def onSuccess(unitFuture: Future[Unit]): Directive0
def onSuccess(simpleTypeFuture: Future[T]): Directive1[T]
def onSuccess(hlistFuture: Future[T_0 :: ... T_i ... :: HNil]): Directive[T_0 :: ... T_i ... :: HNil]
The signature shown is simplified and written in pseudo-syntax, the real signature uses magnets. [1].
[1] See The Magnet Pattern for an explanation of magnet-based overloading.
Evaluates its parameter of type Future[T]
, and once it has been completed successfully, extracts its result as a value of type T
and passes it to the inner route.
If the future fails its failure throwable is bubbled up to the nearest ExceptionHandler
To handle the Failure
case manually as well, use onComplete, instead.
- Scala
val route = concat( path("success") { onSuccess(Future { "Ok" }) { extraction => complete(extraction) } }, path("failure") { onSuccess(Future.failed[String](TestException)) { extraction => complete(extraction) } } ) // tests: Get("/success") ~> route ~> check { responseAs[String] shouldEqual "Ok" } Get("/failure") ~> Route.seal(route) ~> check { status shouldEqual InternalServerError responseAs[String] shouldEqual "Unsuccessful future!" }
- Java