Module info
The Akka dependencies are available from Akka’s library repository. To access them there, you need to configure the URL for this repository.
To use Akka Streams, add the module to your project:
- sbt
val AkkaVersion = "2.8.7" libraryDependencies ++= Seq( "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-stream" % AkkaVersion, "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-stream-testkit" % AkkaVersion % Test )
- Maven
- Gradle
Project Info: Akka Streams | |
Artifact | com.typesafe.akka
JDK versions | Adopt OpenJDK 8 Adopt OpenJDK 11 |
Scala versions | 2.13.11, 2.12.18, 3.2.2 |
JPMS module name | |
License | |
Readiness level | Supported, Lightbend Subscription provides support
Since 2.5.0, 2017-04-13
Home page | |
API documentation | |
Forums | |
Release notes | blog |
Issues | Github issues |
Sources | |
- Working with Graphs
- Dependency
- Introduction
- Constructing Graphs
- Constructing and combining Partial Graphs
- Constructing Sources, Sinks and Flows from Partial Graphs
- Combining Sources and Sinks with simplified API
- Building reusable Graph components
- Predefined shapes
- Bidirectional Flows
- Accessing the materialized value inside the Graph
- Graph cycles, liveness and deadlocks
- Operators
- Source operators
- Sink operators
- Additional Sink and Source converters
- File IO Sinks and Sources
- Simple operators
- Flow operators composed of Sinks and Sources
- Asynchronous operators
- Timer driven operators
- Backpressure aware operators
- Nesting and flattening operators
- Time aware operators
- Fan-in operators
- Fan-out operators
- Watching status operators
- Actor interop operators
- Compression operators
- Error handling
- Source.actorRef
- Sink.actorRef
- ActorSource.actorRef
- ActorSink.actorRef
- Source.actorRefWithBackpressure
- Sink.actorRefWithBackpressure
- ActorSource.actorRefWithBackpressure
- ActorSink.actorRefWithBackpressure
- aggregateWithBoundary
- alsoTo
- alsoToAll
- Flow.asFlowWithContext
- StreamConverters.asInputStream
- StreamConverters.asJavaStream
- ask
- ActorFlow.ask
- ActorFlow.askWithContext
- ActorFlow.askWithStatus
- ActorFlow.askWithContext
- StreamConverters.asOutputStream
- Sink.asPublisher
- Source.asSourceWithContext
- Source.asSubscriber
- backpressureTimeout
- Balance
- batch
- batchWeighted
- Broadcast
- buffer
- Sink.cancelled
- collect
- Sink.collect
- Sink.collection
- collectType
- Source.combine
- Sink.combine
- Source.completionStage
- Flow.completionStageFlow
- Sink.completionStageSink
- Source.completionStageSource
- completionTimeout
- concat
- concatAllLazy
- concatLazy
- conflate
- conflateWithSeed
- contramap
- Source.cycle
- Compression.deflate
- delay
- delayWith
- detach
- divertTo
- drop
- dropWhile
- dropWithin
- Source.empty
- expand
- extrapolate
- Source.failed
- filter
- filterNot
- flatMapConcat
- flatMapMerge
- flatMapPrefix
- Flow.flattenOptional
- fold
- Sink.fold
- foldAsync
- Sink.foreach
- Sink.foreachAsync
- Source.apply
- Source.fromCompletionStage
- FileIO.fromFile
- Source.fromFuture
- Source.fromFutureSource
- StreamConverters.fromInputStream
- Source.fromIterator
- fromJavaStream
- StreamConverters.fromJavaStream
- fromMaterializer
- Sink.fromMaterializer
- StreamConverters.fromOutputStream
- FileIO.fromPath
- Source.fromPublisher
- Flow.fromSinkAndSource
- Flow.fromSinkAndSourceCoupled
- Source.fromSourceCompletionStage
- Sink.fromSubscriber
- Source.future
- Flow.futureFlow
- Sink.futureSink
- Source.futureSource
- groupBy
- grouped
- groupedWeighted
- groupedWeightedWithin
- groupedWithin
- Compression.gunzip
- Compression.gzip
- Sink.head
- Sink.headOption
- idleTimeout
- Sink.ignore
- Compression.inflate
- initialDelay
- initialTimeout
- interleave
- interleaveAll
- intersperse
- StreamConverters.javaCollector
- StreamConverters.javaCollectorParallelUnordered
- keepAlive
- Sink.last
- Sink.lastOption
- Source.lazily
- Source.lazilyAsync
- Source.lazyCompletionStage
- Flow.lazyCompletionStageFlow
- Sink.lazyCompletionStageSink
- Source.lazyCompletionStageSource
- Flow.lazyFlow
- Source.lazyFuture
- Flow.lazyFutureFlow
- Sink.lazyFutureSink
- Source.lazyFutureSource
- Flow.lazyInitAsync
- Sink.lazyInitAsync
- Source.lazySingle
- Sink.lazySink
- Source.lazySource
- limit
- limitWeighted
- log
- logWithMarker
- map
- mapAsync
- mapAsyncPartitioned
- mapAsyncUnordered
- mapConcat
- mapError
- mapWithResource
- Source.maybe
- merge
- mergeAll
- mergeLatest
- mergePreferred
- mergePrioritized
- mergePrioritizedN
- MergeSequence
- mergeSorted
- monitor
- never
- Sink.never
- Sink.onComplete
- onErrorComplete
- RestartSource.onFailuresWithBackoff
- RestartFlow.onFailuresWithBackoff
- orElse
- Partition
- prefixAndTail
- preMaterialize
- Sink.preMaterialize
- prepend
- prependLazy
- Source.queue
- Sink.queue
- Source.range
- recover
- recoverWith
- recoverWithRetries
- reduce
- Sink.reduce
- Source.repeat
- scan
- scanAsync
- Sink.seq
- setup
- Sink.setup
- Source.single
- PubSub.sink
- sliding
- PubSub.source
- splitAfter
- splitWhen
- statefulMap
- statefulMapConcat
- take
- Sink.takeLast
- takeWhile
- takeWithin
- throttle
- Source.tick
- FileIO.toFile
- FileIO.toPath
- Source.unfold
- Source.unfoldAsync
- Source.unfoldResource
- Source.unfoldResourceAsync
- Unzip
- UnzipWith
- watch
- watchTermination
- wireTap
- RestartSource.withBackoff
- RestartFlow.withBackoff
- RestartSink.withBackoff
- RetryFlow.withBackoff
- RetryFlow.withBackoffAndContext
- zip
- zipAll
- zipLatest
- zipLatestWith
- Source.zipN
- zipWith
- zipWithIndex
- Source.zipWithN