
package state

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package javadsl
  2. package scaladsl

Type Members

  1. trait DurableStateStoreProvider extends AnyRef

    A durable state store plugin must implement a class that implements this trait.

    A durable state store plugin must implement a class that implements this trait. It provides the concrete implementations for the Java and Scala APIs.

    A durable state store plugin plugin must provide implementations for both akka.persistence.state.scaladsl.DurableStateStore and akka.persistence.state.javadsl.DurableStateStore. One of the implementations can delegate to the other.

  2. class DurableStateStoreRegistry extends PersistencePlugin[DurableStateStore[_], DurableStateStore[_], DurableStateStoreProvider] with Extension

Value Members

  1. object DurableStateStoreRegistry extends ExtensionId[DurableStateStoreRegistry] with ExtensionIdProvider

    Persistence extension for queries.