
Migrating from 0.80+ to 1.0

  • Rolling update to 1.0 requires update from 0.101 to 1.0. First update to 0.101.
  • After being deprecated, the DateTieredCompactionStrategy has been removed.

Driver upgrade with significant configuration changes

Version 4.x of the cassandra driver comes with a new way to configure it via typesafe configuration which matches how Akka manages configuration.

All driver related configuration e.g. query consistency, query retries etc has been removed from this project’s reference.conf and now each part of the plugin (journal, snapshot and query) specify a read and write execution profile that gives fine grained control over consistencies and retires for each are. By default all read/write profiles are the same and under datastax-java-driver.profile.akka-persistence-cassandra-profile. The only value in the profile provided by the plugin is setting the basic.request.consistency to QUORUM.

The new driver supports reconnection during initialization which was previously built into the plugin. It is recommended to turn this on with: datastax-java-driver.advanced.reconnect-on-init = true It can’t be turned on by the plugin as it is in the driver’s reference.conf and is not overridable in a profile.

Changed configuration structure

In addition to the driver related configuration described above the overall configuration structure has been changed. It is now structured in four main sections within the top level akka.persistence.cassandra section:

akka.persistence.cassandra {
  journal {
  query {
  events-by-tag {
  snapshot {

See reference.conf for details and update your application.conf accordingly.

This also means that the properties for enabling the plugin have changed to:

akka.persistence.journal.plugin = "akka.persistence.cassandra.journal"
akka.persistence.snapshot-store.plugin = "akka.persistence.cassandra.snapshot"


Using DateTieredCompactionStrategy with automatic schema creation

Drop static column

See instructions for migrations to 0.101 below. To support rolling update if you are migrating from an earlier version to 1.0 you must first update to 0.101+ but the second step can be skipped and will be part of the 1.0 update instead.

After completed update to 1.0 the static column used should be dropped with:

alter table akka.messages drop used;

All persistenceIds query

The implementation of persistenceIds and currentPersistenceIds queries have been made more efficient by inserting new persistence ids into a new table all_persistence_ids.

Create the all_persistence_ids table if you are not using tables-autocreate=on, which is not recommended for production. See table definition.

The following migration step is not needed if you don’t use the persistenceIds or currentPersistenceIds queries.

Already existing persistence ids should be inserted into the new table. This can be done with the Reconciliation tool:

sourceimport scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.persistence.cassandra.reconciler.Reconciliation

// System should have the same Cassandra plugin configuration as your application
// but be careful to remove seed nodes so this doesn't join the cluster
val system = ActorSystem()
import system.dispatcher

val rec = new Reconciliation(system)
val result = rec.rebuildAllPersistenceIds()

result.onComplete {
  case Success(_) =>
    system.log.info("All persistenceIds migrated.")
  case Failure(e) =>
    system.log.error(e, "All persistenceIds migration failed.")

You can run that migration tool while the old (or new) system is running, and it can be run several times if needed.

Migrations to 0.101 and later in 0.x series

Versions 0.101+ make it possible to drop the static column used. This saves space for persistence ids that have been deleted. Also some cloud Cassandra versions do not support static columns.

The complete removal of the static column must be performed in two steps to support rolling update where an Akka Cluster is running a mix of versions prior to 0.101 and 0.101+.

If you can accept a full cluster shutdown you can update to the second step directly.

Step 1

0.101 is not using the static column used in the reads but still populates it in the writes so that earlier versions can read it. First upgrade to a 0.x version greater than 0.101.

Step 2

After complete roll out of a 0.101+ version in step 1 the configuration can be changed so that the static column isn’t used at all.

cassandra-journal.write-static-column-compat = off

It can still run with an old schema where the column exists.

After completed update of the configuration change the column can be dropped with:

alter table akka.messages drop used;

Migrations to 0.80 and later in 0.x series

0.80 introduces a completely different way to manage tags for events. You can skip right ahead to 0.98 without going to 0.80.

If you migrate directly to 1.0.0 you must first run the migration of the All persistenceIds query.

It is very important that you test this migration in a pre-production environment as once you drop the materialized view and tag columns you can not roll back.

Most of the migration can be done while the old version of your application is running. The remaining steps happen automatically when a persistent actor is recovered which may slow down actor recovery but only by a small amount if you follow the offline steps.

The EventsByTagMigration class provides a set of tools to assist in the migration.

The first two are schema changes that should be performed once on a single node and can be done while your application is running with the old version of this plugin:

  • createTables creates the two new tables required
  • addTagsColumn adds a set<text> column to the messages table

For example you could put the following in a main method to do the schema migrations:

val system = ActorSystem()

val migrator = EventsByTagMigration(system)

val schemaMigration: Future[Done] = for {
  _ <- migrator.createTables()
  done <- migrator.addTagsColumn().recover { 
    case i: ExecutionException if i.getMessage.contains("conflicts with an existing column") => Done
} yield done

The recover makes the adding of the tags column idempotent as cql does not include a IF NOT EXISTS for adding a column

Next is the data migration into a new table that stores events indexed by tag. This will be a slow process as it needs to scan over all existing events. It can be run while your application is running but beware that it will produce a lot of writes to your C* cluster so should be done during a quiet period.

  • migrateToTagViews scans over all your persistence ids and writes the tagged events to the tag_views table. At the same time it keeps track of its progress in the tag_write_progress table so if this were to fail due to say a C* issue you can resume and it won’t start from scratch.
  • If you have an efficient way of getting all the persistenceIds pass them into this method. Otherwise a select distinct query is used which is likely to time out. You can also use this method to stagger your migration.

You do not need to worry if a small number of events are missed by migrateToTagViews as they will be fixed during your PersistentActor recovery. However do not rely on this for full migration as only active PersistentActors will be recovered and it will mean the start up time for your PersistentActors will be very long. Moreover, if your application consumes events through eventsByTag query, the missed events will only show up on the query side once you instantiate the respective PersistentActor.

After you have migrated your data you can now remove the materialized view and tagN columns from the messages table. It is highly recommended you do this as maintaining a materialized view is expensive and uses a large amount of capacity in your cluster:

  • Drop the materialized view

    DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW akka.eventsbytag;
  • Drop the tag columns on the messages table

    ALTER TABLE akka.messages DROP tag1;
    ALTER TABLE akka.messages DROP tag2;
    ALTER TABLE akka.messages DROP tag3;

Note that the new tags column won’t be back filled for old events. This won’t affect your eventsByTag queries as they come from a different table. This column is used for recovering any missed writes to the tag_views table when running persistent actors with the new version.

The following configuration changes. See reference.conf for full details:

  • pubsub-minimum-interval has been removed. If using DistributedPubsub notifications for tag writes then set pubsub-notification to on
  • delayed-event-timeout has been replaced by events-by-tag.gap-timeout with the restriction removed that all events have to be tagged.
  • first-time-bucket format has changed to: yyyyMMddTHH:mm e.g. 20151120T00:00
  • eventual-consistency has been removed. It may be re-added see #263

Migrations from 0.54 to 0.59

In version 0.55 additional columns were added to be able to store meta data about an event without altering the actual domain event.

The new columns meta_ser_id, meta_ser_manifest, and meta are defined in the new journal table definition and new snapshot table definition.

You can add the to existing tables by executing the following in cqlsh:

alter table akka.messages add meta_ser_id int;
alter table akka.messages add meta_ser_manifest text;
alter table akka.messages add meta blob;
alter table akka_snapshot.snapshots add meta_ser_id int;
alter table akka_snapshot.snapshots add meta_ser_manifest text;
alter table akka_snapshot.snapshots add meta blob;

These columns are used when the event is wrapped in akka.persistence.cassandra.EventWithMetaData or snapshot is wrapped in akka.persistence.cassandra.SnapshotWithMetaData. It is optional to alter the table and add the columns. It’s only required to add the columns if such meta data is used.

It is also not required to add the materialized views, not even if the meta data is stored in the journal table. If the materialized view is not changed the plain events are retrieved with the eventsByTag query and they are not wrapped in EventWithMetaData. Note that Cassandra does not support adding columns to an existing materialized view.

If you don’t alter existing messages table and still use tables-autocreate=on you have to set config:

cassandra-journal.meta-in-events-by-tag-view = off

When trying to create the materialized view (tables-autocreate=on) with the meta columns before corresponding columns have been added the messages table an exception “Undefined column name meta_ser_id” is raised, because Cassandra validates the “CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW IF NOT EXISTS” even though the view already exists and will not be created. To work around that issue you can disable the meta columns in the materialized view by setting meta-in-events-by-tag-view=off.

Migrations from 0.51 to 0.52

CassandraLauncher has been pulled out into its own artifact, and now bundles Cassandra into a single fat jar, which is bundled into the launcher artifact. This has allowed Cassandra to be launched without it being on the classpath, which prevents classpath conflicts, but it also means that Cassandra can’t be configured by changing files on the classpath, for example, a custom logback.xml in src/test/resources is no longer sufficient to configure Cassandra’s logging. To address this, CassandraLauncher.start now accepts a list of classpath elements that will be added to the classpath, and provides a utility for locating classpath elements based on resource name.

To depend on the new CassandraLauncher artifact, remove any dependency on cassandra-all itself, and add:

"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-cassandra-launcher" % "0.52"

to your build. To modify the classpath that Cassandra uses, for example, if you have a logback.xml file in your src/test/resources directory that you want Cassandra to use, you can do this:

   clean = true,
   port = 0,

Migrations from 0.23 to 0.50

The Persistence Query API changed slightly, see migration guide for Akka 2.5.

Migrations from 0.11 to 0.12

Dispatcher configuration was changed, see reference.conf:

Migrations from 0.9 to 0.10

The event data, snapshot data and meta data are stored in a separate columns instead of being wrapped in blob. Run the following statements in cqlsh:

drop materialized view if exists akka.eventsbytag1;
drop materialized view if exists akka.eventsbytag2;
drop materialized view if exists akka.eventsbytag3;
alter table akka.messages add writer_uuid text;
alter table akka.messages add ser_id int;
alter table akka.messages add ser_manifest text;
alter table akka.messages add event_manifest text;
alter table akka.messages add event blob;
alter table akka_snapshot.snapshots add ser_id int;
alter table akka_snapshot.snapshots add ser_manifest text;
alter table akka_snapshot.snapshots add snapshot_data blob;

Migrations from 0.6 to 0.7

Schema changes mean that you can’t upgrade from version 0.6 for Cassandra 2.x of the plugin to the 0.7 version and use existing data without schema migration. You should be able to export the data and load it to the new table definition.

Migrating from 0.3.x (Akka 2.3.x)

Schema and property changes mean that you can’t currently upgrade from 0.3 to 0.4 SNAPSHOT and use existing data without schema migration. You should be able to export the data and load it to the new table definition.

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