Class Adapter$

  • public class Adapter$
    extends java.lang.Object
    Adapters between typed and classic actors and actor systems. The underlying ActorSystem is the classic ActorSystem which runs Akka Behavior on an emulation layer. In this system typed and classic actors can coexist.

    These methods make it possible to create a child actor from classic parent actor, and the opposite classic child from typed parent. watch is also supported in both directions.

    There are also converters (toTyped, toClassic) between classic ActorRef and ActorRef, and between classic ActorSystem and ActorSystem.

    • Field Detail

      • MODULE$

        public static final Adapter$ MODULE$
        Static reference to the singleton instance of this Scala object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Adapter$

        public Adapter$()
    • Method Detail

      • spawnAnonymous

        public <T> ActorRef<T> spawnAnonymous​(ActorSystem sys,
                                              Behavior<T> behavior)
        Spawn the given behavior as a child of the user actor in a classic ActorSystem. Actor default supervision strategy is to stop. Can be overridden with Behaviors.supervise.
      • spawnAnonymous

        public <T> ActorRef<T> spawnAnonymous​(ActorSystem sys,
                                              Behavior<T> behavior,
                                              Props props)
        Spawn the given behavior as a child of the user actor in a classic ActorSystem. Actor default supervision strategy is to stop. Can be overridden with Behaviors.supervise.
      • spawn

        public <T> ActorRef<T> spawn​(ActorSystem sys,
                                     Behavior<T> behavior,
                                     java.lang.String name)
        Spawn the given behavior as a child of the user actor in a classic ActorSystem. Actor default supervision strategy is to stop. Can be overridden with Behaviors.supervise.
      • spawn

        public <T> ActorRef<T> spawn​(ActorSystem sys,
                                     Behavior<T> behavior,
                                     java.lang.String name,
                                     Props props)
        Spawn the given behavior as a child of the user actor in a classic ActorSystem. Actor default supervision strategy is to stop. Can be overridden with Behaviors.supervise.
      • spawnAnonymous

        public <T> ActorRef<T> spawnAnonymous​(ActorContext ctx,
                                              Behavior<T> behavior)
        Spawn the given behavior as a child of the user actor in a classic ActorContext. Actor default supervision strategy is to stop. Can be overridden with Behaviors.supervise.
      • spawnAnonymous

        public <T> ActorRef<T> spawnAnonymous​(ActorContext ctx,
                                              Behavior<T> behavior,
                                              Props props)
        Spawn the given behavior as a child of the user actor in a classic ActorContext. Actor default supervision strategy is to stop. Can be overridden with Behaviors.supervise.
      • spawn

        public <T> ActorRef<T> spawn​(ActorContext ctx,
                                     Behavior<T> behavior,
                                     java.lang.String name)
        Spawn the given behavior as a child of the user actor in a classic ActorContext. Actor default supervision strategy is to stop. Can be overridden with Behaviors.supervise.
      • spawn

        public <T> ActorRef<T> spawn​(ActorContext ctx,
                                     Behavior<T> behavior,
                                     java.lang.String name,
                                     Props props)
        Spawn the given behavior as a child of the user actor in a classic ActorContext. Actor default supervision strategy is to stop. Can be overridden with Behaviors.supervise.
      • props

        public <T> Props props​(Creator<Behavior<T>> behavior,
                               Props deploy)
        Wrap Behavior in a classic Props, i.e. when spawning a typed child actor from a classic parent actor. This is normally not needed because you can use the extension methods spawn and spawnAnonymous with a classic ActorContext, but it's needed when using typed actors with an existing library/tool that provides an API that takes a classic Props parameter. Cluster Sharding is an example of that.
      • props

        public <T> Props props​(Creator<Behavior<T>> behavior)
        Wrap Behavior in a classic Props, i.e. when spawning a typed child actor from a classic parent actor. This is normally not needed because you can use the extension methods spawn and spawnAnonymous with a classic ActorContext, but it's needed when using typed actors with an existing library/tool that provides an API that takes a classic Props parameter. Cluster Sharding is an example of that.