true, a response with this status code is required to include a Content-Length header to be parsed correctly when keep-alive is enabled (which is the default in HTTP/1.1). If allowsEntity is false, an entity is never expected.

  71. def getForKey(key: Int): Option[StatusCode]
    Definition Classes
  72. def getForKeyCaseInsensitive(key: String)(implicit conv: <:<[String, Int]): Option[StatusCode]
    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. val HTTPVersionNotSupported: ServerError

    (Since version 10.1.11) deprecated in favor of HttpVersionNotSupported

  2. val RequestEntityTooLarge: ClientError

    (Since version 10.1.11) deprecated in favor of PayloadTooLarge

  3. val RequestUriTooLong: ClientError

    (Since version 10.1.11) deprecated in favor of UriTooLong

  4. val RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable: ClientError

    (Since version 10.1.11) deprecated in favor of RangeNotSatisfiable

  5. val UnorderedCollection: ClientError

    (Since version 10.1.6) Non-standard Unordered Collection should not be used, deprecated in favor of TooEarly