Drone Charging Station
To showcase active-active replication between edge and cloud we’ll now add a Replicated Event Sourced Entity in the form of a charging station. The charging stations are created with a location id placing them in one of the local-drone-control edge services where the entity is replicated. Drones in that location can request to charge in the charging station, and be charged if there is a free charging slot.
Implementing the charging station entity
Commands and events
The charging station accepts three different commands from the outside Create
to initialize a charging station, StartCharging
to start a charging session for a drone if possible and GetState
to query the station for its current state. There is also a private CompleteCharging
command that only the entity can create.
The Create
command leads to a Created
event which is persisted and initialized the charging station.
When a slot is free and a drone requests charging a ChargingStarted
event is persisted and once charging a drone has completed a ChargingCompleted
event is persisted:
- Scala
sealed trait Command extends CborSerializable case class Create( locationId: String, chargingSlots: Int, replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command case class StartCharging( droneId: String, replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[StartChargingResponse]]) extends Command sealed trait StartChargingResponse extends CborSerializable case class AllSlotsBusy(firstSlotFreeAt: Instant) extends StartChargingResponse case class GetState(replyTo: ActorRef[StatusReply[ChargingStation.State]]) extends Command case class CompleteCharging( droneId: String, reply: ActorRef[StatusReply[Done]]) extends Command sealed trait Event extends CborSerializable case class Created(locationId: String, chargingSlots: Int) extends Event case class ChargingStarted(droneId: String, expectedComplete: Instant) extends Event with StartChargingResponse case class ChargingCompleted(droneId: String) extends Event
- Java
public interface Command extends CborSerializable {} public static final class Create implements Command { public final String locationId; public final int chargingSlots; public final ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo; public Create(String locationId, int chargingSlots, ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo) { this.locationId = locationId; this.chargingSlots = chargingSlots; this.replyTo = replyTo; } } public static final class StartCharging implements Command { public final String droneId; public final ActorRef<StatusReply<StartChargingResponse>> replyTo; public StartCharging(String droneId, ActorRef<StatusReply<StartChargingResponse>> replyTo) { this.droneId = droneId; this.replyTo = replyTo; } } public interface StartChargingResponse extends CborSerializable {} public static final class AllSlotsBusy implements StartChargingResponse { public final Instant firstSlotFreeAt; @JsonCreator public AllSlotsBusy(Instant firstSlotFreeAt) { this.firstSlotFreeAt = firstSlotFreeAt; } } public static final class GetState implements Command { public final ActorRef<StatusReply<State>> replyTo; @JsonCreator public GetState(ActorRef<StatusReply<State>> replyTo) { this.replyTo = replyTo; } } public static final class CompleteCharging implements Command { final String droneId; final ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo; public CompleteCharging(String droneId, ActorRef<StatusReply<Done>> replyTo) { this.droneId = droneId; this.replyTo = replyTo; } } public interface Event extends CborSerializable {} public static final class Created implements Event { public final String locationId; public final int chargingSlots; public Created(String locationId, int chargingSlots) { this.locationId = locationId; this.chargingSlots = chargingSlots; } } public static final class ChargingStarted implements Event, StartChargingResponse { public final String droneId; public final Instant expectedComplete; public ChargingStarted(String droneId, Instant expectedComplete) { this.droneId = droneId; this.expectedComplete = expectedComplete; } } public static final class ChargingCompleted implements Event { public final String droneId; @JsonCreator public ChargingCompleted(String droneId) { this.droneId = droneId; } } public static final class ChargingDrone { public final String droneId; public final Instant expectedComplete; public final String replicaId; public ChargingDrone(String droneId, Instant expectedComplete, String replicaId) { this.droneId = droneId; this.expectedComplete = expectedComplete; this.replicaId = replicaId; } }
The state of the charging station starts as null
and requires a Create
message for the station to be initialized with a State
The State
contains the number of charging slots that can concurrently charge drones and a set of currently charging drones.
The state also contains a location id identifying where it is, matching the location id structure of the local-drone-control service. This is needed so that the station can be replicated only to the edge location where it is located.
- Scala
case class ChargingDrone( droneId: String, expectedComplete: Instant, replicaId: String) case class State( chargingSlots: Int, dronesCharging: Set[ChargingDrone], stationLocationId: String) extends CborSerializable
- Java
public static final class State implements CborSerializable { public final int chargingSlots; public final Set<ChargingDrone> dronesCharging; public final String stationLocationId; public State(int chargingSlots, Set<ChargingDrone> dronesCharging, String stationLocationId) { this.chargingSlots = chargingSlots; this.dronesCharging = dronesCharging; this.stationLocationId = stationLocationId; } }
Command handler
The command handler is in fact two separate handlers, one for when the entity is not yet initialized, only accepting the Create
command, and one that is used to handle commands once the station has been initialized.
The StartCharging
command is the only one that requires more complicated logic: if a slot is free, persist a ChargingStarted
event and tell the drone when charging will be done. If all charging slots are busy the reply will instead be when the first slot will be free again and the drone can come back and try charge again.
- Scala
private def handleCommand( state: Option[State], command: Command): Effect[Event, Option[State]] = state match { case None => handleCommandNoState(command) case Some(state) => handleCommandInitialized(state, command) } private def handleCommandNoState( command: Command): Effect[Event, Option[State]] = command match { case Create(locationId, chargingSlots, replyTo) => Effect .persist(Created(locationId, chargingSlots)) .thenReply(replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack) case StartCharging(_, replyTo) => Effect.reply(replyTo)( StatusReply.Error( s"Charging station ${replicationContext.entityId} not initialized")) case GetState(replyTo) => Effect.reply(replyTo)( StatusReply.Error( s"Charging station ${replicationContext.entityId} not initialized")) case unexpected => context.log.warn( "Got an unexpected command {} but charging station with id {} not initialized", unexpected.getClass, replicationContext.entityId) Effect.none } private def handleCommandInitialized( state: ChargingStation.State, command: ChargingStation.Command): Effect[Event, Option[State]] = { command match { case Create(_, _, replyTo) => Effect.reply(replyTo)(StatusReply.Error( s"Got a create command, but station id ${replicationContext.entityId} was already created")) case StartCharging(droneId, replyTo) => if (state.dronesCharging.exists(_.droneId == droneId)) { context.log.warn( "Drone {} requested charging but is already charging. Ignoring.", droneId) Effect.none } else if (state.dronesCharging.size >= state.chargingSlots) { val earliestFreeSlot = state.dronesCharging.map(_.expectedComplete).min context.log.info( "Drone {} requested charging but all stations busy, earliest free slot {}", droneId, earliestFreeSlot) Effect.reply(replyTo)( StatusReply.Success(AllSlotsBusy(earliestFreeSlot))) } else { // charge val expectedComplete = Instant.now().plusSeconds(FullChargeTime.toSeconds) context.log.info( "Drone {} requested charging, expected to complete charging at {}", droneId, expectedComplete) val event = ChargingStarted(droneId, expectedComplete) Effect .persist(event) .thenReply(replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Success(event)) } case CompleteCharging(droneId, replyTo) => if (state.dronesCharging.exists(_.droneId == droneId)) { context.log.info("Drone {} completed charging", droneId) Effect .persist(ChargingCompleted(droneId)) .thenReply(replyTo)(_ => StatusReply.Ack) } else { Effect.reply(replyTo)( StatusReply.error(s"Drone $droneId is not currently charging")) } case GetState(replyTo) => Effect.reply(replyTo)(StatusReply.Success(state)) } }
- Java
@Override public CommandHandler<Command, Event, State> commandHandler() { var noStateHandler = newCommandHandlerBuilder() .forNullState() .onCommand( Create.class, (state, create) -> Effect() .persist(new Created(create.locationId, create.chargingSlots)) .thenReply(create.replyTo, stateAfter -> StatusReply.ack())) .onCommand( StartCharging.class, startCharging -> Effect() .reply( startCharging.replyTo, StatusReply.error( "Charging station " + getReplicationContext().entityId() + " not initialized"))) .onCommand( GetState.class, getState -> Effect() .reply( getState.replyTo, StatusReply.error( "Charging station " + getReplicationContext().entityId() + " not initialized"))) .onCommand( command -> true, unexpected -> { context .getLog() .warn( "Got an unexpected command {} but charging station with id {} not initialized", unexpected.getClass(), getReplicationContext().entityId()); return Effect().none(); }); var initializedHandler = newCommandHandlerBuilder() .forNonNullState() .onCommand( Create.class, create -> Effect() .reply( create.replyTo, StatusReply.error( "Got a create command, but station id " + getReplicationContext().entityId() + " was already created"))) .onCommand(StartCharging.class, this::handleStartCharging) .onCommand(CompleteCharging.class, this::handleCompleteCharging) .onCommand( GetState.class, (state, getState) -> Effect().reply(getState.replyTo, StatusReply.success(state))); return noStateHandler.orElse(initializedHandler).build(); } private Effect<Event, State> handleStartCharging(State state, StartCharging startCharging) { if (state.dronesCharging.stream() .anyMatch(charging -> charging.droneId.equals(startCharging.droneId))) { return Effect().reply(startCharging.replyTo, StatusReply.error("Drone already charging")); } else if (state.dronesCharging.size() >= state.chargingSlots) { var earliestFreeSlot = state.dronesCharging.stream() .min(Comparator.comparing(chargingDrone -> chargingDrone.expectedComplete)) .get() .expectedComplete; context .getLog() .info( "Drone {} requested charging but all stations busy, earliest free slot {}", startCharging.droneId, earliestFreeSlot); return Effect() .reply(startCharging.replyTo, StatusReply.success(new AllSlotsBusy(earliestFreeSlot))); } else { // charge var expectedComplete = Instant.now().plus(FULL_CHARGE_TIME); context .getLog() .info( "Drone {} requested charging, will complete charging at {}", startCharging.droneId, expectedComplete); var event = new ChargingStarted(startCharging.droneId, expectedComplete); return Effect() .persist(event) .thenReply(startCharging.replyTo, newState -> StatusReply.success(event)); } } private Effect<Event, State> handleCompleteCharging( State state, CompleteCharging completeCharging) { context.getLog().info("Drone {} completed charging", completeCharging.droneId); if (state.dronesCharging.stream() .anyMatch(chargingDrone -> chargingDrone.droneId.equals(completeCharging.droneId))) return Effect() .persist(new ChargingCompleted(completeCharging.droneId)) .thenReply(completeCharging.replyTo, newState -> StatusReply.ack()); else return Effect() .reply( completeCharging.replyTo, StatusReply.error( "Drone " + completeCharging.droneId + " is not currently charging.")); }
Event handler
Just like the command handler the event handler is different depending on if there is state or not. If there is no state only the Created
event is accepted.
Once initialized the charging station expects ChargingStarted
and ChargingCompleted
events, additional Created
events are ignored.
- Scala
private def handleEvent(state: Option[State], event: Event): Option[State] = { state match { case None => event match { case Created(locationId, chargingSlots) => Some(State(chargingSlots, Set.empty, locationId)) case unexpected => throw new IllegalArgumentException( s"Got unexpected event ${unexpected} for uninitialized state") } case Some(state) => event match { case Created(_, _) => context.log.warn("Saw a second created event, ignoring") Some(state) case ChargingStarted(droneId, expectedComplete) => Some( state.copy(dronesCharging = state.dronesCharging + ChargingDrone( droneId, expectedComplete, replicationContext.origin.id))) case ChargingCompleted(droneId) => Some( state.copy(dronesCharging = state.dronesCharging.filterNot(_.droneId == droneId))) } } }
- Java
@Override public EventHandler<State, Event> eventHandler() { var noStateHandler = newEventHandlerBuilder() .forNullState() .onEvent( Created.class, created -> new State(created.chargingSlots, Collections.emptySet(), created.locationId)); var initializedStateHandler = newEventHandlerBuilder() .forNonNullState() .onEvent( Created.class, (state, event) -> { context.getLog().warn("Saw a second created event, ignoring"); return state; }) .onEvent( ChargingStarted.class, (state, event) -> { var newSet = new HashSet<>(state.dronesCharging); newSet.add( new ChargingDrone( event.droneId, event.expectedComplete, getReplicationContext().origin().id())); return new State( state.chargingSlots, Collections.unmodifiableSet(newSet), state.stationLocationId); }) .onEvent( ChargingCompleted.class, (state, event) -> { var newSet = state.dronesCharging.stream() .filter(charging -> !charging.droneId.equals(event.droneId)) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); return new State( state.chargingSlots, Collections.unmodifiableSet(newSet), state.stationLocationId); }); return noStateHandler.orElse(initializedStateHandler).build(); }
The charging station is a very limited replicated entity example to keep the guide simple. It doesn’t expect any possible conflicts, stations are created, once, in the central cloud and replicated to the edge, updates related to drones currently charging in the station happen at the edge and are replicated to the cloud. Akka replicated event sourcing provides APIs for both CRDTs where conflicts are automatically handled by the data structure and business domain level conflict resolution. For more details about see the Akka documentation.
Tagging based on location
To be able to control where the charging station is replicated we tag the events using the location id from the state as a topic:
- Scala
.withTaggerForState { case (None, _) => Set.empty case (Some(state), _) => Set("t:" + state.stationLocationId) }
- Java
@Override public Set<String> tagsFor(State state, Event event) { if (state == null) return Set.of(); else return Set.of("t:" + state.stationLocationId); }
Setting up replication for the charging station
Setup for the cloud replica and the edge node differs slightly.
For the restaurant-drone-deliveries service running in the cloud we set up a ReplicationSettings
with edge replication enabled:
- Scala
def init(implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): Replication[Command] = { val replicationSettings = ReplicationSettings[Command](EntityType, R2dbcReplication()) .withEdgeReplication(true) Replication.grpcReplication(replicationSettings)(ChargingStation.apply) }
- Java
public static Replication<Command> init(ActorSystem<?> system) { var replicationSettings = ReplicationSettings.create( Command.class, ENTITY_TYPE, R2dbcReplication.create(system), system) .withEdgeReplication(true); return Replication.grpcReplication(replicationSettings, ChargingStation::create, system); }
Since we have other events going over akka-projection-grpc producer push replication already in the restaurant-drone-deliveries service we need to combine all such sources and destinations into single gRPC services:
- Scala
val chargingStationService = new ChargingStationServiceImpl( chargingStationReplication.entityRefFactory) // delivery events and charging station replication both are Akka Projection gRPC event // producers (pulled by the local drone control) and needs to be combined into a single gRPC service handling both: val eventPullHandler = EventProducer.grpcServiceHandler( Set( deliveryEventsProducerSource, chargingStationReplication.eventProducerSource)) // the drone events from edge and the charging station replicated entity are both Akka Projection gRPC // event push destinations (pushed by local drone control) and needs to be combined into a single gRPC service handling both: val eventPushHandler = EventProducerPushDestination.grpcServiceHandler( Set( pushedEventsDestination, chargingStationReplication.eventProducerPushDestination.get))(system)
- Java
var chargingStationService = new ChargingStationServiceImpl( settings, // FIXME java function type id -> chargingStationReplication.entityRefFactory().apply(id)); // delivery events and charging station replication both are Akka Projection gRPC event // producers (pulled by the local drone control) and needs to be combined into a single gRPC // service handling both: var eventPullHandler = EventProducer.grpcServiceHandler( system, Set.of(deliveryEventsProducerSource, chargingStationReplication.eventProducerSource())); // the drone events from edge and the charging station replicated entity are both Akka // Projection gRPC // event push destinations (pushed by local drone control) and needs to be combined into a // single gRPC service handling both: var eventPushHandler = EventProducerPushDestination.grpcServiceHandler( Set.of( pushedEventsDestination, chargingStationReplication.eventProducerPushDestination().get()), system);
For the local-drone-control service we also create ReplicationSettings
but pass them to a separate initialization method Replication.grpcEdgeReplication
. Since the edge node will be responsible for creating connections, no gRPC services needs to be bound:
- Scala
def initEdge(locationId: String)( implicit system: ActorSystem[_]): EdgeReplication[Command] = { val replicationSettings = ReplicationSettings[Command](EntityType, R2dbcReplication()) .withSelfReplicaId(ReplicaId(locationId)) .withInitialConsumerFilter( // only replicate charging stations local to the edge system Seq( ConsumerFilter.excludeAll, ConsumerFilter.IncludeTopics(Set(locationId)))) Replication.grpcEdgeReplication(replicationSettings)(ChargingStation.apply) }
- Java
public static EdgeReplication<Command> initEdge(ActorSystem<?> system, String locationId) { var replicationSettings = ReplicationSettings.create( Command.class, ENTITY_TYPE, R2dbcReplication.create(system), system) .withSelfReplicaId(new ReplicaId(locationId)) .withInitialConsumerFilter( List.of( // only replicate charging stations local to the edge system ConsumerFilter.excludeAll(), new ConsumerFilter.IncludeTopics(Set.of(locationId)))); return Replication.grpcEdgeReplication(replicationSettings, ChargingStation::create, system); }
The returned EdgeReplication
instance gives us access to a entityRefFactory
for sending messages to the charging stations.
Service for interacting with the charging station
In the restaurant-drone-deliveries service we introduce a separate gRPC endpoint for creating and looking at charging station state:
- Scala
syntax = "proto3"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "charging.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; package charging; service ChargingStationService { rpc CreateChargingStation(CreateChargingStationRequest) returns (CreateChargingStationResponse) {} rpc GetChargingStationState(GetChargingStationStateRequest) returns (GetChargingStationStateResponse) {} } message CreateChargingStationRequest { // unique identifier for the charging station string charging_station_id = 1; // location of the station string location_id = 2; // number of parallel charging slots for drones uint32 charging_slots = 3; } message CreateChargingStationResponse { } message GetChargingStationStateRequest { string charging_station_id = 1; } message GetChargingStationStateResponse { // location of the station string location_id = 1; // number of parallel charging slots for drones uint32 charging_slots = 2; // drones currently at the station charging repeated ChargingDrone currently_charging_drones = 3; } message ChargingDrone { string drone_id = 1; // timestamp when charging is estimated to complete google.protobuf.Timestamp expected_complete = 2; }
- Java
syntax = "proto3"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "charging.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; package charging; service ChargingStationService { rpc CreateChargingStation(CreateChargingStationRequest) returns (CreateChargingStationResponse) {} rpc GetChargingStationState(GetChargingStationStateRequest) returns (GetChargingStationStateResponse) {} } message CreateChargingStationRequest { // unique identifier for the charging station string charging_station_id = 1; // location of the station string location_id = 2; // number of parallel charging slots for drones uint32 charging_slots = 3; } message CreateChargingStationResponse { } message GetChargingStationStateRequest { string charging_station_id = 1; } message GetChargingStationStateResponse { // location of the station string location_id = 1; // number of parallel charging slots for drones uint32 charging_slots = 2; // drones currently at the station charging repeated ChargingDrone currently_charging_drones = 3; } message ChargingDrone { string drone_id = 1; // timestamp when charging is estimated to complete google.protobuf.Timestamp expected_complete = 2; }
The service implementation takes the entityRefFactory
as a constructor parameter and uses that to create EntityRef
instances for specific charging stations to interact with them:
- Scala
package charging import akka.actor.typed.ActorSystem import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.scaladsl.EntityRef import akka.util.Timeout import charging.proto import com.google.protobuf.timestamp.Timestamp import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt class ChargingStationServiceImpl( entityRefFactory: String => EntityRef[ChargingStation.Command])( implicit val system: ActorSystem[_]) extends proto.ChargingStationService { private final val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) import system.executionContext // FIXME separate setting implicit val askTimeout: Timeout = 3.seconds override def createChargingStation(in: proto.CreateChargingStationRequest) : Future[proto.CreateChargingStationResponse] = { log.info( "Creating charging station {} with {} charging slots, in location {}", in.chargingStationId, in.chargingSlots, in.locationId) val entityRef = entityRefFactory(in.chargingStationId) entityRef .ask(ChargingStation.Create(in.locationId, in.chargingSlots, _)) .map(_ => proto.CreateChargingStationResponse.defaultInstance) } override def getChargingStationState(in: proto.GetChargingStationStateRequest) : Future[proto.GetChargingStationStateResponse] = { log.info("Get charging station {} state", in.chargingStationId) val entityRef = entityRefFactory(in.chargingStationId) entityRef .askWithStatus(ChargingStation.GetState.apply) .map(state => proto.GetChargingStationStateResponse( locationId = state.stationLocationId, chargingSlots = state.chargingSlots, currentlyChargingDrones = state.dronesCharging .map(d => proto.ChargingDrone( droneId = d.droneId, expectedComplete = Some(Timestamp(d.expectedComplete)))) .toSeq)) } }
- Java
package charging; import akka.Done; import akka.cluster.sharding.typed.javadsl.EntityRef; import akka.grpc.GrpcServiceException; import central.DeliveriesSettings; import charging.proto.*; import com.google.protobuf.Timestamp; import io.grpc.Status; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class ChargingStationServiceImpl implements ChargingStationService { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChargingStationServiceImpl.class); private final Function<String, EntityRef<ChargingStation.Command>> entityRefFactory; private final Duration askTimeout; public ChargingStationServiceImpl( DeliveriesSettings settings, Function<String, EntityRef<ChargingStation.Command>> entityRefFactory) { this.entityRefFactory = entityRefFactory; // FIXME separate setting this.askTimeout = settings.droneAskTimeout; } @Override public CompletionStage<CreateChargingStationResponse> createChargingStation( CreateChargingStationRequest in) { logger.info( "Creating charging station {} with {} charging slots, in location {}", in.getChargingStationId(), in.getChargingSlots(), in.getLocationId()); var entityRef = entityRefFactory.apply(in.getChargingStationId()); CompletionStage<Done> chargingStationReply = entityRef.askWithStatus( replyTo -> new ChargingStation.Create(in.getLocationId(), in.getChargingSlots(), replyTo), askTimeout); var response = chargingStationReply.thenApply(done -> CreateChargingStationResponse.getDefaultInstance()); return convertError(response); } @Override public CompletionStage<GetChargingStationStateResponse> getChargingStationState( GetChargingStationStateRequest in) { logger.info("Get charging station {} state", in.getChargingStationId()); var entityRef = entityRefFactory.apply(in.getChargingStationId()); return entityRef .askWithStatus(ChargingStation.GetState::new, askTimeout) .thenApply( state -> GetChargingStationStateResponse.newBuilder() .setLocationId(state.stationLocationId) .setChargingSlots(state.chargingSlots) .addAllCurrentlyChargingDrones( state.dronesCharging.stream() .map( d -> ChargingDrone.newBuilder() .setDroneId(d.droneId) .setExpectedComplete( instantToProtoTimestamp(d.expectedComplete)) .build()) .collect(Collectors.toList())) .build()); } private static Timestamp instantToProtoTimestamp(Instant instant) { return Timestamp.newBuilder() .setSeconds(instant.getEpochSecond()) .setNanos(instant.getNano()) .build(); } private <T> CompletionStage<T> convertError(CompletionStage<T> response) { return response.exceptionally( error -> { if (error instanceof TimeoutException) { throw new GrpcServiceException( Status.UNAVAILABLE.withDescription("Operation timed out")); } else { throw new GrpcServiceException(Status.INTERNAL.withDescription(error.getMessage())); } }); } }
Interacting with the charging station at the edge
The local-drone-control service does not contain the full gRPC API for creating and inspecting charging stations but instead two methods in the drone gRPC service goCharge
to initiate charging of a drone if possible and completeCharge
to complete a charging session for a given drone:
- Scala
override def goCharge( in: proto.GoChargeRequest): Future[proto.ChargingResponse] = { logger.info( "Requesting charge of {} from {}", in.droneId, in.chargingStationId) val entityRef = chargingStationEntityRefFactory(in.chargingStationId) val response = entityRef .askWithStatus[ChargingStation.StartChargingResponse]( ChargingStation.StartCharging(in.droneId, _)) .map { case ChargingStation.ChargingStarted(_, expectedComplete) => proto.ChargingResponse( proto.ChargingResponse.Response.Started( proto.ChargingStarted(Some(Timestamp(expectedComplete))))) case ChargingStation.AllSlotsBusy(comeBackAt) => proto.ChargingResponse( proto.ChargingResponse.Response .ComeBackLater(proto.ComeBackLater(Some(Timestamp(comeBackAt))))) } convertError(response) } override def completeCharge(in: proto.CompleteChargeRequest) : Future[proto.CompleteChargingResponse] = { logger.info( "Requesting complete charging of {} from {}", in.droneId, in.chargingStationId) val entityRef = chargingStationEntityRefFactory(in.chargingStationId) val response = entityRef .askWithStatus(ChargingStation.CompleteCharging(in.droneId, _)) .map(_ => proto.CompleteChargingResponse.defaultInstance) convertError(response) }
- Java
@Override public CompletionStage<ChargingResponse> goCharge(GoChargeRequest in) { logger.info("Requesting charge of {} from {}", in.getDroneId(), in.getChargingStationId()); var entityRef = chargingStationEntityRefFactory.apply(in.getChargingStationId()); CompletionStage<ChargingStation.StartChargingResponse> chargingStationResponse = entityRef.askWithStatus( replyTo -> new ChargingStation.StartCharging(in.getDroneId(), replyTo), settings.askTimeout); var response = chargingStationResponse.thenApply( message -> { if (message instanceof ChargingStation.ChargingStarted) { var expectedComplete = ((ChargingStation.ChargingStarted) message).expectedComplete; return ChargingResponse.newBuilder() .setStarted( ChargingStarted.newBuilder() .setExpectedComplete(instantToProtoTimestamp(expectedComplete)) .build()) .build(); } else if (message instanceof ChargingStation.AllSlotsBusy) { var firstSlotFreeAt = ((ChargingStation.AllSlotsBusy) message).firstSlotFreeAt; return ChargingResponse.newBuilder() .setComeBackLater( ComeBackLater.newBuilder() .setFirstSlotFreeAt(instantToProtoTimestamp(firstSlotFreeAt)) .build()) .build(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected response type " + message.getClass()); } }); return convertError(response); } @Override public CompletionStage<CompleteChargingResponse> completeCharge(CompleteChargeRequest in) { logger.info( "Requesting complete charging of {} from {}", in.getDroneId(), in.getChargingStationId()); var entityRef = chargingStationEntityRefFactory.apply(in.getChargingStationId()); CompletionStage<Done> chargingStationResponse = entityRef.askWithStatus( replyTo -> new ChargingStation.CompleteCharging(in.getDroneId(), replyTo), settings.askTimeout); var response = chargingStationResponse.thenApply(done -> CompleteChargingResponse.getDefaultInstance()); return convertError(response); }
The complete sample can be downloaded from GitHub, but note that it also includes the next steps of the guide:
- Scala drone-scala.zip
- Java drone-java.zip
As this service consumes events from the service built in the previous step, start the local-drone-control service first:
To start the local-drone-control-service:
sbt run
mvn compile exec:exec
Then start the drone-restaurant-deliveries-service.
As the service needs a PostgreSQL instance running, start that up in a docker container and create the database schema if you did not do that in a previous step of the guide:
docker compose up --wait
docker exec -i postgres_db psql -U postgres -t < ddl-scripts/create_tables.sql
Then start the service:
sbt -Dconfig.resource=local1.conf run
And optionally one or two more Akka cluster nodes, but note that the local drone controls are statically configured to the gRPC port of the first and will only publish events to that node.
sbt -Dconfig.resource=local2.conf run
sbt -Dconfig.resource=local3.conf run
mvn compile exec:exec -DAPP_CONFIG=local1.conf
And optionally one or two more Akka cluster nodes, but note that the local drone controls are statically configured to the gRPC port of the first and will only publish events to that node.
mvn compile exec:exec -DAPP_CONFIG=local2.conf
mvn compile exec:exec -DAPP_CONFIG=local3.conf
Set up a replicated charging station in the cloud service using grpcurl:
grpcurl -d '{"charging_station_id":"station1","location_id": "sweden/stockholm/kungsholmen", "charging_slots": 4}' -plaintext localhost:8101 charging.ChargingStationService.CreateChargingStation
Ask to charge the drone with id drone1
at the charging station in the edge service:
grpcurl -d '{"drone_id":"drone1","charging_station_id":"station1"}' -plaintext local.drones.DroneService.GoCharge
Inspect the state of the charging station in the cloud service to see the charging drone replicated there:
grpcurl -d '{"charging_station_id":"station1"}' -plaintext localhost:8101 charging.ChargingStationService.GetChargingStationState
Inform the station that the drone completed charging:
grpcurl -d '{"drone_id":"drone1","charging_station_id":"station1"}' -plaintext local.drones.DroneService.CompleteCharge
Again query the restaurant-drone-deliveries charge station inspection command to see the set of charging drones changing again:
grpcurl -d '{"charging_station_id":"station1"}' -plaintext localhost:8101 charging.ChargingStationService.GetChargingStationState