This documentation regards version 10.1, however the current version is 10.7.0.



def withExecutionContext(ec: ExecutionContextExecutor): Directive0


Allows running an inner route using an alternative ExecutionContextExecutor in place of the default one.

The execution context can be extracted in an inner route using extractExecutionContext directly, or used by directives which internally extract the materializer without surfacing this fact in the API.


sourceval special = system.dispatchers.lookup("special")

def sample() =
  path("sample") {
    extractExecutionContext { implicit executor =>
      complete {
        Future(s"Run on ${executor.##}!") // uses the `executor` ExecutionContext

val route =
  pathPrefix("special") {
    withExecutionContext(special) {
      sample() // `special` execution context will be used
  } ~ sample() // default execution context will be used

// tests:
Get("/sample") ~> route ~> check {
  responseAs[String] shouldEqual s"Run on ${system.dispatcher.##}!"
Get("/special/sample") ~> route ~> check {
  responseAs[String] shouldEqual s"Run on ${special.##}!"
sourceimport static akka.http.javadsl.server.Directives.withExecutionContext;

final ExecutionContextExecutor special =

final Route sample = path("sample", () ->
  extractExecutionContext(executor ->
    onSuccess(() ->
      CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() ->
        "Run on " + executor.hashCode() + "!", executor
      ), Directives::complete

final Route route = Directives.concat(
  pathPrefix("special", () ->
    // `special` execution context will be used
    withExecutionContext(special, () -> sample)
  sample // default execution context will be used

// tests:
  .assertEntity("Run on " + system().dispatcher().hashCode() + "!");
  .assertEntity("Run on " + special.hashCode() + "!");
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