Classic Cluster Singleton
Akka Classic pertains to the original Actor APIs, which have been improved by more type safe and guided Actor APIs. Akka Classic is still fully supported and existing applications can continue to use the classic APIs. It is also possible to use the new Actor APIs together with classic actors in the same ActorSystem, see coexistence. For new projects we recommend using the new Actor API.
For the full documentation of this feature and for new projects see Cluster Singleton.
Module info
To use Cluster Singleton, you must add the following dependency in your project:
- sbt
val AkkaVersion = "2.6.21" libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-tools" % AkkaVersion
- Maven
- Gradle
Project Info: Akka Cluster Tools (classic) | |
Artifact | com.typesafe.akka
JDK versions | Adopt OpenJDK 8 Adopt OpenJDK 11 |
Scala versions | 2.13.8, 2.12.16, 3.1.2 |
JPMS module name | |
License | |
Readiness level | Supported, Lightbend Subscription provides support
Since 2.3.0, 2014-03-05
Home page | |
API documentation | |
Forums | |
Release notes | blog |
Issues | Github issues |
Sources | |
For the full documentation of this feature and for new projects see Cluster Singleton - Introduction.
The cluster singleton pattern is implemented by akka.cluster.singleton.ClusterSingletonManager
. It manages one singleton actor instance among all cluster nodes or a group of nodes tagged with a specific role. ClusterSingletonManager
is an actor that is supposed to be started as early as possible on all nodes, or all nodes with specified role, in the cluster. The actual singleton actor is started by the ClusterSingletonManager
on the oldest node by creating a child actor from supplied Props
. ClusterSingletonManager
makes sure that at most one singleton instance is running at any point in time.
You can access the singleton actor by using the provided akka.cluster.singleton.ClusterSingletonProxy
, which will route all messages to the current instance of the singleton. The proxy will keep track of the oldest node in the cluster and resolve the singleton’s ActorRef
by explicitly sending the singleton’s actorSelection
message and waiting for it to reply. This is performed periodically if the singleton doesn’t reply within a certain (configurable) time. Given the implementation, there might be periods of time during which the ActorRef
is unavailable, e.g., when a node leaves the cluster. In these cases, the proxy will buffer the messages sent to the singleton and then deliver them when the singleton is finally available. If the buffer is full the ClusterSingletonProxy
will drop old messages when new messages are sent via the proxy. The size of the buffer is configurable and it can be disabled by using a buffer size of 0.
See Cluster Singleton - Potential problems to be aware of.
An Example
Assume that we need one single entry point to an external system. An actor that receives messages from a JMS queue with the strict requirement that only one JMS consumer must exist to make sure that the messages are processed in order. That is perhaps not how one would like to design things, but a typical real-world scenario when integrating with external systems.
Before explaining how to create a cluster singleton actor, let’s define message classes and their corresponding factory methods which will be used by the singleton.
- Scala
- Java
public class TestSingletonMessages { public static class UnregistrationOk {} public static class End {} public static class Ping {} public static class Pong {} public static class GetCurrent {} public static UnregistrationOk unregistrationOk() { return new UnregistrationOk(); } public static End end() { return new End(); } public static Ping ping() { return new Ping(); } public static Pong pong() { return new Pong(); } public static GetCurrent getCurrent() { return new GetCurrent(); } }
On each node in the cluster you need to start the ClusterSingletonManager
and supply the Props
of the singleton actor, in this case the JMS queue consumer.
- Scala
- Java
final ClusterSingletonManagerSettings settings = ClusterSingletonManagerSettings.create(system).withRole("worker"); system.actorOf( ClusterSingletonManager.props( Props.create(Consumer.class, () -> new Consumer(queue, testActor)), TestSingletonMessages.end(), settings), "consumer");
Here we limit the singleton to nodes tagged with the "worker"
role, but all nodes, independent of role, can be used by not specifying withRole
We use an application specific terminationMessage
(i.e. TestSingletonMessages.end()
message) to be able to close the resources before actually stopping the singleton actor. Note that PoisonPill
is a perfectly fine terminationMessage
if you only need to stop the actor.
Here is how the singleton actor handles the terminationMessage
in this example.
- Scala
- Java
.match(End.class, message -> queue.tell(UnregisterConsumer.class, getSelf())) .match( UnregistrationOk.class, message -> { stoppedBeforeUnregistration = false; getContext().stop(getSelf()); }) .match(Ping.class, message -> getSender().tell(TestSingletonMessages.pong(), getSelf()))
With the names given above, access to the singleton can be obtained from any cluster node using a properly configured proxy.
- Scala
- Java
ClusterSingletonProxySettings proxySettings = ClusterSingletonProxySettings.create(system).withRole("worker"); ActorRef proxy = system.actorOf( ClusterSingletonProxy.props("/user/consumer", proxySettings), "consumerProxy");
A more comprehensive sample is available in the tutorial named Distributed workers with Akka and Java!.
For the full documentation of this feature and for new projects see Cluster Singleton - configuration.
There are two actors that could potentially be supervised. For the consumer
singleton created above these would be:
- Cluster singleton manager e.g.
which runs on every node in the cluster - The user actor e.g.
which the manager starts on the oldest node
The Cluster singleton manager actor should not have its supervision strategy changed as it should always be running. However it is sometimes useful to add supervision for the user actor. To accomplish this add a parent supervisor actor which will be used to create the ‘real’ singleton instance. Below is an example implementation (credit to this StackOverflow answer)
- Scala
- Java
import; import; import; import; import; public class SupervisorActor extends AbstractActor { final Props childProps; final SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy; final ActorRef child; SupervisorActor(Props childProps, SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy) { this.childProps = childProps; this.supervisorStrategy = supervisorStrategy; this.child = getContext().actorOf(childProps, "supervised-child"); } @Override public SupervisorStrategy supervisorStrategy() { return supervisorStrategy; } @Override public Receive createReceive() { return receiveBuilder().matchAny(msg -> child.forward(msg, getContext())).build(); } }
And used here
- Scala
- Java
import; import; import akka.cluster.singleton.ClusterSingletonManager; import akka.cluster.singleton.ClusterSingletonManagerSettings;
return getContext() .system() .actorOf( ClusterSingletonManager.props( Props.create( SupervisorActor.class, () -> new SupervisorActor(props, supervisorStrategy)), PoisonPill.getInstance(), ClusterSingletonManagerSettings.create(getContext().system())), name = name);
For the full documentation of this feature and for new projects see Cluster Singleton - Lease.