Scala API
- Actors (Scala)
- Creating Actors
- Actor Internal API
- Identifying Actors
- Messages and immutability
- Send messages
- Receive messages
- Reply to messages
- Initial receive timeout
- Starting actors
- Stopping actors
- PoisonPill
- HotSwap
- Encoding Scala Actors nested receives without accidentally leaking memory: UnnestedReceive
- Killing an Actor
- Actor life-cycle
- Extending Actors using PartialFunction chaining
- Typed Actors (Scala)
- ActorRegistry (Scala)
- Futures (Scala)
- Dataflow Concurrency (Scala)
- Agents (Scala)
- Software Transactional Memory (Scala)
- Transactors (Scala)
- Remote Actors (Scala)
- Starting up the remote service
- Running Remote Server in untrusted mode
- Using secure cookie for remote client authentication
- Client-managed Remote Actors
- Server-managed Remote Actors
- Automatic remote ‘sender’ reference management
- Identifying remote actors
- Client-managed Remote Typed Actors
- Server-managed Remote Typed Actors
- Data Compression Configuration
- Code provisioning
- Subscribe to Remote Client events
- Subscribe to Remote Server events
- Message Serialization
- Serialization (Scala)
- Fault Tolerance Through Supervisor Hierarchies (Scala)
- Dispatchers (Scala)
- Routing (Scala)
- When using Akkas embedded servlet container
- Boot configuration class
- When deploying in another servlet container:
- Adapting your own Akka Initializer for the Servlet Container
- Java API: Typed Actors
- Scala API: Actors
- Using Akka with the Pinky REST/MVC framework
- jetty-run in SBT
- Mist - Lightweight Asynchronous HTTP
- ZeroMQ
- HTTP Security
- Testing Actor Systems
- Tutorial: write a scalable, fault-tolerant, network chat server and client (Scala)
- Introduction
- Actors
- Creating Actors
- Sample application
- Creating an Akka SBT project
- Creating messages
- Client: Sending messages
- Session: Receiving messages
- Let it crash: Implementing fault-tolerance
- Supervisor hierarchies
- Chat server: Supervision, Traits and more
- Session management
- Chat message management
- STM and Transactors
- Chat storage: Backed with simple in-memory
- Composing the full Chat Service
- Creating a remote server service
- Sample client chat session
- Sample code
- Run it