object StatusCodes extends ObjectRegistry[Int, StatusCode]
- Source
- StatusCode.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- StatusCodes
- ObjectRegistry
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- All
Type Members
- final case class ClientError extends HttpFailure with Product with Serializable
- final case class CustomStatusCode extends StatusCode with Product with Serializable
- final case class Informational extends HttpSuccess with Product with Serializable
- final case class Redirection extends HttpSuccess with Product with Serializable
- final case class ServerError extends HttpFailure with Product with Serializable
- final case class Success extends HttpSuccess with Product with Serializable
Value Members
- val Accepted: Success
- val AlreadyReported: Success
- val BadGateway: ServerError
- val BadRequest: ClientError
- val BandwidthLimitExceeded: ServerError
- val BlockedByParentalControls: ClientError
- val Conflict: ClientError
- val Continue: Informational
- val Created: Success
- val EarlyHints: Informational
- val EnhanceYourCalm: ClientError
- val ExpectationFailed: ClientError
- val FailedDependency: ClientError
- val Forbidden: ClientError
- val Found: Redirection
- val GatewayTimeout: ServerError
- val Gone: ClientError
- val HttpVersionNotSupported: ServerError
- val IMUsed: Success
- val ImATeapot: ClientError
- val InsufficientStorage: ServerError
- val InternalServerError: ServerError
- val LengthRequired: ClientError
- val Locked: ClientError
- val LoopDetected: ServerError
- val MethodNotAllowed: ClientError
- val MisdirectedRequest: ClientError
- val MovedPermanently: Redirection
- val MultiStatus: Success
- val MultipleChoices: Redirection
- val NetworkAuthenticationRequired: ServerError
- val NetworkConnectTimeout: ServerError
- val NetworkReadTimeout: ServerError
- val NoContent: Success
- val NonAuthoritativeInformation: Success
- val NotAcceptable: ClientError
- val NotExtended: ServerError
- val NotFound: ClientError
- val NotImplemented: ServerError
- val NotModified: Redirection
- val OK: Success
- val PartialContent: Success
- val PayloadTooLarge: ClientError
- val PaymentRequired: ClientError
- val PermanentRedirect: Redirection
- val PreconditionFailed: ClientError
- val PreconditionRequired: ClientError
- val Processing: Informational
- val ProxyAuthenticationRequired: ClientError
- val RangeNotSatisfiable: ClientError
- val RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge: ClientError
- val RequestTimeout: ClientError
- val ResetContent: Success
- val RetryWith: ClientError
- val SeeOther: Redirection
- val ServiceUnavailable: ServerError
- val SwitchingProtocols: Informational
- val TemporaryRedirect: Redirection
- val TooEarly: ClientError
- val TooManyRequests: ClientError
- val Unauthorized: ClientError
- val UnavailableForLegalReasons: ClientError
- val UnprocessableEntity: ClientError
- val UnsupportedMediaType: ClientError
- val UpgradeRequired: ClientError
- val UriTooLong: ClientError
- val UseProxy: Redirection
- val VariantAlsoNegotiates: ServerError
custom(intValue: Int, reason: String, defaultMessage: String = ""): StatusCode
Create a custom status code with default behavior for its value region.
custom(intValue: Int, reason: String, defaultMessage: String, isSuccess: Boolean, allowsEntity: Boolean): StatusCode
Create a custom status code and allow full customization of behavior.
Create a custom status code and allow full customization of behavior. The value of
changes the parser behavior: If it is set to true, a response with this status code is required to include aContent-Length
header to be parsed correctly when keep-alive is enabled (which is the default in HTTP/1.1). IfallowsEntity
is false, an entity is never expected. -
getForKey(key: Int): Option[StatusCode]
- Definition Classes
- ObjectRegistry
getForKeyCaseInsensitive(key: String)(implicit conv: <:<[String, Int]): Option[StatusCode]
- Definition Classes
- ObjectRegistry
Deprecated Value Members
HTTPVersionNotSupported: ServerError
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 10.1.11) deprecated in favor of HttpVersionNotSupported
RequestEntityTooLarge: ClientError
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 10.1.11) deprecated in favor of PayloadTooLarge
RequestUriTooLong: ClientError
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 10.1.11) deprecated in favor of UriTooLong
RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable: ClientError
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 10.1.11) deprecated in favor of RangeNotSatisfiable
UnorderedCollection: ClientError
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 10.1.6) Non-standard Unordered Collection should not be used, deprecated in favor of TooEarly