HTTP Server Logic

The main class, QuickstartServer, is runnable because it has a main method, as shown in the following snippet. This class is intended to “bring it all together”, it is the main class that will start the ActorSystem with the root behavior which bootstraps all actors and other dependencies (database connections etc).

sourceobject QuickstartApp {
  private def startHttpServer(routes: Route)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Unit = {
    // Akka HTTP still needs a classic ActorSystem to start
    import system.executionContext

    val futureBinding = Http().newServerAt("localhost", 8080).bind(routes)
    futureBinding.onComplete {
      case Success(binding) =>
        val address = binding.localAddress"Server online at http://{}:{}/", address.getHostString, address.getPort)
      case Failure(ex) =>
        system.log.error("Failed to bind HTTP endpoint, terminating system", ex)
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val rootBehavior = Behaviors.setup[Nothing] { context =>
      val userRegistryActor = context.spawn(UserRegistry(), "UserRegistryActor")

      val routes = new UserRoutes(userRegistryActor)(context.system)

    val system = ActorSystem[Nothing](rootBehavior, "HelloAkkaHttpServer")

Notice that we’ve separated out the UserRoutes class, in which we’ll put all our actual route definitions. This is a good pattern to follow, especially once your application starts to grow and you’ll need some form of compartmentalizing them into groups of routes handling specific parts of the exposed API.

Binding endpoints

Each Akka HTTP Route contains one or more akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives, such as: path, get, post, complete, etc. There is also a low-level API that allows to inspect requests and create responses manually. For the user registry service, the example needs to support the actions listed below. For each, we can identify a path, the HTTP method, and return value:

Functionality HTTP Method Path Returns
Create a user POST /users Confirmation message
Retrieve a user GET /users/$ID JSON payload
Remove a user DELETE /users/$ID Confirmation message
Retrieve all users GET /users JSON payload

In our app the definition of the Route is separated out into the class UserRoutes and available through the field userRoutes.

In larger applications we’d define separate subsystems in different places and then combine combine the various routes of our application into a big using the concat directive like this: val route = concat(UserRoutes.userRoutes, healthCheckRoutes, ...)

Let’s look at the pieces of the example Route that bind the endpoints, HTTP methods, and message or payload for each action.

Retrieving and creating users

The definition of the endpoint to retrieve and create users look like the following:

sourceval userRoutes: Route =
  pathPrefix("users") {
      pathEnd {
          get {
          post {
            entity(as[User]) { user =>
              onSuccess(createUser(user)) { performed =>
                complete((StatusCodes.Created, performed))

A Route is constructed by nesting various directives which route an incoming request to the apropriate handler block. Note the following building blocks from the snippet:

Generic functionality

The following directives are used in the above example:

  • pathPrefix("users") : the path that is used to match the incoming request against.
  • pathEnd : used on an inner-level to discriminate “path already fully matched” from other alternatives. Will, in this case, match on the “users” path.
  • concat: concatenates two or more route alternatives. Routes are attempted one after another. If a route rejects a request, the next route in the chain is attempted. This continues until a route in the chain produces a response. If all route alternatives reject the request, the concatenated route rejects the route as well. In that case, route alternatives on the next higher level are attempted. If the root level route rejects the request as well, then an error response is returned that contains information about why the request was rejected.
    • This can also be achieved using the ~ operator, like this: exampleRoute ~ anotherRoute. However this method is slightly more error-prone since forgetting to add the ~ between routes in subsequent lines will not result in a compile error (as it would when using the concat directive) resulting in only the “last” route to be returned.

      In short other words: you may see the ~ operator used in Akka HTTP apps, however it is recommended to use the concat directive as safer alternative.

Retrieving users

  • get : matches against GET HTTP method.
  • complete : completes a request which means creating and returning a response from the arguments.

Creating a user

  • post : matches against POST HTTP method.
  • entity(as[User]) : converts the HTTP request body into a domain object of type User. Implicitly, we assume that the request contains application/json content. We will look at how this works in the JSON section.
  • complete : completes a request which means creating and returning a response from the arguments. Note, how the tuple (StatusCodes.Created, "...") of type (StatusCode, String) is implicitly converted to a response with the given status code and a text/plain body with the given string.

Retrieving and removing a user

Next, the example defines how to retrieve and remove a user. In this case, the URI must include the user’s id in the form: /users/$ID. See if you can identify the code that handles that in the following snippet. This part of the route includes logic for both the GET and the DELETE methods.

sourceval userRoutes: Route =
  pathPrefix("users") {
      path(Segment) { name =>
          get {
            rejectEmptyResponse {
              onSuccess(getUser(name)) { response =>
          delete {
            onSuccess(deleteUser(name)) { performed =>
              complete((StatusCodes.OK, performed))

This part of the Route contains the following:

Generic functionality

The following directives are used in the above example:

  • pathPrefix("users") : the path that is used to match the incoming request against.
  • concat: concatenates two or more route alternatives. Routes are attempted one after another. If a route rejects a request, the next route in the chain is attempted. This continues until a route in the chain produces a response.
  • path(Segment) { user => : this bit of code matches against URIs of the exact format /users/$ID and the Segment is automatically extracted into the user variable so that we can get to the value passed in the URI. For example /users/Bruce will populate the user variable with the value “Bruce.” There is plenty of more features available for handling of URIs, see pattern matchers for more information.

Retrieving a user

  • get : matches against GET HTTP method.
  • complete : completes a request which means creating and returning a response from the arguments.

Let’s break down the logic handling the incoming request:

sourcerejectEmptyResponse {
  onSuccess(getUser(name)) { response =>

The rejectEmptyResponse here above is a convenience method that automatically unwraps a future, handles an Option by converting Some into a successful response, returns a HTTP status code 404 for None, and passes on to the ExceptionHandler in case of an error, which returns the HTTP status code 500 by default.

Deleting a user

  • delete : matches against the Http directive DELETE.

The logic for handling delete requests is as follows:

sourceonSuccess(deleteUser(name)) { performed =>
  complete((StatusCodes.OK, performed))

So we send an instruction about removing a user to the user registry actor, wait for the response and return an appropriate HTTP status code to the client.

The complete Route

Below is the complete Route definition from the sample application:

sourceval userRoutes: Route =
  pathPrefix("users") {
      pathEnd {
          get {
          post {
            entity(as[User]) { user =>
              onSuccess(createUser(user)) { performed =>
                complete((StatusCodes.Created, performed))
      path(Segment) { name =>
          get {
            rejectEmptyResponse {
              onSuccess(getUser(name)) { response =>
          delete {
            onSuccess(deleteUser(name)) { performed =>
              complete((StatusCodes.OK, performed))

Note that one might want to separate those routes into smaller route values and concat them together into the userRoutes value - allowing for separation of concerns and get smaller routing trees.

Binding the HTTP server

Binding the Route to a HTTP server on a TCP port is done from the root behavior actor on startup through the separate method startHttpServer, we have introduced it to avoid accidentally accessing internal state of the bootstrap actor.

The bindAndhandle method that does the actual binding takes three parameters; routes, the hostname, and the port. Note that binding happens asynchronously and therefore the bindAndHandle method returns a Future which completes with an object representing the binding or fails if binding the HTTP route failed, for example if the port is already taken.

To make sure our application stops if it cannot bind we terminate the actor system if there is a failure.

sourceprivate def startHttpServer(routes: Route)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Unit = {
  // Akka HTTP still needs a classic ActorSystem to start
  import system.executionContext

  val futureBinding = Http().newServerAt("localhost", 8080).bind(routes)
  futureBinding.onComplete {
    case Success(binding) =>
      val address = binding.localAddress"Server online at http://{}:{}/", address.getHostString, address.getPort)
    case Failure(ex) =>
      system.log.error("Failed to bind HTTP endpoint, terminating system", ex)

In QuickstartApp.scala, you will also find the code that ties everything together by starting the various actors in a root behavior. By watching the user registry actor and not handling the Terminated message we make sure that if it stops or craches the root behavior crashes and stops the ActorSystem itself.

sourceobject QuickstartApp {
  private def startHttpServer(routes: Route)(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Unit = {
    // Akka HTTP still needs a classic ActorSystem to start
    import system.executionContext

    val futureBinding = Http().newServerAt("localhost", 8080).bind(routes)
    futureBinding.onComplete {
      case Success(binding) =>
        val address = binding.localAddress"Server online at http://{}:{}/", address.getHostString, address.getPort)
      case Failure(ex) =>
        system.log.error("Failed to bind HTTP endpoint, terminating system", ex)
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val rootBehavior = Behaviors.setup[Nothing] { context =>
      val userRegistryActor = context.spawn(UserRegistry(), "UserRegistryActor")

      val routes = new UserRoutes(userRegistryActor)(context.system)

    val system = ActorSystem[Nothing](rootBehavior, "HelloAkkaHttpServer")

Let’s move on to the actor that handles registration.

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