Actors (Scala)
Module stability: SOLID
The Actor Model provides a higher level of abstraction for writing concurrent and distributed systems. It alleviates the developer from having to deal with explicit locking and thread management, making it easier to write correct concurrent and parallel systems. Actors were defined in the 1973 paper by Carl Hewitt but have been popularized by the Erlang language, and used for example at Ericsson with great success to build highly concurrent and reliable telecom systems.
The API of Akka’s Actors is similar to Scala Actors which has borrowed some of its syntax from Erlang.
The Akka 0.9 release introduced a new concept; ActorRef, which requires some refactoring. If you are new to Akka just read along, but if you have used Akka 0.6.x, 0.7.x and 0.8.x then you might be helped by the 0.8.x => 0.9.x migration guide
Creating Actors
Actors can be created either by:
- Extending the Actor class and implementing the receive method.
- Create an anonymous actor using one of the actor methods.
Defining an Actor class
Actor classes are implemented by extending the Actor class and implementing the receive method. The receive method should define a series of case statements (which has the type PartialFunction[Any, Unit]) that defines which messages your Actor can handle, using standard Scala pattern matching, along with the implementation of how the messages should be processed.
Here is an example:
- import
- import akka.event.EventHandler
- class MyActor extends Actor {
- def receive = {
- case "test" =>, "received test")
- case _ =>, "received unknown message")
- }
- }
Please note that the Akka Actor receive message loop is exhaustive, which is different compared to Erlang and Scala Actors. This means that you need to provide a pattern match for all messages that it can accept and if you want to be able to handle unknown messages then you need to have a default case as in the example above.
Creating Actors
- val myActor = Actor.actorOf[MyActor]
- myActor.start()
Normally you would want to import the actorOf method like this:
- import
- val myActor = actorOf[MyActor]
To avoid prefixing it with Actor every time you use it.
You can also start it in the same statement:
- val myActor = actorOf[MyActor].start()
The call to actorOf returns an instance of ActorRef. This is a handle to the Actor instance which you can use to interact with the Actor. The ActorRef is immutable and has a one to one relationship with the Actor it represents. The ActorRef is also serializable and network-aware. This means that you can serialize it, send it over the wire and use it on a remote host and it will still be representing the same Actor on the original node, across the network.
Creating Actors with non-default constructor
If your Actor has a constructor that takes parameters then you can’t create it using actorOf[TYPE]. Instead you can use a variant of actorOf that takes a call-by-name block in which you can create the Actor in any way you like.
Here is an example:
- val a = actorOf(new MyActor(..)).start() // allows passing in arguments into the MyActor constructor
Creating Actors using anonymous classes
When spawning actors for specific sub-tasks from within an actor, it may be convenient to include the code to be executed directly in place, using an anonymous class:
- def receive = {
- case m: DoIt =>
- actorOf(new Actor {
- def receive = {
- case DoIt(msg) =>
- val replyMsg = doSomeDangerousWork(msg)
- self.reply(replyMsg)
- self.stop()
- }
- def doSomeDangerousWork(msg: Message) = { ... }
- }).start() ! m
- }
In this case you need to carefully avoid closing over the containing actor’s reference, i.e. do not call methods on the enclosing actor from within the anonymous Actor class. This would break the actor encapsulation and may introduce synchronization bugs and race conditions because the other actor’s code will be scheduled concurrently to the enclosing actor. Unfortunately there is not yet a way to detect these illegal accesses at compile time.
Running a block of code asynchronously
Here we create a light-weight actor-based thread, that can be used to spawn off a task. Code blocks spawned up like this are always implicitly started, shut down and made eligible for garbage collection. The actor that is created “under the hood” is not reachable from the outside and there is no way of sending messages to it. It being an actor is only an implementation detail. It will only run the block in an event-based thread and exit once the block has run to completion.
- spawn {
- ... // do stuff
- }
Actor Internal API
The Actor trait defines only one abstract method, the abovementioned receive. In addition, it offers two convenience methods become/unbecome for modifying the hotswap behavior stack as described in HotSwap and the self reference to this actor’s ActorRef object. If the current actor behavior does not match a received message, unhandled is called, which by default throws an UnhandledMessageException.
The remaining visible methods are user-overridable life-cycle hooks which are described in the following:
- def preStart() {}
- def preRestart(cause: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) {}
- def freshInstance(): Option[Actor] = None
- def postRestart(cause: Throwable) {}
- def postStop() {}
The implementations shown above are the defaults provided by the Actor trait.
There is still the single-argument method preRestart(cause: Throwable), which in fact is called by the default implementation of the two-argument variant. This method will be removed in version 2.0; you should add the second (dummy) argument to your actors before upgrading.
Start Hook
Right after starting the actor, its preStart method is invoked. This is guaranteed to happen before the first message from external sources is queued to the actor’s mailbox.
- override def preStart {
- // e.g. send initial message to self
- self ! GetMeStarted
- // or do any other stuff, e.g. registering with other actors
- someService ! Register(self)
- }
Restart Hooks
A supervised actor, i.e. one which is linked to another actor with a fault handling strategy, will be restarted in case an exception is thrown while processing a message. This restart involves four of the hooks mentioned above:
- The old actor is informed by calling preRestart with the exception which caused the restart and the message which triggered that exception; the latter may be None if the restart was not caused by processing a message, e.g. when a supervisor does not trap the exception and is restarted in turn by its supervisor. This method is the best place for cleaning up, preparing hand-over to the fresh actor instance, etc.
- The old actor’s freshInstance factory method is invoked, which may optionally produce the new actor instance which will replace this actor. If this method returns None or throws an exception, the initial factory from the Actor.actorOf call is used to produce the fresh instance.
- The new actor’s preStart method is invoked, just as in the normal start-up case.
- The new actor’s postRestart method is called with the exception which caused the restart.
The freshInstance hook may be used to propagate (part of) the failed actor’s state to the fresh instance. This carries the risk of proliferating the cause for the crash which triggered the restart. If you are tempted to take this route, it is strongly advised to step back and consider other possible approaches, e.g. distributing the state in question using other means or spawning short-lived worker actors for carrying out “risky” tasks.
An actor restart replaces only the actual actor object; the contents of the mailbox and the hotswap stack are unaffected by the restart, so processing of messages will resume after the postRestart hook returns. Any message sent to an actor while it is being restarted will be queued to its mailbox as usual.
Stop Hook
After stopping an actor, its postStop hook is called, which may be used e.g. for deregistering this actor from other services. This hook is guaranteed to run after message queuing has been disabled for this actor, i.e. sending messages would fail with an IllegalActorStateException.
Identifying Actors
Each Actor has two fields:
- self.uuid
The difference is that the uuid is generated by the runtime, guaranteed to be unique and can’t be modified. While the id is modifiable by the user, and defaults to the Actor class name. You can retrieve Actors by both UUID and ID using the ActorRegistry, see the section further down for details.
Messages and immutability
IMPORTANT: Messages can be any kind of object but have to be immutable. Scala can’t enforce immutability (yet) so this has to be by convention. Primitives like String, Int, Boolean are always immutable. Apart from these the recommended approach is to use Scala case classes which are immutable (if you don’t explicitly expose the state) and works great with pattern matching at the receiver side.
Here is an example:
- // define the case class
- case class Register(user: User)
- // create a new case class message
- val message = Register(user)
Other good messages types are scala.Tuple2, scala.List, scala.Map which are all immutable and great for pattern matching.
Send messages
Messages are sent to an Actor through one of the following methods.
- ! means “fire-and-forget”, e.g. send a message asynchronously and return immediately.
- ? sends a message asynchronously and returns a Future representing a possible reply.
There used to be two more “bang” methods, which are deprecated and will be removed in Akka 2.0:
- !! was similar to the current (actor ? msg).as[T]; deprecation followed from the change of timeout handling described below.
- !!![T] was similar to the current (actor ? msg).mapTo[T], with the same change in the handling of Future’s timeout as for !!, but additionally the old method could defer possible type cast problems into seemingly unrelated parts of the code base.
This is the preferred way of sending messages. No blocking waiting for a message. This gives the best concurrency and scalability characteristics.
- actor ! "Hello"
If invoked from within an Actor, then the sending actor reference will be implicitly passed along with the message and available to the receiving Actor in its channel: UntypedChannel member field. The target actor can use this to reply to the original sender, e.g. by using the self.reply(message: Any) method.
If invoked from an instance that is not an Actor there will be no implicit sender passed along with the message and you will get an IllegalActorStateException when calling self.reply(...).
Using ? will send a message to the receiving Actor asynchronously and will return a Future:
- val future = actor ? "Hello"
The receiving actor should reply to this message, which will complete the future with the reply message as value; if the actor throws an exception while processing the invocation, this exception will also complete the future. If the actor does not complete the future, it will expire after the timeout period, which is taken from one of the following three locations in order of precedence:
explicitly given timeout as in actor.?("hello")(timeout = 12 millis)
implicit argument of type Actor.Timeout, e.g.
- implicit val timeout = Actor.Timeout(12 millis)
- val future = actor ? "hello"
default timeout from akka.conf
See Futures (Scala) for more information on how to await or query a future.
The future returned from the ? method can conveniently be passed around or chained with further processing steps, but sometimes you just need the value, even if that entails waiting for it (but keep in mind that waiting inside an actor is prone to dead-locks, e.g. if obtaining the result depends on processing another message on this actor).
For this purpose, there is the method[T] which waits until either the future is completed or its timeout expires, whichever comes first. The result is then inspected and returned as Some[T] if it was normally completed and the answer’s runtime type matches the desired type; if the future contains an exception or the value cannot be cast to the desired type, it will throw the exception or a ClassCastException (if you want to get None in the latter case, use Future.asSilently[T]). In case of a timeout, None is returned.
- (actor ? msg).as[String] match {
- case Some(answer) => ...
- case None => ...
- }
- val resultOption = (actor ? msg).as[String]
- if (resultOption.isDefined) ... else ...
- for (x <- (actor ? msg).as[Int]) yield { 2 * x }
Forward message
You can forward a message from one actor to another. This means that the original sender address/reference is maintained even though the message is going through a ‘mediator’. This can be useful when writing actors that work as routers, load-balancers, replicators etc.
- actor.forward(message)
Receive messages
An Actor has to implement the receive method to receive messages:
- protected def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit]
Note: Akka has an alias to the PartialFunction[Any, Unit] type called Receive (, so you can use this type instead for clarity. But most often you don’t need to spell it out.
This method should return a PartialFunction, e.g. a ‘match/case’ clause in which the message can be matched against the different case clauses using Scala pattern matching. Here is an example:
- class MyActor extends Actor {
- def receive = {
- case "Hello" =>
-"Received 'Hello'")
- case _ =>
- throw new RuntimeException("unknown message")
- }
- }
Reply to messages
Reply using the channel
If you want to have a handle to an object to whom you can reply to the message, you can use the Channel abstraction. Simply call and then you can forward that to others, store it away or otherwise until you want to reply, which you do by channel ! response:
- case request =>
- val result = process(request)
- ! result // will throw an exception if there is no sender information
- tryTell result // will return Boolean whether reply succeeded
The Channel trait is contravariant in the expected message type. Since is subtype of Channel[Any], you may specialise your return channel to allow the compiler to check your replies:
- class MyActor extends Actor {
- def doIt(channel: Channel[String], x: Any) = { channel ! x.toString }
- def receive = {
- case x => doIt(, x)
- }
- }
- case request =>
- friend forward
We recommend that you as first choice use the channel abstraction instead of the other ways described in the following sections.
Reply using the reply and reply_? methods
If you want to send a message back to the original sender of the message you just received then you can use the reply(..) method.
- case request =>
- val result = process(request)
- self.reply(result)
In this case the result will be send back to the Actor that sent the request.
The reply method throws an IllegalStateException if unable to determine what to reply to, e.g. the sender is not an actor. You can also use the more forgiving tryReply method which returns true if reply was sent, and false if unable to determine what to reply to.
- case request =>
- val result = process(request)
- if (self.tryReply(result)) ...// success
- else ... // handle failure
Summary of reply semantics and options
- self.reply(...) can be used to reply to an Actor or a Future from within an actor; the current actor will be passed as reply channel if the current channel supports this.
- is a reference providing an abstraction for the reply channel; this reference may be passed to other actors or used by non-actor code.
There used to be two methods for determining the sending Actor or Future for the current invocation:
- self.sender yielded a Option[ActorRef]
- self.senderFuture yielded a Option[CompletableFuture[Any]]
These two concepts have been unified into the channel. If you need to know the nature of the channel, you may do so using pattern matching:
- channel match {
- case ref : ActorRef => ...
- case f : ActorCompletableFuture => ...
- }
Initial receive timeout
A timeout mechanism can be used to receive a message when no initial message is received within a certain time. To receive this timeout you have to set the receiveTimeout property and declare a case handing the ReceiveTimeout object.
- self.receiveTimeout = Some(30000L) // 30 seconds
- def receive = {
- case "Hello" =>
-"Received 'Hello'")
- case ReceiveTimeout =>
- throw new RuntimeException("received timeout")
- }
This mechanism also work for hotswapped receive functions. Every time a HotSwap is sent, the receive timeout is reset and rescheduled.
Starting actors
Actors are started by invoking the start method.
- val actor = actorOf[MyActor]
- actor.start()
You can create and start the Actor in a one liner like this:
- val actor = actorOf[MyActor].start()
When you start the Actor then it will automatically call the def preStart callback method on the Actor trait. This is an excellent place to add initialization code for the actor.
- override def preStart() = {
- ... // initialization code
- }
Stopping actors
Actors are stopped by invoking the stop method.
- actor.stop()
When stop is called then a call to the def postStop callback method will take place. The Actor can use this callback to implement shutdown behavior.
- override def postStop() = {
- ... // clean up resources
- }
You can shut down all Actors in the system by invoking:
- Actor.registry.shutdownAll()
You can also send an actor the message, which will stop the actor when the message is processed.
If the sender is a Future (e.g. the message is sent with ?), the Future will be completed with an"PoisonPill").
Akka supports hotswapping the Actor’s message loop (e.g. its implementation) at runtime. There are two ways you can do that:
- Send a HotSwap message to the Actor.
- Invoke the become method from within the Actor.
Both of these takes a ActorRef => PartialFunction[Any, Unit] that implements the new message handler. The hotswapped code is kept in a Stack which can be pushed and popped.
To hotswap the Actor body using the HotSwap message:
- actor ! HotSwap( self => {
- case message => self.reply("hotswapped body")
- })
Using the HotSwap message for hotswapping has its limitations. You can not replace it with any code that uses the Actor’s self reference. If you need to do that the the become method is better.
To hotswap the Actor using become:
- def angry: Receive = {
- case "foo" => self reply "I am already angry!!!"
- case "bar" => become(happy)
- }
- def happy: Receive = {
- case "bar" => self reply "I am already happy :-)"
- case "foo" => become(angry)
- }
- def receive = {
- case "foo" => become(angry)
- case "bar" => become(happy)
- }
The become method is useful for many different things, but a particular nice example of it is in example where it is used to implement a Finite State Machine (FSM): Dining Hakkers
Here is another little cute example of become and unbecome in action:
- case object Swap
- class Swapper extends Actor {
- def receive = {
- case Swap =>
- println("Hi")
- become {
- case Swap =>
- println("Ho")
- unbecome() // resets the latest 'become' (just for fun)
- }
- }
- }
- val swap = actorOf[Swapper].start()
- swap ! Swap // prints Hi
- swap ! Swap // prints Ho
- swap ! Swap // prints Hi
- swap ! Swap // prints Ho
- swap ! Swap // prints Hi
- swap ! Swap // prints Ho
Encoding Scala Actors nested receives without accidentally leaking memory: UnnestedReceive
Since the hotswapped code is pushed to a Stack you can downgrade the code as well. There are two ways you can do that:
- Send the Actor a RevertHotswap message
- Invoke the unbecome method from within the Actor.
Both of these will pop the Stack and replace the Actor’s implementation with the PartialFunction[Any, Unit] that is at the top of the Stack.
Revert the Actor body using the RevertHotSwap message:
- actor ! RevertHotSwap
Revert the Actor body using the unbecome method:
- def receive: Receive = {
- case "revert" => unbecome()
- }
Killing an Actor
You can kill an actor by sending a Kill message. This will restart the actor through regular supervisor semantics.
Use it like this:
- // kill the actor called 'victim'
- victim ! Kill
Actor life-cycle
The actor has a well-defined non-circular life-cycle.
- NEW (newly created actor) - can't receive messages (yet)
- => STARTED (when 'start' is invoked) - can receive messages
- => SHUT DOWN (when 'exit' or 'stop' is invoked) - can't do anything
Extending Actors using PartialFunction chaining
A bit advanced but very useful way of defining a base message handler and then extend that, either through inheritance or delegation, is to use PartialFunction.orElse chaining.
In generic base Actor:
- import
- abstract class GenericActor extends Actor {
- // to be defined in subclassing actor
- def specificMessageHandler: Receive
- // generic message handler
- def genericMessageHandler: Receive = {
- case event => printf("generic: %s\n", event)
- }
- def receive = specificMessageHandler orElse genericMessageHandler
- }
In subclassing Actor:
- class SpecificActor extends GenericActor {
- def specificMessageHandler = {
- case event: MyMsg => printf("specific: %s\n", event.subject)
- }
- }
- case class MyMsg(subject: String)
- Creating Actors
- Actor Internal API
- Identifying Actors
- Messages and immutability
- Send messages
- Receive messages
- Reply to messages
- Initial receive timeout
- Starting actors
- Stopping actors
- PoisonPill
- HotSwap
- Encoding Scala Actors nested receives without accidentally leaking memory: UnnestedReceive
- Killing an Actor
- Actor life-cycle
- Extending Actors using PartialFunction chaining