Migration guide


Version requirements:

  • Akka 2.5.19 or later
  • Akka HTTP 10.1.7 or later

Source changes

  • AkkaManagement moved to package akka.management.scaladsl.AkkaManagement, if using from Java use akka.management.javadsl.AkkaManagement
  • If implementing custom ManagementRouteProvider the package changed to akka.management.scaladsl.ManagementRouteProvider/akka.management.javadsl.ManagementRouteProvider
  • AkkaManagement.start and AkkaManagement.routes may throw IllegalArgumentException instead of returning Try
  • Auth and HTTPS has changed by using overloaded methods of AkkaManagement.start and AkkaManagement.routes, see the docs for more details

Configuration changes

  • akka.management.cluster.http.healthcheck.ready-states moved to akka.management.cluster.health-check.ready-states
  • akka.management.cluster.bootstrap.form-new-cluster renamed to akka.management.cluster.bootstrap.new-cluster-enabled


akka.management.cluster.route-providers changed from being a list of fully qualified class names to a configuration object akka.management.cluster.routes with named route providers. The reason for the change was to be able to exclude a route provider that was included by a library (from reference.conf) by using "" or null as the FQCN of the named entry, for example:

akka.management.http.routes {
  health-checks = ""

By default the akka.management.HealthCheckRoutes is enabled.

Akka Discovery

For Akka Management version 1.0 Service Discovery as well as the config, DNS and aggregate discovery methods were made core Akka module. The following steps are required when upgrading to 1.0 of Akka Management.

Remove dependencies for:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "com.lightbend.akka.discovery" % "akka-discovery" % "old_akka_management_version",
  "com.lightbend.akka.discovery" % "akka-discovery-dns" % "old_akka_management_version",
  "com.lightbend.akka.discovery" % "akka-discovery-config" % "old_akka_management_version",
  "com.lightbend.akka.discovery" % "akka-discovery-aggregate" % "old_akka_management_version"
dependencies {
  implementation "com.lightbend.akka.discovery:akka-discovery:old_akka_management_version"
  implementation "com.lightbend.akka.discovery:akka-discovery-dns:old_akka_management_version"
  implementation "com.lightbend.akka.discovery:akka-discovery-config:old_akka_management_version"
  implementation "com.lightbend.akka.discovery:akka-discovery-aggregate:old_akka_management_version"

If using Cluster Bootstrap the new dependency will be brought in automatically. If using Service Discovery directly add the following dependency:

libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" % "akka-discovery" % "latest_akka_version"
dependencies {
  implementation "com.typesafe.akka:akka-discovery:latest_akka_version"

Setting the service discovery method now has to be the unqualified name e.g kubernetes-api rather than akka.discovery.kubernets-api. If using a custom discovery method the configuration for the discovery method must live under akka.discovery.

For bootstrap it is recommended to set the service discovery method via akka.management.cluster.bootstrap.contact-point-discovery.discovery-method rather then overriding the global service discovery mechanism with akka.discovery.method


If using DNS service discovery it is no longer required to override the global Akka DNS resolver. Remove akka.io.dns.resolver = async-dns from your configuration to avoid setting the async-dns as the global DNS resolver as it still lacks some features. The DNS discovery mechanism now uses an isolated resolver internally to support SRV records.


Kubernetes service discovery now automatically picks up the namespace at runtime. If previously hard coded or an environment variable used this can be removed from configuration and the deployment.

Unless used for something other than service discovery / bootstrap the following can be removed from your deployment

- name: NAMESPACE	
       fieldPath: metadata.namespace

If pod-namespace is set remove from your configuration as it will be automatically picked up from the /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace file that is mounted to each Kubernetes container. The namespace can be overridden with pod-namespace if this isn’t the desired behavior.

Cluster HTTP

The cluster-http module now only exposes read only routes by default. To enable destructive operations such as downing members set akka.management.http.route-providers-read-only to false.

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