Asynchronous testing
You are viewing the documentation for the new actor APIs, to view the Akka Classic documentation, see Classic Testing.
Asynchronous testing uses a real ActorSystem
that allows you to test your Actors in a more realistic environment.
The minimal setup consists of the test procedure, which provides the desired stimuli, the actor under test, and an actor receiving replies. Bigger systems replace the actor under test with a network of actors, apply stimuli at varying injection points and arrange results to be sent from different emission points, but the basic principle stays the same in that a single procedure drives the test.
Basic example
Actor under test:
- Scala
object Echo { case class Ping(message: String, response: ActorRef[Pong]) case class Pong(message: String) def apply(): Behavior[Ping] = Behaviors.receiveMessage { case Ping(m, replyTo) => replyTo ! Pong(m) Behaviors.same } }
- Java
Tests create an instance of ActorTestKit
. This provides access to:
- An ActorSystem
- Methods for spawning Actors. These are created under the special testkit user guardian
- A method to shut down the ActorSystem from the test suite
This first example is using the “raw” ActorTestKit
but if you are using ScalaTest you can simplify the tests by using the Test framework integration. It’s still good to read this section to understand how it works.
- Scala
import import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec class AsyncTestingExampleSpec extends AnyWordSpec with BeforeAndAfterAll with Matchers { val testKit = ActorTestKit() }
- Java
Your test is responsible for shutting down the ActorSystem
e.g. using BeforeAndAfterAll
when using ScalaTest .
The following demonstrates:
- Creating an actor from the
’s system usingspawn
- Creating a
- Verifying that the actor under test responds via the
Note that it is possible to use a TestProbe
directly as a RecipientRef
(a common supertype of ActorRef
and Cluster Sharding EntityRef
), in cases where a message protocol uses RecipientRef
instead of specifying ActorRef
or EntityRef
- Scala
val pinger = testKit.spawn(Echo(), "ping") val probe = testKit.createTestProbe[Echo.Pong]() pinger ! Echo.Ping("hello", probe.ref) probe.expectMessage(Echo.Pong("hello"))
- Java
Actors can also be spawned anonymously:
Note that you can add import testKit._
to get access to the spawn
and createTestProbe
methods at the top level without prefixing them with testKit
Stopping actors
The method will wait until the actor stops or throw an assertion error in case of a timeout.
- Scala
val pinger1 = testKit.spawn(Echo(), "pinger") pinger1 ! Echo.Ping("hello", probe.ref) probe.expectMessage(Echo.Pong("hello")) testKit.stop(pinger1) // Uses default timeout // Immediately creating an actor with the same name val pinger2 = testKit.spawn(Echo(), "pinger") pinger2 ! Echo.Ping("hello", probe.ref) probe.expectMessage(Echo.Pong("hello")) testKit.stop(pinger2, 10.seconds) // Custom timeout
- Java
The stop
method can only be used for actors that were spawned by the same ActorTestKit
. Other actors will not be stopped by that method.
Observing mocked behavior
When testing a component (which may be an actor or not) that interacts with other actors it can be useful to not have to run the other actors it depends on. Instead, you might want to create mock behaviors that accept and possibly respond to messages in the same way the other actor would do but without executing any actual logic. In addition to this it can also be useful to observe those interactions to assert that the component under test did send the expected messages. This allows the same kinds of tests as classic TestActor
As an example, let’s assume we’d like to test the following component:
- Scala
case class Message(i: Int, replyTo: ActorRef[Try[Int]]) class Producer(publisher: ActorRef[Message])(implicit scheduler: Scheduler) { def produce(messages: Int)(implicit timeout: Timeout): Unit = { (0 until messages).foreach(publish) } private def publish(i: Int)(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[Try[Int]] = { publisher.ask(ref => Message(i, ref)) } }
- Java
In our test, we create a mocked publisher
actor. Additionally we use Behaviors.monitor
with a TestProbe
in order to be able to verify the interaction of the producer
with the publisher
- Scala
import testKit._ // simulate the happy path val mockedBehavior = Behaviors.receiveMessage[Message] { msg => msg.replyTo ! Success(msg.i) Behaviors.same } val probe = testKit.createTestProbe[Message]() val mockedPublisher = testKit.spawn(Behaviors.monitor(probe.ref, mockedBehavior)) // test our component val producer = new Producer(mockedPublisher) val messages = 3 producer.produce(messages) // verify expected behavior for (i <- 0 until messages) { val msg = probe.expectMessageType[Message] msg.i shouldBe i }
- Java
Test framework integration
If you are using ScalaTest you can extend ScalaTestWithActorTestKit
to have the async test kit automatically shutdown when the test is complete. This is done in afterAll
from the BeforeAndAfterAll
trait. If you override that method you should call super.afterAll
to shutdown the test kit.
Note that the dependency on ScalaTest is marked as optional from the test kit module, so your project must explicitly include a dependency on ScalaTest to use this.
- Scala
import import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpecLike class ScalaTestIntegrationExampleSpec extends ScalaTestWithActorTestKit with AnyWordSpecLike { "Something" must { "behave correctly" in { val pinger = testKit.spawn(Echo(), "ping") val probe = testKit.createTestProbe[Echo.Pong]() pinger ! Echo.Ping("hello", probe.ref) probe.expectMessage(Echo.Pong("hello")) } } }
- Java
By default the ActorTestKit
loads configuration from application-test.conf
if that exists, otherwise it is using default configuration from the reference.conf resources that ship with the Akka libraries. The application.conf of your project is not used in this case. A specific configuration can be given as parameter when creating the TestKit.
If you prefer to use application.conf
you can pass that as the configuration parameter to the TestKit. It’s loaded with:
It’s often convenient to define configuration for a specific test as a String
in the test itself and use that as the configuration parameter to the TestKit. ConfigFactory.parseString
can be used for that:
- Scala
ConfigFactory.parseString(""" akka.loglevel = DEBUG akka.log-config-on-start = on """)
- Java
Combining those approaches using withFallback
- Scala
ConfigFactory.parseString(""" akka.loglevel = DEBUG akka.log-config-on-start = on """).withFallback(ConfigFactory.load())
- Java
More information can be found in the documentation of the configuration library.
Note that reference.conf
files are intended for libraries to define default values and shouldn’t be used in an application. It’s not supported to override a config property owned by one library in a reference.conf
of another library.
Controlling the scheduler
It can be hard to reliably unit test specific scenario’s when your actor relies on timing: especially when running many tests in parallel it can be hard to get the timing just right. Making such tests more reliable by using generous timeouts make the tests take a long time to run.
For such situations, we provide a scheduler where you can manually, explicitly advance the clock.
- Scala
import scala.concurrent.duration._ import import import import import import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpecLike class ManualTimerExampleSpec extends ScalaTestWithActorTestKit(ManualTime.config) with AnyWordSpecLike with LogCapturing { val manualTime: ManualTime = ManualTime() "A timer" must { "schedule non-repeated ticks" in { case object Tick case object Tock val probe = TestProbe[Tock.type]() val behavior = Behaviors.withTimers[Tick.type] { timer => timer.startSingleTimer(Tick, 10.millis) Behaviors.receiveMessage { _ => probe.ref ! Tock Behaviors.same } } spawn(behavior) manualTime.expectNoMessageFor(9.millis, probe) manualTime.timePasses(2.millis) probe.expectMessage(Tock) manualTime.expectNoMessageFor(10.seconds, probe) } } }
- Java
Test of logging
To verify that certain logging events are emitted there is a utility called LoggingTestKit
. You define a criteria of the expected logging events and it will assert that the given number of occurrences of matching logging events are emitted within a block of code.
The LoggingTestKit
implementation requires Logback dependency.
For example, a criteria that verifies that an INFO
level event with a message containing “Received message” is logged:
- Scala
import // implicit ActorSystem is needed, but that is given by ScalaTestWithActorTestKit //implicit val system: ActorSystem[_]"Received message").expect { ref ! Message("hello") }
- Java
More advanced criteria can be built by chaining conditions that all must be satisfied for a matching event.
- Scala
LoggingTestKit .error[IllegalArgumentException] .withMessageRegex(".*was rejected.*expecting ascii input.*") .withCustom { event => event.marker match { case Some(m) => m.getName == "validation" case None => false } } .withOccurrences(2) .expect { ref ! Message("hellö") ref ! Message("hejdå") }
- Java
See LoggingTestKit
for more details.
Silence logging output from tests
When running tests, it’s typically preferred to have the output to standard out, together with the output from the testing framework (ScalaTest ). On one hand you want the output to be clean without logging noise, but on the other hand you want as much information as possible if there is a test failure (for example in CI builds).
The Akka TestKit provides a LogCapturing
utility to support this with ScalaTest or JUnit. It will buffer log events instead of emitting them to the ConsoleAppender
immediately (or whatever Logback appender that is configured). When there is a test failure the buffered events are flushed to the target appenders, typically a ConsoleAppender
The LogCapturing
utility requires Logback dependency.
Mix LogCapturing
trait into the ScalaTest like this:
- Scala
import import import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpecLike class LogCapturingExampleSpec extends ScalaTestWithActorTestKit with AnyWordSpecLike with LogCapturing { "Something" must { "behave correctly" in { val pinger = testKit.spawn(Echo(), "ping") val probe = testKit.createTestProbe[Echo.Pong]() pinger ! Echo.Ping("hello", probe.ref) probe.expectMessage(Echo.Pong("hello")) } } }
- Java
Then you also need to configure the CapturingAppender
and CapturingAppenderDelegate
in src/test/resources/logback-test.xml
source<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.ThresholdFilter">
<pattern>[%date{ISO8601}] [%level] [%logger] [%marker] [%thread] - %msg MDC: {%mdc}%n</pattern>
Logging from tests are silenced by this appender. When there is a test failure
the captured logging events are flushed to the appenders defined for the logger.
<appender name="CapturingAppender" class="" />
The appenders defined for this CapturingAppenderDelegate logger are used
when there is a test failure and all logging events from the test are
flushed to these appenders.
<logger name="" >
<appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>
<root level="DEBUG">
<appender-ref ref="CapturingAppender"/>