Applies the given authorization check to the request.
def authorize(check: ⇒ Boolean): Directive0
def authorize(check: RequestContext ⇒ Boolean): Directive0
The user-defined authorization check can either be supplied as a => Boolean
value which is calculated just from information out of the lexical scope, or as a function RequestContext => Boolean
which can also take information from the request itself into account.
If the check returns true
the request is passed on to the inner route unchanged, otherwise an AuthorizationFailedRejection is created, triggering a 403 Forbidden
response by default (the same as in the case of an AuthenticationFailedRejection).
In a common use-case you would check if a user (e.g. supplied by any of the authenticate*
family of directives, e.g. authenticateBasic) is allowed to access the inner routes, e.g. by checking if the user has the needed permissions.
See also authorizeAsync for the asynchronous version of this directive.
See also Authentication vs. Authorization to understand the differences between those.
- Scala
case class User(name: String) // authenticate the user: def myUserPassAuthenticator(credentials: Credentials): Option[User] = credentials match { case Credentials.Provided(id) => Some(User(id)) case _ => None } // check if user is authorized to perform admin actions: val admins = Set("Peter") def hasAdminPermissions(user: User): Boolean = admins.contains( val route = Route.seal { authenticateBasic(realm = "secure site", myUserPassAuthenticator) { user => path("peters-lair") { authorize(hasAdminPermissions(user)) { complete(s"'${}' visited Peter's lair") } } } } // tests: val johnsCred = BasicHttpCredentials("John", "p4ssw0rd") Get("/peters-lair") ~> addCredentials(johnsCred) ~> // adds Authorization header route ~> check { status shouldEqual StatusCodes.Forbidden responseAs[String] shouldEqual "The supplied authentication is not authorized to access this resource" } val petersCred = BasicHttpCredentials("Peter", "pan") Get("/peters-lair") ~> addCredentials(petersCred) ~> // adds Authorization header route ~> check { responseAs[String] shouldEqual "'Peter' visited Peter's lair" }
- Java