Extracts all parameters at once in the original order as (name, value) tuples of type (String, String)
This directive can be used if the exact order of parameters is important or if parameters can occur several times.
See When to use which parameter directive? to understand when to use which directive.
- Scala
val route = parameterSeq { params => def paramString(param: (String, String)): String = s"""${param._1} = '${param._2}'""" complete(s"The parameters are ${", ")}") } // tests: Get("/?color=blue&count=42") ~> route ~> check { responseAs[String] shouldEqual "The parameters are color = 'blue', count = '42'" } Get("/?x=1&x=2") ~> route ~> check { responseAs[String] shouldEqual "The parameters are x = '1', x = '2'" }
- Java