Class Effects$

  • public class Effects$
    extends java.lang.Object
    Factories for behavior effects for BehaviorTestKit, each effect has a suitable equals and can be used to compare actual effects to expected ones.
    • Field Detail

      • MODULE$

        public static final Effects$ MODULE$
        Static reference to the singleton instance of this Scala object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Effects$

        public Effects$()
    • Method Detail

      • askInitiated

        public <Req,​Res,​T> Effect.AskInitiated<Req,​Res,​T> askInitiated​(RecipientRef<Req> target,
                                                                                               scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration responseTimeout,
                                                                                               java.lang.Class<Res> responseClass)
        The behavior initiated an ask via its context. Note that the effect returned from this method should only be used for an equality comparison with the actual effect from running the behavior.
      • spawned

        public <T> Effect.Spawned<T> spawned​(Behavior<T> behavior,
                                             java.lang.String childName)
        The behavior spawned a named child with the given behavior with no specific props
      • spawned

        public <T> Effect.Spawned<T> spawned​(Behavior<T> behavior,
                                             java.lang.String childName,
                                             ActorRef<T> ref)
        The behavior spawned a named child with the given behavior with no specific props
      • spawned

        public <T> Effect.Spawned<T> spawned​(Behavior<T> behavior,
                                             java.lang.String childName,
                                             Props props)
        The behavior spawned a named child with the given behavior and specific props
      • spawned

        public <T> Effect.Spawned<T> spawned​(Behavior<T> behavior,
                                             java.lang.String childName,
                                             Props props,
                                             ActorRef<T> ref)
        The behavior spawned a named child with the given behavior and specific props
      • spawnedAnonymous

        public <T> Effect.SpawnedAnonymous<T> spawnedAnonymous​(Behavior<T> behavior)
        The behavior spawned an anonymous child with the given behavior with no specific props
      • spawnedAnonymous

        public <T> Effect.SpawnedAnonymous<T> spawnedAnonymous​(Behavior<T> behavior,
                                                               ActorRef<T> ref)
        The behavior spawned an anonymous child with the given behavior with no specific props
      • spawnedAnonymous

        public <T> Effect.SpawnedAnonymous<T> spawnedAnonymous​(Behavior<T> behavior,
                                                               Props props)
        The behavior spawned an anonymous child with the given behavior with specific props
      • stopped

        public Effect.Stopped stopped​(java.lang.String childName)
        The behavior stopped childName
      • watched

        public <T> Effect.Watched<T> watched​(ActorRef<T> other)
        The behavior started watching other, through
      • watchedWith

        public <U,​T> Effect.WatchedWith<U,​T> watchedWith​(ActorRef<U> other,
                                                                     T message)
        The behavior started watching other, through context.watchWith(other, message)
      • unwatched

        public <T> Effect.Unwatched<T> unwatched​(ActorRef<T> other)
        The behavior stopped watching other, through context.unwatch(other)
      • receiveTimeoutSet

        public <T> Effect.ReceiveTimeoutSet<T> receiveTimeoutSet​(scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration d,
                                                                 T message)
        The behavior set a new receive timeout, with message as timeout notification
      • scheduled

        public <U> Effect.Scheduled<U> scheduled​(scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration delay,
                                                 ActorRef<U> target,
                                                 U message)
        The behavior used context.schedule to schedule message to be sent to target after delay FIXME what about events scheduled through the scheduler?
      • noEffects

        public Effect.NoEffects noEffects()
        Used to represent an empty list of effects - in other words, the behavior didn't do anything observable