Class ShardedDaemonProcessSettings

  • public final class ShardedDaemonProcessSettings
    extends java.lang.Object
    Not for user constructions, use factory methods to instantiate.
    • Method Detail

      • fromConfig

        public static ShardedDaemonProcessSettings fromConfig​(com.typesafe.config.Config config)
        Load settings from a specific config location.
      • keepAliveInterval

        public scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration keepAliveInterval()
      • role

        public scala.Option<java.lang.String> role()
      • keepAliveFromNumberOfNodes

        public int keepAliveFromNumberOfNodes()
      • keepAliveThrottleInterval

        public scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration keepAliveThrottleInterval()
      • withKeepAliveInterval

        public ShardedDaemonProcessSettings withKeepAliveInterval​(scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration keepAliveInterval)
        Scala API: The interval each parent of the sharded set is pinged from each node in the cluster.

        Note: How the sharded set is kept alive may change in the future meaning this setting may go away.

      • withKeepAliveInterval

        public ShardedDaemonProcessSettings withKeepAliveInterval​(java.time.Duration keepAliveInterval)
        Java API: The interval each parent of the sharded set is pinged from each node in the cluster.

        Note: How the sharded set is kept alive may change in the future meaning this setting may go away.

      • withShardingSettings

        public ShardedDaemonProcessSettings withShardingSettings​(ClusterShardingSettings shardingSettings)
        Specify sharding settings that should be used for the sharded daemon process instead of loading from config. Some settings can not be changed (remember-entitites and related settings, passivation, number-of-shards), changing those settings will be ignored.
      • withRole

        public ShardedDaemonProcessSettings withRole​(java.lang.String role)
        Specifies that the ShardedDaemonProcess should run on nodes with a specific role. If the role is not specified all nodes in the cluster are used. If the given role does not match the role of the current node the the ShardedDaemonProcess will not be started.
      • withKeepAliveFromNumberOfNodes

        public ShardedDaemonProcessSettings withKeepAliveFromNumberOfNodes​(int keepAliveFromNumberOfNodes)
        Keep alive messages from this number of nodes.
      • withKeepAliveThrottleInterval

        public ShardedDaemonProcessSettings withKeepAliveThrottleInterval​(scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration keepAliveThrottleInterval)
        Scala API: Keep alive messages are sent with this delay between each message.
      • withKeepAliveThrottleInterval

        public ShardedDaemonProcessSettings withKeepAliveThrottleInterval​(java.time.Duration keepAliveThrottleInterval)
        Java API: Keep alive messages are sent with this delay between each message.