object ContentType

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ContentType
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Binary(mediaType: MediaType.Binary) extends javadsl.model.ContentType.Binary with ContentType with Product with Serializable

    Represents a content-type which we know not to contain text (will never have have a charset)

  2. sealed trait NonBinary extends javadsl.model.ContentType.NonBinary with ContentType

    Represents a content-type which we know to contain text, and has a specified charset.

  3. final case class WithCharset(mediaType: WithOpenCharset, charset: HttpCharset) extends javadsl.model.ContentType.WithCharset with NonBinary with Product with Serializable

    Represents a content-type which we know to contain text, and the charset is known at runtime.

  4. final case class WithFixedCharset(mediaType: MediaType.WithFixedCharset) extends javadsl.model.ContentType.WithFixedCharset with NonBinary with Product with Serializable

    Represents a content-type which we know to contain text, where the charset always has the same predefined value.

  5. final case class WithMissingCharset(mediaType: WithOpenCharset) extends javadsl.model.ContentType.WithMissingCharset with ContentType with Product with Serializable

    Represents a content-type which we know to contain text, and would be better off having a charset, but the client or server hasn't provided that.

    Represents a content-type which we know to contain text, and would be better off having a charset, but the client or server hasn't provided that. For example, "text/xml" without a charset parameter.

Value Members

  1. def apply(mediaType: MediaType, charset: () ⇒ HttpCharset): ContentType
  2. def apply(mediaType: WithOpenCharset, charset: HttpCharset): WithCharset
  3. implicit def apply(mediaType: MediaType.WithFixedCharset): WithFixedCharset
  4. implicit def apply(mediaType: MediaType.Binary): Binary
  5. def parse(value: String): Either[List[ErrorInfo], ContentType]

    Tries to parse a ContentType value from the given String.

    Tries to parse a ContentType value from the given String. Returns Right(contentType) if successful and Left(errors) otherwise.

  6. def unapply(contentType: ContentType): Option[(MediaType, Option[HttpCharset])]