
package snapshot

Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package japi

Type Members

  1. final class NoSnapshotStore extends SnapshotStore

    Used as default snapshot-store in case no other store was configured.

    Used as default snapshot-store in case no other store was configured.

    If a akka.persistence.PersistentActor calls the akka.persistence.PersistentActor#saveSnapshot method, and at the same time does not configure a specific snapshot-store to be used *and* no default snapshot-store is available, then the NoSnapshotStore will be used to signal a snapshot store failure.

  2. trait SnapshotStore extends Actor with ActorLogging

    Abstract snapshot store.

  3. abstract class SnapshotStoreSpec extends PluginSpec with MayVerb with OptionalTests with SnapshotStoreCapabilityFlags

    This spec aims to verify custom akka-persistence SnapshotStore implementations.

    This spec aims to verify custom akka-persistence SnapshotStore implementations. Plugin authors are highly encouraged to include it in their plugin's test suites.

    In case your journal plugin needs some kind of setup or teardown, override the beforeAll or afterAll methods (don't forget to call super in your overridden methods).

    For a Java and JUnit consumable version of the TCK please refer to akka.persistence.japi.snapshot.JavaSnapshotStoreSpec.

    See also


Value Members

  1. object SnapshotStoreSpec extends Serializable