Getting Started
The Akka dependencies are available from Akka’s library repository. To access them there, you need to configure the URL for this repository.
- Maven
<project> ... <repositories> <repository> <id>akka-repository</id> <name>Akka library repository</name> <url></url> </repository> </repositories> </project>
- sbt
resolvers += "Akka library repository".at("")
- Gradle
repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url "" } }
Additionally, add the dependency as below.
- Maven
<properties> <scala.binary.version>2.13</scala.binary.version> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>com.lightbend.akka</groupId> <artifactId>akka-persistence-dynamodb_${scala.binary.version}</artifactId> <version>2.0.5</version> </dependency> </dependencies>
- sbt
libraryDependencies += "com.lightbend.akka" %% "akka-persistence-dynamodb" % "2.0.5"
- Gradle
def versions = [ ScalaBinary: "2.13" ] dependencies { implementation "com.lightbend.akka:akka-persistence-dynamodb_${versions.ScalaBinary}:2.0.5" }
This plugin depends on Akka 2.10.0 or later, and note that it is important that all akka-*
dependencies are in the same version, so it is recommended to depend on them explicitly to avoid problems with transient dependencies causing an unlucky mix of versions.
The plugin is published for Scala 2.13 and 3.3.
To enable the plugins to be used by default, add the following line to your Akka application.conf
akka.persistence.journal.plugin = "akka.persistence.dynamodb.journal"
akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin = "akka.persistence.dynamodb.snapshot"
More information about each individual plugin in:
Local testing with docker
DynamoDB local can be run in Docker. Here’s an example docker compose file:
sourceversion: '3.8'
command: "-jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb -inMemory"
image: "amazon/dynamodb-local:latest"
container_name: dynamodb-local
- "8000:8000"
working_dir: /home/dynamodblocal
Start with:
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up
Client local mode
The DynamoDB client can be configured with a local mode, for testing with DynamoDB local:
sourceakka.persistence.dynamodb {
client.local.enabled = true
Creating tables locally
A CreateTables
utility is provided for creating tables locally:
- Java
import akka.persistence.dynamodb.DynamoDBSettings; import akka.persistence.dynamodb.util.ClientProvider; import akka.persistence.dynamodb.util.javadsl.CreateTables; import; String dynamoDBConfigPath = "akka.persistence.dynamodb"; String dynamoDBClientConfigPath = dynamoDBConfigPath + ".client"; DynamoDBSettings settings = DynamoDBSettings.create(system.settings().config().getConfig(dynamoDBConfigPath)); DynamoDbAsyncClient client = ClientProvider.get(system).clientFor(dynamoDBClientConfigPath); // create journal table, synchronously CreateTables.createJournalTable(system, settings, client, /*deleteIfExists:*/ true) .toCompletableFuture() .get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // create snapshot table, synchronously CreateTables.createSnapshotsTable(system, settings, client, /*deleteIfExists:*/ true) .toCompletableFuture() .get(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
- Scala
import akka.persistence.dynamodb.DynamoDBSettings import akka.persistence.dynamodb.util.ClientProvider import akka.persistence.dynamodb.util.scaladsl.CreateTables import val dynamoDBConfigPath = "akka.persistence.dynamodb" val dynamoDBClientConfigPath = dynamoDBConfigPath + ".client" val settings: DynamoDBSettings = DynamoDBSettings(system.settings.config.getConfig(dynamoDBConfigPath)) val client: DynamoDbAsyncClient = ClientProvider(system).clientFor(dynamoDBClientConfigPath) // create journal table, synchronously Await.result(CreateTables.createJournalTable(system, settings, client, deleteIfExists = true), 10.seconds) // create snapshot table, synchronously Await.result(CreateTables.createSnapshotsTable(system, settings, client, deleteIfExists = true), 10.seconds)
See the table definitions in the individual plugins for more information on the tables that are required: