The Akka dependencies are available from Akka’s library repository. To access them there, you need to configure the URL for this repository.
To use Akka Actor Typed, you must add the following dependency in your project:
- sbt
val AkkaVersion = "2.10.2" libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor-typed" % AkkaVersion
- Maven
- Gradle
We believe Akka Typed will be adopted in existing systems gradually and therefore it’s important to be able to use typed and classic actors together, within the same ActorSystem
. Also, we will not be able to integrate with all existing modules in one big bang release and that is another reason for why these two ways of writing actors must be able to coexist.
There are two different ActorSystem
Currently the typed actor system is implemented using the classic actor system under the hood. This may change in the future.
Typed and classic can interact the following ways:
- classic actor systems can create typed actors
- typed actors can send messages to classic actors, and opposite
- spawn and supervise typed child from classic parent, and opposite
- watch typed from classic, and opposite
- classic actor system can be converted to a typed actor system
In the examples the
package is aliased to classic
Classic to typed
While coexisting your application will likely still have a classic ActorSystem. This can be converted to a typed ActorSystem so that new code and migrated parts don’t rely on the classic system:
- Scala
// adds support for actors to a classic actor system and context import val system ="ClassicToTypedSystem") val typedSystem: ActorSystem[Nothing] = system.toTyped
- Java
Then for new typed actors here’s how you create, watch and send messages to it from a classic actor.
- Scala
object Typed { sealed trait Command final case class Ping(replyTo: ActorRef[Pong.type]) extends Command case object Pong def apply(): Behavior[Command] = Behaviors.receive { (context, message) => message match { case Ping(replyTo) =>"${context.self} got Ping from $replyTo") // replyTo is a classic actor that has been converted for coexistence replyTo ! Pong Behaviors.same } } }
- Java
The top level classic actor is created in the usual way:
Then it can create a typed actor, watch it, and send a message to it:
- Scala
class Classic extends classic.Actor with ActorLogging { // context.spawn is an implicit extension method val second: ActorRef[Typed.Command] = context.spawn(Typed(), "second") // is an implicit extension method // self can be used as the `replyTo` parameter here because // there is an implicit conversion from to // // An equal alternative would be `self.toTyped` second ! Typed.Ping(self) override def receive = { case Typed.Pong =>"$self got Pong from ${sender()}") // context.stop is an implicit extension method context.stop(second) case classic.Terminated(ref) =>"$self observed termination of $ref") context.stop(self) } }
- Java
There is one import
that is needed to make that work.
- Scala
// adds support for actors to a classic actor system and context import
- Java
That adds some implicit extension methods that are added to classic and typed ActorSystem
, ActorContext
and ActorRef
in both directions. Note the inline comments in the example above.
This method of using a top level classic actor is the suggested path for this type of co-existence. However, if you prefer to start with a typed top level actor then you can use the implicit spawn
-method directly from the typed system:
- Scala
val system = classic.ActorSystem("TypedWatchingClassic") val typed = system.spawn(Typed.behavior, "Typed")
- Java
The above classic-typed difference is further elaborated in the ActorSystem
section of “Learning Akka Typed from Classic”.
Typed to classic
Let’s turn the example upside down and first start the typed actor and then the classic as a child.
The following will show how to create, watch and send messages back and forth from a typed actor to this classic actor:
- Scala
object Classic { def props(): classic.Props = classic.Props(new Classic) } class Classic extends classic.Actor { override def receive = { case Typed.Ping(replyTo) => replyTo ! Typed.Pong } }
- Java
Creating the actor system and the typed actor:
- Scala
val system = classic.ActorSystem("TypedWatchingClassic") val typed = system.spawn(Typed.behavior, "Typed")
- Java
Then the typed actor creates the classic actor, watches it and sends and receives a response:
- Scala
object Typed { final case class Ping(replyTo:[Pong.type]) sealed trait Command case object Pong extends Command val behavior: Behavior[Command] = Behaviors.setup { context => // context.actorOf is an implicit extension method val classic = context.actorOf(Classic.props(), "second") // is an implicit extension method // illustrating how to pass sender, toClassic is an implicit extension method classic.tell(Typed.Ping(context.self), context.self.toClassic) Behaviors .receiveMessagePartial[Command] { case Pong => // it's not possible to get the sender, that must be sent in message // context.stop is an implicit extension method context.stop(classic) Behaviors.same } .receiveSignal { case (_, => Behaviors.stopped } } }
- Java
Note that when sending from a typed actor to a classic ActorRef
there is no sender in scope as in classic. The typed sender should use its own ActorContext[T].self
explicitly, as shown in the snippet.
The default supervision for classic actors is to restart whereas for typed it is to stop. When combining classic and typed actors the default supervision is based on the default behavior of the child, for example if a classic actor creates a typed child, its default supervision will be to stop. If a typed actor creates a classic child, its default supervision will be to restart.